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percoset and/or alcohol

I have just discovered the fact that my 17 yr old teen recently tried percoset.  I know it is his intention to take the drug again and in conjunction w/ alcohol.  He is not aware that I know.  How long does the drug stay in one's system?  Can we, as parents, buy a drug test to randomly give him?  How dangerous is this drug?  How can we tell if he is under the influence?
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Narcotics such as Percocet make the user itch a lot.  Watch him to see if he scratches his face a lot, specifically his nose.  Gives 'em away everytime.
    The trouble with the Narcotics is this: I was watching Loveline (a show on MTV that deals with sex issues) and on there they have an Addiction Medicine Specialist called Dr. Drew.  A caller told Dr. Drew that he had discovered a new aphrodisiac that made him last for 2-3 hours in bed.  As soon as he told Drew that it was a Percocet combined with a couple of beers, Drew got onto him and explained it better than I've ever heard it explained.  He said that it starts out with "Oh, I take a Percocet and I feel great and can last longer in bed" or "I can take a Percocet, feel great, and clean the whole house" and eventually the user gets to where he depends on the Percocet to do just about everything and wants to feel great all the time.  The same can be said with most narcotics.  As anyone on here will tell you it is a vicious cycle and it is NOT to be taken lightly.  If he has "discovered" Percocet it is just a matter of time before Oxycontin comes into the picture.  Tom put it very well in his post.  Just please please please, Julie, try to find a way to nip this in the bud before it goes any farther.  Be careful and keep hope alive.  3-D
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Hi Julie
Sorry to hear about your son, but the good news is he has a Mother who cares enough to notice and seek information about the drug he is taking.

Percocet is a combination of acetominophen (sp?) or tylenol, and Oxycodone.  It is a pretty strong narcotic pain reliever - not nearly as strong as Morphine, Demerol, Fentanyl, Dilaudid, etc. - but a big jump from Darvon/Darvocet, or Codiene; and a little stronger than Hydrocodone (as in Vicodin).  It is typically prescribed for pretty high levels of pain - such as the relief of pain after breaking a bone or bones, or after surgery or maybe child birth - and not usually more than one time/prescription, and usually 12-30 pills in the scrip, because it is highly addictive and pretty strong for someone with no tolerance for narcotics.

It is considered more dangerous by the law too - as an example, it is classified Schedule II, the highest group of 'legal' drugs, based on potential for addiction and abuse, with Morphine, Demerol, Diluadid, etc.  Only Heroin, Cocaine, and Crack (Schedule I) carry more severe penalties for possession.  (Penalties for possession of Schedule III and IV drugs such as Valium, Vicodin, Codiene, Darvocet, etc., are not nearly as severe.)

It's effect on people can vary - for most people it gives a warm, happy feeling all over, energy, and a pretty decent feeling in general.   It comes on strong, usually in 30-45 minutes, and the good feeling to new users can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours or even 8.  

Alcohol i combo can intensify the feeling, but often makes a person sick too.  I dont have much experience here - maybe someone else does??

The narcotic in Percocet comes in many forms.  Pecocets themselves come in different strengths (2.5 mg Oxycodone, 5mg, etc.).  There's also Percodan - which is the same thing except it has aspirin instead of tylenol combined with the Oxycodone.  There's generics for both.  All are usually a little bigger than a straight tylenol, and can be white, blue, yellow - maybe other colors too that I haven't seen,  Name Brand says Percocet and the strength, but generics do not.  Cost of typically $5-10 each pill on "the street".

If he likes the Percocet, watch for Oxycontin - which is Oxycodone in a time release version (chewed up,it hits right away).  Oxycontin comes in strengths of up to 160mg of Oxycodone in a single pill (80mg or 160mg can kill someone without a high tolerance!).  They are tiny round pills, and say "OC" on one side, and the strength onnthe other.  10mgs are white, 20mg pink, 40mg yellow, 80mg blue.green, and 160mg is blue and oblong.  Cost is really high on these.  Hope he never tries them, because they are tought to get away from once started.

The downside is, the feeling is pretty good - but over time, it takes more and more of the drug to get the same feeling again.  Some say the good feeling you get the first time is never able to be duplicated - but I disagree....it just takes a lot more to get there...  It's definately an addictive drug, relatively expensive, and regular users become dependent on it pretty quickly.  Stopping taking it after regular use for even 3-4 weeks can lead to withdrawal, which can be like having the worst flu ever, for days or even weeks.  People dependent on Oxycodone may go to extremes to avoid this, and do things they never would consider otherwise to get the drug.  

Technically, the drug is out of your system in 72 hours - that's about how long a drug test will show it.  You might be suspicious if he is unusually happy and talkative.  When the drug wears off, he may sweat - even in Winter when it's cold.  These are some signs to look for, but not always present and not always the result of Percocet.  Like Dan said, pupils do get diolated - that's the only real givaway.

