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new here, anyone here on methadone maintaince?

hi all, is anyone here on methadone for getting off drugs?  i had tried everything to get off pills only to fail and fail again.  then i went to methadone and have been on it for almost 2 years.  i couldn't see my life any other way at this point and time.  i do have chronic pain issues, but the methadone does nothing for my pain.  some people do use methadone for chronic pain.  maybe it's all those years of abusing pain pills, i don't know.  i really need to get to a dr. for my pain issues.  funny how when i was getting my pain pills from drs. i couldn't wait to get to the dr. but now...i could care less about going.  even tho i'm in pain and all i'm not sapose to take any narcs coz of the meth, so why go.  but my back has gotten so bad that i can't walk without a walker, and i hate it.  i have no insurance so i feel bad taking any money out for me.  i already pay $168. a month for my meth.  thats a far cry from the $100. a day habit i had before.  but still, i guess i have alot of guilt there with the money thing.  i put my family threw hell, and then some.  but they stuck by my side, and they are behind me 100%, and they are proud of me.  i haven't cheated on this meth.  but, sometimes i want to.  some times i'll just break down and cry like a baby.  weird!  well, i'm going on and on here, just want to know if anyone out there can relate?  thanks!  p.s. sorry about spelling mistakes, but i can't spell for sh**!!
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To Thomas03:  I am not sure If I am posting correctly, but just wanted to say thanks for responding to my comment.  It's nice to be able to communicate with someone who truly understands.  I am really really scared.  I have a good life and feel sad that I have fell to this.  My husband does not understand as he hasn't ever been in my shoes.  He travels all the time and basically I feel like a single mom with an addiction problem.  I don't want my baby girl to suffer from this.  This is why it's difficult for me to bite the bullet.  I feel so bad that I am afraid I will not take as good of care of her if I try to quit cold turkey.  It is consuming my every thought.  I have a good job and I can't even concentrate at work anymore wondering where or how I am going to get some more.  Do you know if I go to rehab through my company insurance if anyone would find out about it?  Are you clean or trying?  I thought about trying the detox program folks are talking about in the forum.  I will have to go back and look up the name.  It's the one with B6 and various vitamins along with valium.  Of course, I don't know where I would get the valium, but I am willing to try it.  It's very difficult to have these in your possession and not take them!  It makes me feel like everything is going just fine until I start coming down and/or looking at my finances or watching my little girl sleep.  Gosh, I just hate it..hate it ...hate it.  It makes me want to scream!  Any way, sorry, didn't mean for this to be so long.  Thank you again I appreciate you taking the time with me.
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Welcome to the forum.

You may or may not find it comforting that your Lortab story is just about everyone's, including your horror of withdrawal. When I first became addicted to Vicodin/Lortab (back in horse and buggy days), withdrawal was brutal and scary. I wasn't prepared for it and I didn't understand what was happening, how long it would last, or what to do about it. There's also an intense psychological factor to Lortab withdrawal. Believe me, we all know what you're feeling.

I suppose you can do one of 4 things: keep using Lortabs, taper off of them over a month or so, do a cold turkey detox lasting about a week, or go to rehab (in-house or out-patient).

I get the idea that you can't continue to use as you are now. You don't sound ready to go cold turkey. You don't sound in charge enough to taper (I couldn't taper to save my life). So, that leaves some form of rehab (in- or out-patient).

Since you have a 7-month old to care for, perhaps an out-patient setting would work for you. They will give you some meds to help with withdrawal, dole out your Lortabs daily and provide some counciling. Of course, it's up to you not to buy more off the street. And your chances of success, I think, would be better if you had someone to help out with the youngster. You know, most of us are shamed by our addiction, and it is shame that keeps us using, isolated from friends, family and help. Shame perpetuates addiction while never motivating anyone to do anything constructive.

'Fact is, what happened to you can happen to anyone and will happen to many. You became addicted to Lortabs because you're human, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Let us know how you're doing.


