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oxy's and vicodin

Hey guys i just wanted to see how everyone is, Skip?, telby? anyone......... I have lost touch and I wanted to make sure all was well.  I haven't had an oxy in a long time.....I have taken some vicodin here and there, but I'm doing well overall, I hope all is going well.......when you get a chance drop me a line.
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Coming off a heavy vicodin addiction.  Last pills were Friday at 4 pm.  Its now 11 am Sunday.  I'm not doing so good.  I don't want to go to the hospital.  I was taking a heavy dose for about 3 years.  Last few months I was probably taking about 25 10/325 daily.  Is there anything I can do to ease the pain.

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Hey man,
sorry to you and all for the absence in posting. Been really depressed lately and didn't feel like talkin to anyone. I hope your well and let me know whats happenin. I'll talk to ya . Take care

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Ive been off oxys and percs for almost 3 weeks now,I'll be totally honest with you,it was one of the hardest things ive ever had to go thru,but I'm finALLY STARTING TO FEEL normal again and it was totally worth it.I'm not going to tell you I feel great, but it does get better.It seems so hopeless at first.But thru the help of this forum ,my Dr.and a few good home remedies.you too can get thru this.Oh those electric jolts I was feeling thru my body.I was totally dehydrated.I had diarea for 17 days and finally used pepto and amodium,was drinking lots of gatorade,sorda like slim fast drinks only dairy free.But whateva works I'd recomend drinking slimfast or somekind of replacement nourishment,I think the oxys take the life right out of ya .so ya gotta kinda start off fresh like your a baby or somethiong and renourish your body.I tried multi vitamins at first but for some reason my body didnt respond as well as the slimfast.I think its caus its like drinking a liquid meal,with all the vitamins,anyway hope I couldof helped someone today.Try to keep a positive uot look It does get better and I know it seems easier to go back to the drugs but its just going to prolong your recovery,so hang in there!
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Hope everthing is going O;k. with you ,havent heard fromya.I'm still, Prayin for you,hope its helped,hope to hear from you soon.         Myhell
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I'm really sorry to hear what your going thru.That must be alful to have to go on an off the meds like that.you think you haveit bad until you hear other peoples problems.myne seem mynute.Have they tried pain patches for you?Ive heard they work pretty well.                                                                     I have been getting a little better day by day,Im still very week,and the emotional thing sux.But Im sure you know that.I sleptthru the night for the first time last night.still feel like **** but im sure that il pass eventually,today Ill be clean for 11 days,it looks like the average time of starting to feel better is about 2 weeks.I gotta go but I will be praying fr you                                                                                                       MYHELL is getting better gonna have to change my screen name soon
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the forum seems to be full of people detoxing. i've used drugs
for 35 years +. i cleaned up in the early 80's and stayed clean
for 17 years. then an old spinal injury came bac to haunt me.
i've had 2 cervical spine procedures (got me a titanium plate)
in the last 2 years.
i've been on oxycontin for well over a year. i take drug va-
cations every 4-6 weeks. i go off the oxy for at least a week.
i do this to find out what my pain levels are. i really don't
want to be on oxy the rest of my life if i don't have to be. my
neuro-surgeon has told me there is nothing more he can do for me,
so i was sent to a pain clinic. today i go check in with my pain
doc. i will probably start up on the oxy again, 'cause my pain
level are pushing thru roof!

ask your doc to perscribe clonidine and a benzo like klonipin
or valum.

keep an angel on your shoulder
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Hello hello, Skip, how are you? I was out of town for the last 5 days on work. Glad to be back. I hope all is well. How did your trip go? How is everyone too? I see a lot of postings. That's good. I hope your feelin good my friend. Gimme a buzz back, let me know what's happening. You know I got my angel on my shoulder. Just gotta make sure he doesn't slip off!! Talk to you later man.

