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oxy / hydro withdrawal after two months

Hello Everyone:
My father is nearing 78 and had knee replacement suregery three months ago. Prior to the surgery, he was taking hydrocodone for about a year...four or five a week at start and as many as four or five a day right before his surgery to relieve knee pain. Post operative, they placed him on 20mg oxycontin twice daily (w/ Darvon for breakthrough pain).

Sixteen days post operative he began to feel sick...
nausea, trembling, depression, palpitations of heart, sleeplessness. He was miserable but still took his meds as directed. On learning of his sickness, his General told him to discontinue oxy (cold) and use the Darvon for pain. He remained sick and, because his knee was still in pain, his general kept switching pain meds to try and find one that would ease knee pain but wouldn't make him sick. Finally, seven weeks after surgery, my dad decided to stop taking everything and see if his sickness would get better.

Six weeks after that, my dad is constantly ill...nausea, trembling, heart racing, and sleeplessness. He hasn't had a pain med in six weeks! Everyone he sees tells him (obviously) that it couldn't be withdrawal cause everything's been out of his system so long. But why is he sick with symptoms that so closely resemble withdrawal?

At this point, we're thinking all the drugs combined with his age, etc, have blown some sort of fuse in his neurological system. Is this possible?

Has anyone heard of a situation like this before? We're looking for some clues to get him out of his misery...he's at his wit's end.

Sorry for the long post! Thanks!

13th June off everything because he was

get off all the drugs.
Six weeks of the same symptons
72 Responses
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I am 21 and having been using percs, vics, and oxy's for 7 months i have tapered down to 1/4th an oxy 80 a day and maybe a perc 15 if i have it and i take xanex to sleep with benadryl how can i stop completly im a college baseball player and i need to get clean for the season and for the rest of my life i want to make my family proud and im ruining my life how hard is it going to be for me i went one day without it and went back cause of the pain i had what should i do someone please help me
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I understand that the suboxone has helped you , but you must be informed that suboxone is a mixed and total agonist/antagonist therefore getting off this Subutex that you so like will also be hard. As it is mixed in it's agonist antagonist actions it is hard. i.e. oxycodone is a complete agonist and naloxone is an antagonist so lets do some play here, mix one part mixed antago/agonist with an complet antagonist you will get played. henceforth ... your free for all is over.
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I saw jennys entry and decided to comment to help her get through this terrible feeling or opiate withdrawl.
I have chronic back pain and a pinched nerve in my back , and I do not need oxys, just vicoden or perks, but I had spent my last penny on buying oxys from friends. I was up to doing 5-8 30mg oxys (roxys) per day, and Finally after attempting many times I stopped and I am proud to say I am twards the end of my fourth day off them. And I hopefully will be getting perscribed something soon for my back and leg which goes numb and has shooting pains.

I would not have been able to stop If it wasnot for suboxine, that stuff is a godsend. I strongly recommend having ur doctor perscribe them to u if you already get perscribed other opiates. I was able to work and function semi normally, I still had some cold sweats and creepy crawling skin and some loose bowls, but Im hoping that will go away in the next few days, at least thats what I tell myself to get by (BTW winter is not at all a withdrawling season - it ***** too cold!) - I have been able to claw my way to the end of day 4. And IN NO WAY IS IT EASY.I constantly find myself having to think about otherthings instead of the pills just to get through the day, And I have to constantly avoid people that do them and tell them I am done with them - basically making it as hard as possible to get them as I can.

Also - I wanted to add - that suboxine is a bit of a crutch -  so If you are not really ready to quit , you will relapse. The best way is to go through some withdrawls then do some suboxine which will sprt of take them away so you can function. then as the days progress slightly decrease ur sub dose so you are feeling some withdrawls so you done have it too easy otherwise you will start again.