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Hi, this is my first visit and even though it's anonymous, I am still very nervous about admitting this.  I don't want to sound like little miss goody, but I have never had a problem with any kind of drug and I don't drink at all.  I started taking Loratab 10's a couple of years ago for various medical conditions.  I now buy them from friends and I just can't believe it.  I take whatever I can afford and what I can't afford.  I have depleted my savings, charged up my credit cards etc., I am so scared and I don't know what to do.  I have a husband and a 7 month old baby girl and I know that I have a very serious problem.  I told my husband and he now thinks for the third time that I am weaning myself off and actually gives me 1 1/2 per day, but of course I had about 10-20 to that number depending on what I can get my hands on.  I have tried to do the cold turkey thing, but oh my god!  I don't have any family here, so I don't have a baby sitter for my little girl and my husband travels all the time.  I really, really want to quit, but I can't even seem to slow down without getting severely depressed and the physical part of it is overwhelming.  I can't even function at work if I don't have them.  I do not want my family, friends or co-workers to know about this.  I mentioned it to my dr., and he pretty much just blew me off.  Wonder why they don't want to help you?  It's nice to hear from others who are suffering from the same thing.  when I am low, or when I haven't had any for 3 hours or more, I don't want to talk to anyone!  It's just awlful.  I have read about the clonodine and valium and meth, but I am scared that I will be trading one addiction for another and I don't want that either.  I don't know how insurance works with things like this, but if I could go to rehab, I would.  I could talk for hours about this and I know I am looking for some sort of miracle pill that would put me back to my happy self before I discovered this darn things.  Maybe in writing and admitting, it will help me feel better.  Good luck to all, scared friend.
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Hey Mandy...
Got your email, it was great hearing from ya. Glad you are back, missed ya.  Thanks for your kind words on my daily struggle to recover.  I hope that I am doing as well as everyone seems to think I am.  I do know that I have gotten so very much help and support from everyone here and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.  It has been a long difficult journey for me but I will prevail!!!!

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Hi Sharon,
I already emailed you.But i was reading your posts and i couldnt help but post to you so I could let you know how great I think your doing!!!!!!!!4 mg. WOW!!!!!!That is so awesome.Keep up the great work.You are definately an inspiration to those struggling.i've been out of the loop for a while.But I'm back,ready to kick but and take names.Your success makes me think I can do it this time.Keep in touch-I am so proud of you girl!

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Hey bud,
Its really great to have you back!You were missed.I hope you got all the politics worked out,and you can express yourself freely.After all this is the great land of the free!!!!!!!!!!Well it sounds like your doing great.I was out of commision for a while,but I'M BACK BABY!!!!Ya know what they say the good,the bad and the ugly.Anyway I tried to email you but it was sent back to me stating you are an unknown user.i used the same address i emailed you before.So if you have a new email address let me know-***@**** I'll talk 2 u soon.Keep up the good work.

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hello everyone, well i finally got to go to the dr yesterday.  he was my dr for years.  he knew i was on mmt and he don't look down on me for it.  i used to get lortab from him.  and of course i had to ask him for some yesterday!  (man what the hell is wrong with me!!!)  thank god he said no!  he gave me some neurontin 600mg.  he told me he has another patient that has stenosis and that he couldn't even walk across the room, he put him on this neurontin and now this man can walk again.  wow!!!  if this works for me i will be so very happy indeed!!  i so much want my life back!  to be able to walk again without pain and without a walker!  man i just can't beleave it!!  i want to find out as much as i can on this drug.  my dr said it takes away all pain, wow!!  if that is true then why isn't everyone on it?  if any of you have any info on this med would you please post it here?  thank you in advance.  also i'll let you all know how it's working on me.  take care all, i've got to go, angela
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Hi Methman, Thanks for the quick response. I have been using Methadone regularly for about one year (six months of which has been tapering).I get my meth off the street in wafer form. I had over five years totally clean (and feeling great)from a $400 a day iv Dilauidid habit. I used Methadone to detox from the K4s in rehab. Thankfully, I wasn't exposed to the clinic enviornment due to other addicts in detox telling me "YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THERE !!" Everything was fine until two years ago. I went to the dentist and got Loratab 7.5s (I didn't even use them until I had a pulled muscle months later) Well my brain must have said "Hello old friend, where have you been?" Since that time I've been using 7.5s and 10s on a recreational level with a little Methadone in case the Loratab got away from me. Well you can probably guess what happened next, the Methadone got away! I have been up to 160mg. a day but now I'm down to 50mg.a day and thought that was pretty good until I read some of you alls posts of down to two or three mgs. And now I'm wondering how I'm going to get such a low level breaking wafers? I'm also starting to consider going to the rapid detox. Thanks for all of your input. BD
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There are a few people here that have tried the rapid detox,I don't know of any real success with it.  I think it is dangerous, and I myself would never try it. In my opinion I see it as a quick way for anesthesiologists to make some big bucks at our expense & suffering!!