   The ash
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kip, Thankyou for responding so soon.I found your words to be very encouraging.I hope I didnt offend you with the needle thing,or anyone else for that matter.I was having a pretty bad day yesterday.Ihad a severe migraine,and was throwing and the whole nine yards.Luckily I had a refil for imitrex,and within a few hours was feeling much better.I get suicidal when I get them,their unbearable,thank God for modern medicine! YOu just have to be really careful with certain ones,but Im sure your aware of that.I'm really glad I found this website.Ifound alot of the info very helpful,I actualy already started on the tyrosine,but I dont know so much on the amodium,I think theres a reason why your body reacts the way it does for a reason.I think maybe its trying to flush everything out and I dont think I want to stop it. But I might think differently if it goes on to much longer.Have you or anyone ever experienced the feeling of electric jolts through your body when you try to sleep?I went to the emergency room last night because I was scaring my husband.Thes have been going on for almost a week.The Dr. wanted to prescribe me benadril.and I walked out of the hospital.AnywayIjust wanted to thank everone for the info.I feel like I'm at an N.A. meeting wich is good because I'm not feeling well enough to get myself there yet.Oh one more thing,I talked to my Dr. yesterday and she said to load up on calcium magnesium and vit d for leg cramps,Ihope that will be helpful to someone.you just have to give it a few days to work.                          Kip you sound like your doing really well,How long have you been clean?                                    Thanx again hope to hear from you again soon                                                                                                                                                                            MYHELL
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how about a heads up and let us know how things are going?

keep an angel on your shoulder
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I just got out of detox for oxys,still suffering from bad withdrawls,Is this the way it usually works?They told me at detox that I could suffer from withdrawls for up to 2 months,because of the amount Ive been on and because I was on so long.I'm having a hard time coping with the fact that I was on them for A ligit reason Prescribed from [DR.] And while I was in there there were hard core heroin addicts that within 3 days were feeling better,Ifeel that I would have beeen better off sticking a needle in my arm everyday.I dont know if I should check into another hospital? Because of the grief I have caused my family.I dont know how long I can go on suffering.For some reason I was under the impression that I would be feeling a lot better after detox,not worse,I dont understand why they dont medicate you until you are feeling well enough to cope.Is there anyone out there that is going thru something similar?and is there anything to help cope with the withdrawls?I'm already taking clonopin baclofen nyquil ,and my Dr. just called in a script for sleeping pills.If anyone is reading this and think they can help in anyway ,feeling suicidal but cant actually go thru with it because I know it would kill the people who love me  (wich by the way I am very grateful for} because I know there are alot of people out there dont have the support that I do.Please give me some hope.                                                                                           MYHELL
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welcome to this forum. there is always room for one more addict.
from the list of drugs your doctor perscribed i'd say you are
pretty well fixxed up. you might try 2-4 grams L-Tyrosine along
with some vitamen B-6. i would also add imodium just as a pre-
caution. spend as much time in a hot bath as you can. when not
in hot bath try to be asleep. things will git beter (probably
quicker than 2 months). just remember it will not happen on your
time table. keep your expectations in line. something good might
happen today! about that stuff with the needle junkys, (i use to
be one) just let go of it. you will never win if you compare how
someone looks on their outside to how you feel on your insides.
please remember there is a way through this and you will find
it. please post again and let us know how you are doing.

keep an angel on your shoulder
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Thank you my friend. I hope you have a safe trip. Good time to think things over ya? I appreciate and enjoy your words my friend.
I'm just grateful that I don't have to do any of this alone. I hope your neck heals quick. Give a hollar when you return. Would like to know how u are doing. Talk to you later pal. I'll be here.