I wish you all the best of luck in these hard times. It either takes a really strong will , or to hit rock bottom before you get off these things., For me , it is a bit of both. Best of luck - feel free to email me at ***@****
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I have been on Percoset for well over a year now. What started out as only taking a few here and there became an everyday habit for me. I really don't want to take them anymore. I'm now taking up to 4 a day and to some that's not a lot but for me its more then a lot. I am 22 years old, married and a mother of a 2 year old girl. I am also depressed, It runs in my family and sometimes I stay up until 4  am and sleep late or wake up really early and not get enough sleep. I take the percocest because they numb my pain. I know that is a poor excuse but it is the truth. I don't know what to do and how to get clean. I don't want to take them anymore, but I also Can't go through a withdrawal. I need to be stable to take care of my little one. What can I do? I need help, Anyone have ANY advice? PLEASE HELP ME!
you can also email me at ***@**** Thanks
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hey you     gotta get to bed my eyes are crossed but you are great wonderful human,,,,gd put you here cuz e need you   look how you go out of your way to help..this poor fella freom serbia..you are going to the end of earth -to help him  you have earned your spot in heaven you you
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hey you     gotta get to bed my eyes are crossed but you are great wonderful human,,,,gd put you here cuz e need you   look how you go out of your way to help..this poor fella freom serbia..you are going to the end of earth -to help him  you have earned your spot in heaven you you
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hey there yous:
what a day. work is strangling me.my neck pain---
It would seem i've really made up some mess with our friend from
Belgrade. I talked to the wife of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Priest. -now you have at least got to see the humor in me calling
out of the blind, sayin "hi I'm a recovering drug addict that needs
a Serbian translator to talk with a junky in Belgrade!"- she was
quite calm, polite, even curious. she didn't say no-she didn't say
yes. Well anyway my running off at the mouth, PA thinks i'm a doc
and he is psyco sematic junk ****!!! honest to god i couldn't think
myself into a bigger mess. the consequence of my running off at the
mouth might actually hurt this guy! **** **** ****-- what have i done and how and will be able to set matters square. honest guys
this one got me on my blind side (it's still my fault).

mr. shitheal
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Hi,  I re-read your as it was really very early this morning when i read first tme.....I think I summed everything up in my reply to you re: mine and Wizards humor..however, I would like to make one thing clear that did in fact upset me just a bit I do not nor have  ever played any kind of "mind Jive" games...whatever I have to say to anyone comes out just the wau I mean it...i have this sort of quirk,,,i say what i feel,,and If you ask e ho I feek about smess,and I do not ever recall a conversation that I had with wizard involving you....anyway,,,,,that's about all   just keep in mind I judge no one as I expect not to be judged   LOVE TO ALL   CINDI
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I just took a peek before I leave for work here....WOW, you chase storms? What an exciting job.......I think Cin(Dorothy) explained our humor above so I won't be redundant and explain it again.....If you have followed me at all, I like most here do not have a mean bone in my body, so, any joking is strictly amongst friends here. Poking fun at anyone is not my nature. Nice to see you back posting! I've gotta run so I'll catch up later!
Power & Magick 2 U,
Peace & Light on U 2,
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so glad your off the dummy-oil. most of the siezures i've ever had were when i was using large amounts of demoral! back in the early 1970 (statute of limittations let talk about this) i did a B&Eof a "Head Ache Clinic." would you believe all i got was dummy-oil, mergan (demoral+ phenergan)and caforgot. The caforgot is some ergotimine derivitive not to be messed with ever, even if
a MD trys to give it to you ( it messes with the blood pressure
in the head). Well i spent the better part of a humid Mpls
summer shooting crank and then trying to crash with dummy oil.
I wound up trading the rest of the demoral and mepergan for guess
what? Yup injectable codiene. cna't iv, but sub-q it really did
the trick. so much for the *good old days*. i don't know how or
why i lived thru them.
hope to hear more from you!
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To be honest I forgot you are a storm chaser,,,the Dorothy thing started long before you came to the forum,,,,the WIZARD OF OZ is my my favrite movied and I often would refer to wiz as the wonderful wiz of a wiz he is,,becuz of the wonderful things he duz....and he started calling me dorothy...and we would joke about the flying monkeys and not being in kansas anymore..it was truly a joke between wiz and myself,  I a sorry if you took it any other way...please remember that the Wiz, and myself and other other people that come to this forum would ever poke fun at another person here....unless it is just that     good fun  like i call qiz the cheese qiz cuz he is the boss at work or the "big cheese"  or maybe cause he cuts the cheese to much  LOL    anyway    sorry if you took this the wrong way.....love to all   cin
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Sorry I have not written sooner, I have been so busy with other things and was sick all last week. I just now started scrolling the board today. Thanks for the advice about the Demeral. You were absolutely right. Two major seizures and a week of feeling like kah-kah were all I got out of it. I am back on the Codiene for the time being, only my doc upped the dose so I am not as tempted to abuse it. Good luck skip, you have the knowledge and experience. You could write a good book!