Sharon (don't recommend it)
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Thanks for the quick reply. The other option is to try the Rapid Detox program. Does anyone have any pros/cons on this approach.
Thanks, BD
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Hey Bud..
Oxic asked me to respond to you regarding your desire to rid yourself of Methadone and when to start the Thomas Recipe.
My meth dose was 60 for years. When I started tapering, I really didn't do as bad as I thought I would.  Even at levels under 10mgs, I felt fatigued and weak, but nothing that really was very dibilitating.  Under 5mgs, I went 1mg per day down to zero.  The first day of not having ANY methadone, I didn't feel too bad, just a bit roughed up.  That night is when the full detox got rough.  No sleep, restless leg thing going on, aches, etc.
About three days of this hell, I found this place and the Thomas recipe.  The hardest part of starting it was getting up the strength to get to the store to get the stuff.  Once I started it, I began to feel better within about 48 hours.  Not great mind you, but better.
Two things I can tell you.  If I knew about the Thomas recipe earlier, I believe I could have saved myself from undue suffering early on.  I would have started it at the 5mg level, maybe even earlier.  That way, the regimen would have had time to start helping me before D-day.
The second thing is that you are gonna feel rough for about 10 days, but there is an end to it.  It won't feel like it will end, but if you hang strong, you will beat it.
I've got about 5 months between me and methadone now.  Every day gets better and better.  Believe me... it's worth the stretch.
Looking back, I think I deceived myself a little bit.  I thought that at some point, suddenly I would be "fixed".  That I would feel great and all that hell would be behind me.
I can save you that self-imposed hell by telling you that it is not that way at all. Each day when you get up, look yourself in the mirror and marvel in your victory.  Even though I didn't opt for the traditional 12 step thing, there is truth in the phrase "One day at a time."  As modern human beings, we want to take a pill and wake up to find everything is fixed.  Unfortunately, as many other things in life are, methadone addiction (or dependence) is not that way.  I can remember the beginning of this journey I'm on.  I remember the hell, the tough spots, the fractured hope.  But above all, I remember the help I received here that are the cornerstones of my success.
You're in the right place my friend.  And you are better than this evil you didn't ask to be a part of.

All the best,
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I found a post from Methman back in November, so i copied and pasted it for you in the interim.  Hope something in it helps my friend!!!

C38 MethMan
(15-Nov-02)  DGirl Hey... Been there... actually am there. I've only stopped my methadone habit 12 days now. There are far wiser folk than I here that will JUMP to help you just like they did me.