Deendence on this drug is a scarey thing.  Even though out of the system in 72 hours, for a regular user the mental addiction can still make you sick for a long time more.  

Even if your son doesnt become addicted, and only uses it a few times, it's STILL nothing to mess around with.  Look up the State Code for where you live on the Internet and read him the laws and penalties.  It;s scary, and Percocet is a drug the law focuses on.  Where your son may get away with a few Vicodin or Codeine, Percocet will get the attention of the law if he gets caught!

As an example, in my state if you possess (without a legit prescription) more than 25 times the daily dose (or 100 pills total), there is a MANDATORY MINIMUM 2 year prison term with no parole. 5 times to 24 times (25-99 pills) carries "assumed prison time".  As little as a few pills can still be a felony.

I hope I included enough about this to help you deal with your son and head off this before it becomes a problem.  Trust me, he doesnt want the problems that come along with the drug!!

Please write back and let us know how he is doing.  I'll say a prayer for you and him.  


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Hi, I am a new writer here but ilike hearing about your situations.  It is April now, where are you two?
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well i have tried percs and i love them, but the effects vary, i dont consider myself an addict at all, i have only done them like 5 times, and tonight i will try an OC 40 for the first time, does anyone know the differences between the two?
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I have been on percoset for nearly 4 years now. I don't seem to be addicted. I had vascolitis(layman's terms) the real medical name for it is polyarthritis nodosa. It attacks the veins and the lungs and the brain. I have had a stroke and foot drop. so needless to say I was given percoset for the pain. I also have osteoporosis and have had many broken bones. I am not sure if I have become addicted to this drug. I have read all the others here and I am not like that. I don't feel a high when I take the pill. I do get some relief after I have taken it. I will hopefully be able to not have to take it any more, but I don't think that day will come. Only when I die. I pray for all those who have become addicted to this drug.For the pain it is a good pain reliever. I don't use alcohol ..god bless all of you. linda
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Percodan, I think is stronger than Vics ES.  Am I incorrect?  How many per day?  At what intervals?  Gotta run feed the babe.  Neena
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I am taking percodan.
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All I know is that I need to stop at least 4 to 5 days before the doctor's appt. on the 26th.  I would cancel and reschedule, but since I am actually having female problems and now my hubby is concerned, I have to keep this one, so it looks like next week is the big week.  I don't have a calendar in front of me, but tomorrow I'll be back on in the am.  Tomorrow is my hubbys 49th birthday.  I'll try to get back and we'll set days/times/intervals, etc...I forget...you are taking Percs?  or Vics?  Let me know.   I am going to rest for now.  You are not a dreamer.  Anyway, if we did not have dreams, what would we have?  We can do this.  We have about the same amount of pills, I just have to cut off much faster than you.  Oh, well, we will work it out.  Nighty night.  Sleep well, and God Bless, Neena
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Sure lets give it a try. It is 9:00 here now and my wife is in and out of my offic now so I can't talk but I will write as soon as I can. How long do you have till the 4 four days start? I have 20 pills and then I will have to go about four weeks. Unless I can think of somthing befor then. But I will be glad to try to do this together and stay off. Maybe I am just a dreamer.

I will write back maybe later. I always stay up the latest in this house.
          John B.
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Nice to hear from you.  I was worried.  Boy, you ate alot of pills while on vacation.  No withdrawals?  I picked up ten more today.  I have to taper now, because I have a OB/GYN appt on the 26th and need to be clean.  I have endometriosis and well...lots of female problems that I'm sure you don't care to hear about, so I need to be clean and sober when I go in, because I am having some problems, ie...irregular bleeding, etc...I am terrified, as this means another surgery, possibly hysterectomy, which I am not ready to consider at this point.  My doc knows nothing of the addiction, but I will have to spill it.  My husband found a lump on my lower back that is painful also, so now he is worried about all of it too.  I won't be able to get any codiene...if I do, my hubby will have to give them to me.  I am not in that much pain, but have access to Vics. ES so I am not suffering.  I want to start tapering right now, with the 10 or 15 that I have right now.  Do you want to do it with me?  I have to be clean at least 4 days before my appt.  Let me know.  God Bless, Neena
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How are you? It has been a while. I am no diferent. Still on the pills I went through 300 pills in one month. When I ran out in the Bahamas I bought some 222s. Which is some over the counter pain pills that have a bit of codiene in them. They have such a small amount that I have to take 4 at a time to get any results and you end up feeling very dissy because of all the caffeine and other junk they have in them. But they do the trick pretty good. They also have them in Canada. They make you sign for them and you cant take them over the border (leagaly). I went for two days without any pills and brased myself for the worse, but I felt no withdrawl. I was planing on staying off of them till Feb for my next DR. App. But I called for a refill. He only gave me 30 this time I think it was too soon to ask for more. Now it will take me many visits befor I can build back up to my usual 50 tabs. What a life. I spend too much time thinking about this. I am glad I don't like to drink offten. I know I would abuse that two. I drink from time to time but only very seldom enjoy the effect it has on me.Please let me know how you are doing.