Wiz, hello, I missed your funny humor. Some of it is over my head or in between my times on the board. Which is the Cindy(Dorothy). I remember seeing that name when I first started back up on the board several months ago and she mentioned chasing tornadoes. Is that why cindi refers to her as Dorothy and Kansas and hot air? or is that supposed to be a joke on me because I chase typhoons? It's over my head! Be up front, I can take it!LOL!

cindi, what do you mean? If that is referring to me, be up front about it don't play mind-jive. Let's help everyone know their faults, weaknesses, strengths, good things or bad things they do or talk about. This is supposed to help everyone, not be a puzzle or guessing game. Either that or I really need to cut down on the Codiene so I can figure these things out!!!!LOL.

Anyway whatever ya-all mean, I hope ya-all are doing okay.

J.B.- I am sorry to hear about your ordeal. I already addressed that way up top. This thread is too far down, I almost didn't bother to scroll all this way but I wanted to see if I missed anything.

Have a good day everyone, and God bless.

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He called 4 times today, saw it on my caller ID. No message. The 5th time I answered. I swear I don't know what he wanted he preceded to give me a hard time, that the reason he hasn't seen or called my boys is he thought I would want him to stay away.  Excuses, excuses.  And I told him this, I am not afraid of him, he got really angry, defensive, because he just could not get a reaction from me. Somethings changed, he can't get me to fight back. But stupid me, had to put a dig in there. Told him that the girls at the Drs office said he was back on oxy's, just voluntered it. I know he will not say anything to them for fear of being cut off from the dr.  Anyway he blew up, and then HUNG UP!  I'm sure he waited for me to call back....but I just started laughing....he is losing his control over me.......So I took my kids out for dinner. How juvenile to hang up on someone who was not yelling or acusing.  People who lie, can't take being found out.....see ya guys, Love Susan
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(this thing suddenly posted for no reason. I tink it's trying to tell me to shut up !)
  As I was saying, not for the high but for how desperately I need relief from this pain at times. But it's a blessing I can't take very much without ill effects. I come from a long line of alcoholics and drug addicts. So I thank God for that. Your going to do it !!!!!
    God Bless, Kerrie
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Hi Hon. I  was so taken by your dertermination to register your son yourself with being in the middle of your detox. You see. Thats why your going to make it because your a strong and caring person. It's not just addicts that have problems with depression hon. There are days I could stay in the bed and not speak to anyone. Everyone here knows what your going through with the detox. I don't know about it personally except for what I've learned here. But Angelica and I and other chronic pain sufferers, know how addiction happens. We know it doesn't mean your a failure or anything of the sort. It eans your human. I know if it wasn't for the fact I've always gotten throwing up sick by much pain med, that I too would of crossed that line and took more than I should. Not for
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Stay strong Susan, and cindi is absoluately right with all she said... listen to her, she is an extremely smart person, and has one of the most loving hearts i've ever seen in a person...
Please try to detach from your ex completely.  No more asking about him or listening to anything about him, detach completely, it's the only way!!
Good luck sweetie, and again, i'm sorry i had to jump off the phone so quickly, i look forward to talking to you again soon.
Lv Jenny
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Oh guys! I could never be upset with any of you.  I love you all dearly.  I got obsessed again with him I know.  It was a bad day, and my exhusband called me to talk like he always does.  Then he proceeds to tell me my ex was at his house last night to have a long talk. They are on good terms with each other.  But my former husband tells me I need to go back with my ex, and stop dumping the men that love me.  My exhusband knows nothing about my ex's drug habit.  If he does I would be surprised. My exhusband is former DEA.  So that is why I got upset and the girls in the Drs office are so clueless when they tell me about him.  I think they want me to do something and that's why they tell me everything.  I think I will get a new Dr., I've lost all respect for him now.  My ex has called about giving me money but no show.  I told him I was ok, I don't want him connected to me.  