Email is cool and all, but to be honest, please try the forum first. It's also a pretty good idea to post at the top, even if the subject is not Methadone. That's where most of the posting seems to be going on. No one ever says anything about off topic especially when they can (and do) help. Personally, my WD are still happening to me, but because of this forum, I've found an ENORMOUS amount of hope. Hope for me was something very far away for a few days and these people in this forum pulled me through. You're probably skeptical as I was about this forum. I've only been here about 10 days and they've all made me feel like family. Just like one of the good ones here said to me, you are NOT alone. And if you keep coming here, you won't EVER be.
Take a look up higher in the threads. I think I posted my daily regiment and how I felt coming off methadone under "How long will it last." If it isn't there, then let me know and I will be happy to email it to you.
Additionally, I will be happy to walk with you through each day if you need it. I am not a walking book on how it all works, just an addict in the same situation you are. But, I do have 12 days so far and will happily share what I felt each day if it helps you. For me, not knowing what to expect was a big one. But several people here responded to me and let me know just what to expect which made a big difference for me. If I too can help, I will.
To maybe be able to help you in some small way would make me feel good too. Like I said, I've only got Day 12 done and tomorrow is Day 13. After that, day 14. After the initial hammering you take coming off Methadone, the higher I seem to get. Life is starting to kick in for me after being in a damn methadone clinic for 10 years.
One thing I am curious about. You said the Methadone Clinic was putting you on a 30 day detox? Man, that is the FIRST time I have ever heard of a methadone clinic wanting to drop a customer. Whatever their motives are, GO FOR IT.
If I were you, the first thing I would do is see a Doc when the taper starts. (Not the Methadone "Doctor" that admitted you in to the wonderful Program. You know.. they guy with all the bucks?) A doctor that knows about addiction would be best. He or She will more than likely stick you on Clonidine which helps and something to help you sleep. The taper is not bad. At least it wasn't for me until I got below 5mg a day. Then, they went down 1mg per day. I did cool until about 3 mgs, then I started feeling kind of tired and weak. 2mg felt the same. So did the 1mg. At that point, I made an err in judgement and thought, "Hell, 1mg. Big deal. I can handle this." My reasoning was that 1mg was not **** and I didn't feel horrible. But once there is no Meth for the brain to play with, withdrawals become pretty tough for about the first 3 to 4 days.
Start NOW on a multi-vitamin, B Complex on top of it, 1000mg of Vitamin C, an anti-oxidant and 3 hot showers a day. This is part of the "Thomas Recipe" that was provided to me. Also, bananas work for leg cramps. When you need to drink anything, drink Gatorade to replace your electrolytes that you'll be crapping out. Plus no matter how bad you feel, get up and MOVE. Move around. Walk in circles if you have to. The first couple days, it's all you can do to get up. But if you keep moving it helps get your mind off it, plus it helps your brain start healing.
Whatever you do, if you are at a point where you want to stop, when the WD's come from methadone, DO NOT GO BACK TO H. Just hang strong and visit here a LOT. People here will pick you up and carry you past the dark spots. It worked for me as well as many others.
Hang tough girl... if I can do it, you can too.

God Bless,
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I don't remember(it was several months ago), but i have emailed Methman, to see if he can advise you.  Might take a lit'l bit.

Hang in There!!
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Hey no problem, Thanks for your quick response. I have seen this question asked several times but not responded to. Do you know what doses they were on when they implemented the "recipe"? Any info would be great!
Thanks in advance, BD
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..............sorry to cut in on your question.
Firstly, hello!!
Yes the recipe can be used for meth.!!

Two friends of mine from here(bmac and Methman) used it when they got off meth., and swore by it.

Take Care
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It seems you have it licked, congrats!! I hope to be in your shoes in the not to distant future. Do you know if the "Thomas reciepe" will work for Methadone? Thanks, BD
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I doubt very much that the clinic will push you to get off the meth sooner than you want to!!  If anything they try to keep you on longer.  As for feeling the 4mg, not really, it still keeps me from getting too sick though.

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hello sharon, yeah right now at this point and time in my life i don't even want off the mmt.  first of all i haven't even begone to get to the root of my drug problems.  why i feel i need the drugs to make it in my daily life and all.  i do thank god for methadone cause it stopped that ****** up life i did have before ya know the looking for drugs so i can be normal today ****.  and i could never find enough.  i could down 60 pills in 24hrs.  so needless to say i went threw the money.  and yes we lost everything because of me.  that's hard to live with.  but anyway, i'm happy your getting off the mmt.  and i will have to do it very slowly also....just not now...and probly not next year either.  i hope that my clinic don't make me get off before i feel i'm ready, ya know.  not really sure how all this works in the long run.  but i feel if i'm pushed to get off to soon i'll go back to the bad stuff.  and i'm sure the methadone isn't all that great to be putting in our bodies, but neither is all that tylenol i was using.  or the rush to my old heart when i shot up drugs.  sharon i was going to ask you can you feel the meth when you only take that small amount?  the 4mgs?  take care, angela
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in my experience, i would not recomend quiting methadone c/t at all. i've read here that other people did it and i am truely amazed. i did it but was not a success story. mentaly, i still feel a bit left of center..granted, my doctor didn't have a clue what he was prescribing. he gave me an incredible ammount in just six months then left the building..for those who are going for it anyway, take a good ammount of time off work and keep the bath ready at your disposal. that was the only relief i could find, a hot bath, and after a few minuts in there, i was crawling out of my skin! i had gone through w/d from other opiats but, nothing prepared me for that hell. if you are trying to quit, if you get take home, maybe stash some of it.i thought i was o.k. after 72 hours but, it just hadn't hit me yet. and when it did, pure hell! sure don't mean to sound glum about this but it just messed me up so bad. guess i'm still biter..sorry.
good luck and all the best to you all.
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At my clinic we can go once a week, but as of now thats about it. And they do give out vacation bottles for up to 2 weeks. But I could not see staying on this med for my whole life! 15 years was way long enough. I can't imagine that it would be that healthy to stay on too long.  The highest dose I was on was 65 mg. And the last few years only 30mg.  That was plenty to hold me.  Some people do have a bigger habits and need more to hold them.  I guess I was a light-weight.  