         John B.
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Did much better today.  Got really sick last night, too many pills, beer, etc...Very nauseated but have Phenergan without codiene for that so slept well and woke will no withdrawals.  Must have gone at least 15 hours without anything.  Trying to step down from here.  Feel better, but not where i need to be.  Hope you are not being hard on yourself.  It only makes things worse.  I found that most of it is in my head.  Well, at least alot of it.  Because I got instant high from pill yesterday.  Not possible, so I know in my head that I just had to make sure it was there, ya know?  Neena
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Welcome back.  We need to talk about relapse.  It's almost baby's bedtime so, I may just go away for the night...I am very angry with myself presently.  Sorry to be such a downer as soon as you walk in the door.  I'll try to stay up as late as possible.  Neena
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  Don't be too hard on yourself. I have not been very good on this whole trip. It is late about 11:30 here, but if you are still up tell me what has been going on with you. and then I will tell you what happend to me. I am very down on myself right now so I don't know if I can be much help but maybe we can help eachother. That what this is all about.

      John B.
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Hi Neena I am back. I just walked in the door so I will write back very soon.
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Sounds great to me.  I need to "chat" about life in general.  At some point we need to trade emails without everyone else getting them.  Let's figure it out.  Neena
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Just got back from Miami! It was really cold there can you believe that!  I want to talk about the step kids and everything else.  Why dont we set up a mutual day and time and hit the "chat" button already and talk! Rather than just writing a paragraph or two lets talk live.  What do you think! Lets do it lady!
XO Marcie.
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Hi yall.  John, you back yet from your trip?  Outa pills yet?  Marci, where are you?  Could use a chat right about now.  Step children outa control and I came upon some more pills.  I'd like to flush them.  Need help.  Neena
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Well, sorry it took so long to get back.  Today was hectic.  Had to get dog xrayed and do some last minute Christmas stuff and the xray results were not good.  Since I put my 12 year old German Shepherd down in June, basically when my life began to fall apart, in the interim I bought another Shepherd.  She has been nothing but a pain, especially during my detox.  I sent her to be trained and come to find out, she has a congenital tendon disease which may leave her lame OR NOT.  That's the thing.  No one can tell me what will happen.  Well, she is home and it makes me feel better just having her in the yard.  It hurts though, to watch another dog suffer.  When I lost Aspen, was when I went down hill in the pills, out of control.  As you might have read, I detoxed totally.  Since then I've taken pills in small amounts and have controlled them totally.  When I feel stress, like today, I take them and that scares me to death.  My investment in my animals is HUGE, both financially and EMOTIONALLY.  Actually I only have about ten pills left, so I really can't get into trouble.  I am pissed at myself for even taking one of them, but my depression and "baggage" and I've got lot's of it, really brings me down.  As we know, the pill can help pull us out of the dulldrums for awhile, while relieving menstrual cramps.  I AM TERRIFIED OF SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL AGAIN. I miss my Aspen horribly and now my present dog is growing on me.  She ws to be a show dog, with both parents, Champions, now she is or may be crippled.  I am sad and mad at the same time.  I saved her life.  The breeder would have for sure put her down because of the disability, so that makes me care for her even more.  I'm a sucker for any animal.  I am a vegitarian too.  On a good note, I have gained 12lbs since my detox, so I'm back to my normal weight, even more so and am taking Centrum and lots of B12.  Hope to hear from you soon, Neena
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Okay you tell me you are going to check on the babe and the soup.  And then you leave me with "lots to tell you" and that your "backsliding"! and here I am worried about you waiting for you to let me know what is going on!  Write back soon I would like to help!
XO Marcie!
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Hey Lady!  Nice to hear from you.  I need to run and check on baby and some soup on the stove.  Be back soon.  Lot's to tell you.  I am kindof backsliding.  Help.  Talk soon. Neena
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Geesh it seem like alot is going on here in this thread.  I think I know you better now than ever! You and John B. are true buddies.  It is so nice to know that people are out there like you.  It is so great to have this inner circle of friends.  Dont you think so!
Take Care Neena,
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Bet I missed you.  Safe trip again.  We'll start our new lives when you get back.  Neena
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We are going with my motherinlaw who cant fly so I am for the first time in my life going to drive. I hate even thinking about it. We will go to SC first then after a few days to FT Lauderdale and catch a flight from there to Freeport Bahamas. I know what you mean some times are harder than others. I love the time I am clean things do look better. Why is it we keep going back. Is it just an excape? Excape from what? who knows. I am sure I will have fun I love to scuba dive and I plan on doing that the hole time. So I will talk to you later. I will check this site one more time befor I go to bed. So feel free to Write.

Take care Neena: John B.
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