He's left everything here to get at his convience. Somethings I will keep the others I will give away.  He has not said anything about getting his stuff, so it's been about 5 months. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. It's mostly junk anyway.  I see him more as he is.  I believed he was clean, I believed him that he would get better, his life better when he left. I believed for awhile it was me.  But now I know the only life that got better was mine.  I can't believe a grown man is living with his parents.  It's such a convience for him, someone told me he's just staying there until I beg him to come back home to me.  To except him, believe him, and not ask any questions.  I will not and have not.  He's got 4 kids, and he seems to be such a loser!  I don't believe it ALL has to do with the drugs.  He's always been on the Oxy's, I know that now.  He lies and lies.  I'm sure my exhusband told him I'm seeing someone else.  My exhusband wants me with my ex because it makes him feel like such a winner, and that I went down in life. Which I did. This new man is so different.  He will have maybe 3 or 4 beers in one week. He works top security clearence, so he's never done any drugs. Just normal and so nice, so far.  It makes me want to escape my past. I can't believe I gave my unconditional love to a man who took what he could from me and never gave back!  I know I am still vunerable but I do see that a 38 year old man, should not be in his situation, living at home, 4 kids, and the worst thing is he looks terrible.  His hair is sooo long, down to his waist now. He looks very unkept. I was so worried he would find someone else.  When he was on the Oxy's he had no interest in sex or anything, plus he couldn't if he wanted to, so I don't believe anythings changed there.  I will be ok, my life is definately getting better. I love all of you for being there for me, listening all these months to my tears and fears.  He can't fool me anymore, and I think he knows it. He knows I see him for what he is, and that he's diminished in my eyes. When I spoke to him the other day, he was so on guard with me, I kept it brief and said goodbye. I believe he's lost the best thing in his life, me.  He is going nowhere but downhill.........So it wasn't me, he told me he is surviving.  I will keep you posted, and Jenny I will try to call you tonight...Love you guys.....Susan
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LEA, LEA LEA !!!!  My dear One,  why would you be so upset to learn this new tidbit of info about your ex?  and please believe me, I m not belittleing you.."scolding" you or anything else.but hon,,,He has lied to you over and over and over again and I don't forsee a change in him anytime soon...do not be surprised by ANYTHING you have learned about him.....ANYTHING>>>even if you found out he has 20 wives all over the world and 40 children don't be surprised......please, give yourself a break,,,,Kerrie is right  I also, detect this overwhelming concern for him....Listen to me,,you my dear will never be happy in life or in any other relationship or even with your self until you severe everything with this man.. I have been this route...when you go to the dr...Why do you even ask about him?  and legally they should not be telling you anything about him....they are breaking confidentiality laws......If they volunteer any info about him politely tell them that you are not interested in anything he is doing this is his problem  it is not yours....Lea,,,Please do not be upset with me for saying this to you.......I have been where you are....so entirely into someone  and what was going on with him....consumed, obsessed, whatevr u want to call it......i almost lost my mind over it......actually, i almost lost everything over it.....please,,lea,,,,I care about you    severe everything with him  do not ask anybody anything....and no, you are not niave,,you are emeshed in this whole web of this man.....a very hard cycle to break,,,,,again please don't be upset by this post....you should know by now I only care..perhaps a bit too much at times but I do care.....God be with you    Love to all  cin
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Thank you sweetie for your encouragement.
I am a good mom, and no one will ever take that away from me, i know this in my heart.
I'm feeling weak today as my day of quitting comes closer.
My husband said NO TAPERING! I'm doing it cold turkey, i've been given enough time.
I'm just so very very scared!
I'm sure if things get real bad, a little 1/2 of a loracet will be allowed to ease the pain, i hope!
I have my kids' orientation next friday, smack in the middle of detox, and i have to meet their teachers.  I will do my best, and make sure that i make it through that, i have too!
What a mess!!!  I'm disappointed that i didn't do what i was supposed to while my hub was in treatment!  This addiction is one heck of a beast!!!