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hello, to the people on mmt, do you have to go to your clinic everyday to get your dose?  because where i live we can get on an honor thing.  like i go every monday and get my weeks worth.  i have talked to a few people at the clinic that have said this place is great cause of that, plus no lines.  plus they let you go as high a dose as you need to be to stop the withdrawls.  now once you get to 100mg you have to have this certain blood test that sees how you are motabilizing the methadone and how much you have in you 24hrs after you dose.  that's so people can't lie and say "i need more".  cause lord knows we would!  i went up to 165mg and i had to have 3 of those blood test.  i still felt i could of gone up higher.  it never did hold me the whole 24hrs.  but my last test was inconclusive.  so i just figured i'd get used to it.  anyway this may 18, will be two years on this and i will be able to get my methadone once every two weeks.  that will really be great.  i have heard of people saying that mmt sucked cause of having to go to the clinic everyday and not having a normal life cause of it.  in the begining i had to go every day, but to me it was so worth it.  way better then going threw withdrawls every few days cause i was always running out of pills.   i would never go back to that life.  but i also can not picture my life off of methadone.  sharon you have been on it for 15yrs.  that's what i want.  cause you figure when you have done drugs as long as i have i can not see me living sober.  i really don't think i'd know how.  and even with 2yrs of counsling i don't know why i let myself get hooked on drugs.  or why drugs had to be in my life at all.  i was 13 when i found my life long lover drugs, of all kinds, and i went overboard on them all.  it's a wonder i'm still around.  why is it that some people want and need drugs in there lives and others don't?  it has to be some kind of tic we have that makes us this way, ya think?  well this has turned into a book, sorry.  had to vent.  thanks, angela
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hello, to the people on mmt, do you have to go to your clinic everyday to get your dose?  because where i live we can get on an honor thing.  like i go every monday and get my weeks worth.  i have talked to a few people at the clinic that have said this place is great cause of that, plus no lines.  plus they let you go as high a dose as you need to be to stop the withdrawls.  now once you get to 100mg you have to have this certain blood test that sees how you are motabilizing the methadone and how much you have in you 24hrs after you dose.  that's so people can't lie and say "i need more".  cause lord knows we would!  i went up to 165mg and i had to have 3 of those blood test.  i still felt i could of gone up higher.  it never did hold me the whole 24hrs.  but my last test was inconclusive.  so i just figured i'd get used to it.  anyway this may 18, will be two years on this and i will be able to get my methadone once every two weeks.  that will really be great.  i have heard of people saying that mmt sucked cause of having to go to the clinic everyday and not having a normal life cause of it.  in the begining i had to go every day, but to me it was so worth it.  way better then going threw withdrawls every few days cause i was always running out of pills.   i would never go back to that life.  but i also can not picture my life off of methadone.  sharon you have been on it for 15yrs.  that's what i want.  cause you figure when you have done drugs as long as i have i can not see me living sober.  i really don't think i'd know how.  and even with 2yrs of counsling i don't know why i let myself get hooked on drugs.  or why drugs had to be in my life at all.  i was 13 when i found my life long lover drugs, of all kinds, and i went overboard on them all.  it's a wonder i'm still around.  why is it that some people want and need drugs in there lives and others don't?  it has to be some kind of tic we have that makes us this way, ya think?  well this has turned into a book, sorry.  had to vent.  thanks, angela
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In my opinion, if you are detoxing slowly you probably won't need them until you get to the single digits dose.  Thats just from my own exerience.  Once you get to those low doses though it may be able to help take some of the edge off the withdrawals.

Sharon  (just remember, the slower the better)
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I know that while your on MMT your tolerance to other opiates is very high. If you decided to go cold turkey from methadone, how long before a dose (amount?) of hydrocodone would help with the withdrawals?? Would it be better to get under 30mg. of methadone before switching?   Thanks BD
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