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hydromorphone (dilaudid) and oxymorphone (opana) addictive as oxycontin?

I've been reading posts in here and it seems alot of people are/were addicted to vicoden/lortab/norco and oxycontin, but I haven't read about anyone being addicted to dilaudid or oxymorphone.  Are 2 drugs considered as addictive as oxycontin?  I'm asking because my g/f's pain doctor might switch her from methadone to one of these.  She doesnt abuse her methadone at all, she has no desire, but I have seen her take excessive amounts of oxycontin in the past. Thanks!
36 Responses
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I was recently switched to oxymrphone from oxycodone.  Right away I noticed feelings of depression, weak legs, headache, loose bowel, significant sleepiness, and less tolerance for pain.

Could I be experiencing both the withdrawal from Oxycodone and the effects of Oxymorphone?
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8976007 tn?1413330650
fentanyl offers the best pain relief i have had and does NOT cause any euphoria or high feelings, it just makes the pain go down.  not to zero pain, nothing will do that.
for me though, fentanyl started to cause adrenal insufficiency and so i had to stop taking it.  it doesn't cause that with everyone.  
if they say there is only a 7% chance of a side effect happening, then it will happen for me, but if you want something that is going to take your  pain down A LOT then fentanyl is for you.  it is a BEAR to come off of, but for some reason doctors don't mind prescribing that forever.
my doctor actually tried talking me back into taking it again today.  tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since i took off my patch and i never want to feel that again
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I feel the same way as you do, bye bye pain hello happiness. To a point my husband says I'm not the same and he just wants his wife back. So I'm getting of my opana but scared not so much of withdrawals but of dealing with my pain that is real and cause by a birth defect and a chronic illness. But I refuse to loose my husband when I know there has to be something out there that is strong enough to handle my pain but not strong enough to alter my realality. Anyone have any suggestions?
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I agree about Opana.  They are wicked.  I broke my neck age 15, have had numerous surgeries, been on pain meds for 40 years.  Oxys, morphine, Dilaudid, yet no other drug ever caused me to feel w/d and detox symptoms between doses, like Opana.  Found out the hard way about being separated from my Opana script at dose time.  I also found out why they say "cold turkey"; it's because your skin actually gets cold and those little bumps just like a turkey!
The withdrawals from Opana scare me and I do not like being so at the mercy of such a harsh mistress.  Plus, Opana has ruined Oxys, morphine, Dilaudid, and all my old faves, for me.  If I try to take another drug instead of Opana, I barely feel them.   Now, Opana does provide the best pain relief I have ever experienced.  However, I am seriously considering going through detox, through my doctor, to get off Opanas.
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There are 2 components to the addictive nature of opioids.

1-Euphoria, sense of well-being, etc.

2-The speed of onset of the drug, ex: Injection vs. Oral

Oxycodone produces more euphoria and a faster onset of action!
So, if you compare oral Dilaudid to Oxycodone, without question,
Dilaudid(Hydromorphone)IR is less addictive than Oxycodone IR(Percocet).
Even correct dosage of Oxycodone produces ''Morphine-like'' Euphoria

With that said; Dilaudid(Hydromorphone) is more than twice as potent as Oxycodone and if a person injects Hydromorphone it too is highly addictive!
Oxymorphone seems to be somewhere in between the two... When the goal ideally is to obtain pain relief without excessive euphoria Oxycodone is not the ticket but, like morphine, sometimes these are considered desirable side-effects.

People with a legitimate need for these medications on an ongoing basis and want to minimize addictive potential should therefore opt for a slow release Hydromorphone, better than Hydromorphone IR. ((Jurnista))*