The ash
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hey guys:
well after detoxing friday-sunday i (like the fool i am) started
back on again. the pain from my neck surgerys has a way of un-
doing me every time. so... here i am taking the loser of the day,
if not the whole damm week award. tomarrow will have to do 3 hour
car ride to visit parents in northwest iowa. i don't know how i
will handle any of this. guess it's not "talk time" anymore.

so i'm putting my head down and moving forward no matter what.
some days that's the best a junky can do. thanx so much to both
of you. ya' know, just a small word of encouragement from someone
who has been there can be real powerfull medicine.

i find your posts to be very intresting. i believe it takes some
courage to show the world (or at least this forum) what is going
on inside of your self. i believe this forum is a beter place be-
cause of your courage. please keep it up!!

it's really great to see you still posting. sometimes it seems
like people clean up their hand and discontinue posting. keep
up with the good work and please keep posting!!
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Hi yall
just wanted you to know that i got out of detox treatment after 7 looong days. The detox wasnt bad, but the anxiety of getting out from that locked up place is incredible. i am going into a 28 day treatment center today and of course scared of that too....its amazing when you're not using the fear that you really feel. i realize just how powerful this disease is...and its scary.
keep your heads up....
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hey people:
i'm at work. i think the physical part of my oxy withdrawal is o-
ver! man i went through a **** load of klonipin this weekend. all that's left now is that awful put a gun in your mouth depression. i'm already on welbutron, so htp5 probably wouldn'thelp much.i'm pushing a +8 pain level. i don' kow how to make through the next hour, let alone the rest of today.....trying to hang on!

maybe something good will happen today
keep an angel on your shoulder
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thanx & keep an angel on your shoulder
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I don't have much to tell other then keep it up, your stronger then most people I know and your a sense of hope for me as well as many others, just keep strong, we are all here for you.  Take care of yourself, and please, if you are in unbearable pain then take something, I would hate to think you are suffering.

keep that angel on your shoulder

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hey people:
please ecuse the tone of my last post...it's just that everything
looks so hopeless and in vain. i don't know whwere to turn. i've
tried the counseling, the learn how to live with pain without
drugs....the bottom line is i can't seem to live with oxy and i
dam sure can't live without it!

keep an angel on your shoulder
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I hear ya loud and clear. We are all here for you and for all. God knows I need this forum. I wish only the best to you. send a message whenever ya feel like. I will be here. Talk to ya.

  the ash
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i've been clesn since thursday morning. i take oxycontin 3 X a day.
i periodacly detox to find out where may pain level is. right now
besides the vitamens in thomas's detox, thats all i take. oh yeah
i've a couple puffs of jane to smooth my stomach over. hope you feel beter!
keep an angel on your shoulder
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Hi skipper. I have read many of your postings and they are very encouraging for me. I'm 27 but have been doing drugs since I was 14 and the last three years I have been a major vicodin and lorcet popper. In those years getting on and off and on and off you know. I get right to the point when i feel really good like back to myself, and then I go back into the depths. I never give myself a chance. The most sobriety I have ever acheived is three months. sometimes I feel like the way I view the world as an addicted human will never change. the bleakness and darkness. I' ve only got three days this time round. I pray that I stay with it. It gets better right? after 6 months maybe. I've never known that long without being on some kind of frug or another. Thank you for being here.

  The ash
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sorry didnt mean to post that twice. pc froze up
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Hugs and hugs to you sweetie. I am very proud of you for detoxing. Yes it is worth it, lots of addicts take many times before it works. Have you went to rehab? It would help you deal with the issues that make you want to use to begin with and coping strategies....and remember, there night always be the temptation to use again. You just need some tools to help not pick up the first bag. I wish that I could physically be there for you, but just know that you are in my prayers.
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Hey There Jess....
I am so sorry to hear about your neuropathy....I am a nurse for an endocrinologist (diabetes doc) and I know how you must be suffering, but I am concerned that you are so hard on yourself, as if you deserve to suffer and feel this horrible pain because you drank?  NOT TRUE...you stopped drinking, and that is a huge HUGE step...and you know there are lots of people who have neuropathy that have never drank. Take your ultram if it helps, if not, talk honestly with your Dr about getting on something that does help, and yes by all means try elavil....it helps block nerve pain. It will make you sleepy, so will probably be taken at bedtime, but it works for lots of people, as does neurontin. If you have to take narcotics, talk with your doc, if he's a good doc he wont give you too many, and maybe you could give them to someone you trust to give them to you as needed? Good luck.....but stop punishing yourself for having this disease....it's not your fault.
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