Thank you for the phone call today, you're a sweetie for thinking of me, especially with all that's going on in your life.
I enjoyed talking with you, and please stay strong, and don't let your ex manipulate you!
Good luck!
Lv Jenny
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Lea, I'm so glad to see your post and that your seeing someone else. But I still detect an overwhelming concern for your ex. I know you have a lot of time together but try to erase him from your life hon. You see how sick he is. It is still a real threat as long as he has this power over you even if you think you have controll of your feelings. He sounds like my brother made over. My brother nearly desrtoyed his first wife. She put miles between them and divorced him but he still had a spell on her. You keep working on being happy. You deserve it. Your in my prayers.Did you move like you had planned ?
   Jennyfla, I wish I could do something to help your insecurity. You aren't a failure Hon. Would you try something please. For the next few days, everytime you think how bad a person you are,stop and WRITE DOWN something good about yourself. You are going through a lot right now and going cold turkey would be hard , I'm sure, on someone with an easy life. You have a full plate.Your husband sounds like an understanding man. He knows how hard it is for you. Keep trying but please quit thuinking so bad of yourself. I only wish my daughter had the same compassion for her  children that you do. You will make it Jen. You want it with all your heart and that's why you'll succeed. I'll keep you in my prayers. I'm proud of you for wanting to be a better person. But I think your pretty great now. Just ask your kids. Hey, that's the first thing I want you to put on your list,GREAT MOM,CARING WIFE,CHILD OF GOD,CARING FRIEND. The only time you need to put that head down hon is in prayer. God's here for you and so is everyone here. God Bless you.
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Good God!  How naive can I be.  I haven't been around the forum much lately...too much going on.  I was wrong.  My ex is no longer on Methadone.....what I found out yesterday from his dr. (who is mine) is that he can nolonger perscribe it to him. The Law.. So he now give's him 60 40mg's of Oxycontin every two weeks.  Boy am I stupid!  This Dr. is crazy, he knows he's an addict and he's giving all this to him!  His nurse told me it's all for the money, he does this with most of his patients.  I can't figure why this dr. who's a family dr. is not getting into trouble especially since this law passed last week.  My ex doesn't have cancer, chronic pain, nothing that would warrent even a percocet.....Show's you what the world's coming too.  I've been down about this for a few days, knowing he lied to me again....over and over he lies and lies.......things never change....Thank You Tylerburben for the infor.....I think I will go to a meeting tonight....Love you guys, and I will be in touch with all of you that I have your e-mails.....Love you all, Susan
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I'm so glad your pain is better, bless your heart!!!
Maybe someday soon, your daughter will begin to open up her heart and seek the help she so strongly needs.
Keep encouraging her to come to the board.  I hope to have my husband join in when he returns, i think it will do him so much good to know he isn't alone.
It will be hard for your daughter because it's a step facing the fact that she is an addict, a difficult step, but it will come in time...  Keep being the wonderful, supportive mom that you are, and know that her life lyes in her own hands, you suffer so terribly for her.
I hope to god that my children never go through the pain of addiction.  It must be heartwrenching to see your own child go through this, i can only imagine!!!
I feel for you, and i pray for your daughter's heart to be able to open up and receive the help she so deeply needs!
You are both in my prayers!
Lv Jenny
BTW, i'm glad to see i'm not the only nightowl around here, i feel not so alone tonight!
Lv Jenny
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Hello my forum family. I was reading the thread and just wanted to say hello. My pain has been better the last few days. Hope it stays that way. I wanted to encourage the newcomers to continue to come here. I came looking for help for my 23 year old daughter and received much needed help for myself. The people here really do care and never judge you for any mistakes. They only want to help you as they help others. Please come back and talk. I am a chronic pain sufferer (is that right?) and they have helped me through some rough times. My daughter is still fighting the demon. She's really trying but she won't seek help and is not doing well.  I have begged her to come here and talk but she is angry that I come here and even mention her. I will keep you all in my prayers.
    Wizard, I got your e-mail but nothing was there,just who it was from. Try and write again. It was great to almost hear from you.
    Cindi, thanks for all the prayers and I loved the woman day thing. I hope your feeling better. Write when you can.I want to hear how your doing .
    Jennyfla and Angelica,hold on girls. I know your both troubled right now for different reasons but Gods there and we're here. Stay strong.Brighter days are just ahead. I think I read somewhere you were being sent rainbows. Just remember the rainbow always follow the storms. God bless you both.
     God Bless,
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