My 20 years of experience as a patient anyway!
Good luck!
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First 2 days you may have nausea enough to throw up. Dont eat or drink anything -sip water. after 2 days (me anyway) nausea gone. I take this for degenerative disc disease (3 discs gone so far -extreme pain) Also take oxymorphone for breaktrough pain & xanax for the anxiety of having this awful disease. I have no desire to have these to get high, they allow me to get across a room without fainting from pain. The nausea is temporary and both times I thought I was goona throw up, till I got to bathroom, that was gone. It takes my pain away & thats what Im after. No feelings of wanting to take more & more. Hope this helps
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I just switched to 10 mg Opana ER from 30 mg Oxycotin 2x daily. I also take 8 Norco for breakthrough pain. Severe lower back pain. Seems to that the Opana doesn't have enough "lift" compared to OC. Is it the dosage or structure of the drug ? Doc said to give it 2 weeks to compare. Have had constipation issues with the oxycodone. Seem a little more tired with the Opana as well. Any thoughts
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I have had the same problems at work except withoc so they change me over to this opana er today. If your back is that bad try RFL treatments they have been helpful to me
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I take 160mg/day Opana 40er morning and night also 6 10s as needed. I think that if you can take that much oxycodone and take care of that kind of business I have no doubt that you'd be able to handle the Opana just not sure that you'll prefer it. I say try it and the worst that can happen is you switch back. Nobody can tell you if you'll pass out at work except you after you try it. It may be the miracle drug that you so desparately need to function pain free all day. By the way, howd it go?? I just realized Im a couple weeks late...
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I always found opana to be similar to oxycodone in terms of the 'high.' It is kind of stimulating at first, but then it makes you start to nod off. It also lasts a lot longer than oxycodone. Thats just my experiences though.
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I am on 80 mg Oxycontin ER 3 times a day, and 30 mg Percocet IR 4 times a day, for a total of 360 mg a day. My Doc just switched me to 60 mg Opana 2 times a day (2 30s in the morning and 2 at night), and kept me on the 4  30g Percs for breakthrough pain. I also take 2 10mg Value before bed, Skelaxin 800mg 3 times per day, Ambien 10mg or Temazapam 30mg before bed, Lyrica 150mg 3 times a day, and several other drugs.  All this from a horrible motorcycle accident at 60+ mph. I'm not an addict. Just use for pain relief. My question is: the Oxys and Percs keep you "perky" and give you energy. Will the Opana make me be passing out at work, especially in conjunction with the muscle relaxers and Lyrica? I can't afford this, as I run a business with over 5,000 of employees. I need to be perky and energized, not sedated. Can someone offer the answer, as I may begin using the Opana 120mg per day Monday and stop the Oxycontin 240mg per day. Thank you!
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Before you post,,why don't you look at the date of this thread. I believe you missed them by at least 365 days....Whoever it is you are directing profound language toward....
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I'm sorry, but I HAVE to vent! You a$$holes are the very reason that people like me have a hard time getting Drs to treat our LEGITIMATE chronic pain (mine is RSD). So here's a BIG KMA to jerks like you and your wife!
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TO: PANAKING       Your response is inappropriate.  I know you are new to the forum so please read the forum guidelines.
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Hello.  I have been taking Lortab 10/500 mg 6x a day and sometimes 7 or 8 per day.  With taking percocets for breakthrough pain 2x a day.  Now, the regular doc has moved me to pain clinic.  He took everything away and gave me a script of opana er 20mg.  I am soooo scared.  I have an addictive behavior already.  I have L4 herniation, L5 ruptured, S1 herniated and ruptured, and all three dessiccated.  I have fibromyalgia, myofascitis, and myositis also.  I have really been through the ringer with a bunch of pain injections, and now a doctor wants me to move to opana er.  I need to know what the feeling is going to be.  My pain tolerance is HIGH and I mean HIGH!  Is this gonna like whack me out??? Am I gonna be able to be a mom and wife??? Like can anyone HELP ME PLEASE!  I don't do this for a buzz at all.....seriously.  I just want some relief.  But, do not want to be out of it...........Any suggestions out there????????  Thanks.
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Opana (Oxymorphone) is much more addictive than Oxycodone based pills and Oxycontin.  If you haven't done Opana, don't start, I've been addicted for months and I used to take Percocet which is Oxycodone based and I easily got off of it without problems, but when only Opana was available and I started taking it, I can't get off, the withdrawal is beyond hell.  Plus your tolerance for it grows incredibly fast so don't take it.  I'd say even taking like ten of ten milligram Percocets is much safer and better than starting to take one Opana.  Hope this helps.
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I have to disagree with you Roximan.  I have taken both O.C. and O.M. many times.  I am a chronic pain sufferer myself and recieve Opana 10mg (which I take 15mg every 4-6 hours).   I have taken these pills and been able to inject them.  The  withdrawal is by far much worse coming off the opana the the oxycontin.   In fact,  I have used oxycodone intranasally as a way to step down from the opana so I dont feel like death withdrawling.  If you think about it this way, Percocet which contains oxycodone used to be a schedule III narcotic (yes it has APAP in it which the feds figured would cut down on abuse), but Opana has always been a schedule II drug.   Opana is closer to addictive potential to dilaudid & morphine then Oxycodone in my experience.  And Dilaudid, even when it is mixed with other things (Dilaudid cough syrup) is and has always been schedule II.  To think of it another way, Opana largest size is 40mg.  Oxycontin was 160mg and is now 80mg I believe (it was too easy to circumvent the time release and people died)
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OPANA is not nearly as addicting as OXY. The pill was designed to have less Euphoria and more for actually pain and does not yield the same results as OXY when abused. IMO.
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I am on opana IR 10mg 4 times a day and fentanyl 75mcg patch i find the opana to do little to nothing after about a month of taking it...does anyone know if suboxone will lower the amount of meds needed to treat the pain as im already on really high does...just recently i missplaced the opana for a week and got the sickest i had ever been in my life..I found the opana again today thank god and the withdrawl stopped immeadiately...i want to go on lower doses but still want same relief..will suboxone lower my tolerance?
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Hello, I am a addict. And I am addicted to Oxy Contin, this is the strongest drug I have ever done, other then opana " and by the  way **** OPANA!! I was sick as a dog after taking that ****, thought I was goin die. My next door neighbor sells oxy and we have gotton to be good friends and she and my wife are really close, my wife had never touched any kind of drug in her life until all us started hanging out on the weekends, she busted out a rail and told my wife to do it that it would make her feel good " and wouldn't hurt her" and that it was lortab my wife done it and has been hooked ever since. I think it's the fact of not wanting to get or b sick that keeps us getting more and more, which she has subs also so it's not that bad when she runs out of the oc. We were off the **** for a good 3 mths and we had a Halloween party which is my wife's b-day and she busted out lines 4 everyone and that got us hooked again!! She tends to do that alot "give us free lines and if your an addict then your not goin turn it down with it right in your face if you know what i mean? I think if we had a handy supply of subs and moved away from her we could get off of it, which I would love to do. Any thoughts?  
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775302 tn?1253100505
I'm on Opana IR 10 mg 4 times a day and Kadian ER 80 mg 2 times daily due to chronic Pain issues and I've found they really work the best for me with the fewest side effect, the worst of which is cold sweats and shakiness, but when used properly in the doeses prescribed and swallowed whole. They really are a godsend and allow me to work my 50 hour a week job and raise my daughter and be a good wife to my husband, The potential for abuse is there with anything I mean think about it, If there were no drugs available people would stand in their front yards spinning until they fell down, It is human nature to want to feel different and better. and unfortunaltey we want to feel that way all the time, especially people with addictive personatilites. I hope eveyone who needs narcotics to sustain their daily lives, finds what they need. Best of luck to all.

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not that i would, but is there a BIG diferance in snorting the opana ir compared to opana er due to the TIMERx in it? i know that chewing the opana er dont make that much differance because it turnes into a big clump of gel anyway. any info?
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By the way, do research people. Everyone tends to want to be a doctor in these rooms. Fact check the previous info if you wish. I have tried all moderate to severe pain medicines. Fentanyl, methadone, and oxymorphone(opana), in no particular order are absolutely the strongest. Quite similar to the effects of heroin to be honest. I'm not afraid to admit it. I have tried them all, but I tend to favor Opana IR. It turned my pain into just another word. And uhh yeah, turned my reality into a pleasant dream. Sorry, I don't mean to make these narcotics sound glamorous.
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Ok so oxymorphone has is synthesized using an oxidized phospate method = well... stronger than hydro anything. One is a derivative of morphine and the other a derivative of codiene which also = well sh*t... codiene is only 1/3 the strength of morphine. So let me break it down like this: oxymorphone is about 2 to 3 times stronger than oxycodone. Also, oxymorphone, especially in its instant release package, has a considerably stronger punch than hydromorphone. Honestly, you probably couldn't even get diacetylmorphine(HEROIN) on the streets that is more potent. Money rules the world people. Pharmaceutical companies bought their rights to sell dope legally. God bless us all.
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