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my husband is under a drs care for quitting vicodin/norco. he was prescribed them for migrane headaches about 18 months ago.  he is over thewithdrawls, but is suffering from depression. he was taking about 20 norcos a day. he feels like he just will newer beahappy again, today is the 8th day of quitting, we have 3 daughters and they were everything to him, now it is hard to be around them. He says its not that he doesn't love them, he just can't be happy right now. the psychistric dr has him on tripital, barspiore, and put him on ativan the other day for anziety.  I want to help him, he says that he doesn't want to take another drug but he wants to be happy.  when wll he be happy again.  he's also on prozac for ocd. How long will this last?                              thank you
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I feel the same way you do ...
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182493 tn?1348052915
hey there... This thread is old its from 2003... I am sure none of those members are here.. If you would like support.. Please repost this as a new question so that the current members of the forum can see this and respond.. Not all old posts that are resopnded to get seen by everyone due to format personal settings..

Welcome.. we want to help..
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I am 19 have been addicted for years and years to methadone, percocet, oxycontin, and am now struggling with oxycodone withdrawal. I am on the other side of the country from my family, and my fiance doesn't know my problems. I feel like killing myself. I have had sprained knees, torn ligaments and the like, for 7 years so that makes it harder. I dont have the money to go to a doctor or seek help. All I have are a very very limited range of supplements. In fact, only 4 bottles of the basic ****. I am very afraid and I do not think i can handle this. I do not know what to do. And I have no one there for me .. My fiance may be going to prison and I will be totally f'd. I may be in early stages of pregnancy. I dont know what to do. Keena.
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That is why it is suggested in the "Thomas Recipe" to take any type of benzo for only the 1 week. ALL benzo's are addicting at some level. Some faster than others, like Zanax. That is why it is recommended to take a benzo with a  longer half-life, like Valium, or Klonipin.

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Did you know that Ativan, aka Lorazapam is also addicting?
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I've started and restarted this message SEVERAL times and I will try to spare the life story or justification/rationalzation for my usage of prescription drugs. I am in hour 74 of withdrawal and it has been AWFUL. I will never give back these days, NEVER. Withdrawal, to me, is a POWERFUL deterrant to ever using again. I have everything to live for, I'm retired, I have money, and I am not going to be a slave to anything, religion, financial problems or PILLS!

*I am a former Health Care Professional. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER, but it can happen to anyone.*

I could not have typed this message two days ago. I took my last pill Monday and the ensuing withdrawal EXCEEDED all expectations. Luckily, I live alone and do not work, so I could crawl around in my misery without having anyone witness the pathetic spectacle. I will spare you the details, but I am not proud, only proud that I have quit.

Here are some suggestions.
1. Imodium. OTC 2 tablets when the cramps and diarrhea starts and one tab every 2 hours afterward until cramping stops. I know that this exceeds the recommended dosage, but it didn't kill me and it sure helped. I just wish that I had started this the first day.

2. Benedryl OTC and/or Phenegran suppositories RX if you have them or can get them. Both are antihistimine, so keep that in mind. If you can control your diarrhea, both will help the nausea and help you sleep (HAH!), although fitfully.

3. Hydration and nutrition. Gatorade and you must eat. Drink plenty of water and if you get heartburn, put 1/2 teaspoon of plain Arm & Hammer baking soda in your water. This will help sweeten your system. I know, I know, you won't feel like eating, this is the last thing you want to do, but you must eat.

4. Spirulina Dietary Supplement from Earthrise. This is superfood and will help you. Start taking it before you quit the pill and continue through withdrawal. Take at least 7 tablets a day. Choke them down, you will not be sorry. Iherb online has the best prices, FYI. No, I don't work for them.

5. Hot jacuzzi baths will help the aches and help you get a little sleep. I literally crawled from the tub to the bed the first couple of days.

6. Exercise. I know, this is the second LAST thing you want to do, but only if it is just walking laps around the house and up the stairs, do it! If you stay in bed for a week you will only feel worse.

It has taken every bit of energy to write this. I only hope it helps someone. Each hour I am closer....wish me luck
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I made an error in my post.  Sorry.  What normally was prescribed for 8 days lasted me three weeks.  Thanks.
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I just came to the realization tonight that I must be addicted to Vicoden ES.  I have been taking them on and off for a painful lung tumor.  I forgot to get my refill over the holiday weekend and had some very terrible flu symptoms so I took one last night.  Felt better.  Today was nauseous, flu like feeling and achey.  Once I took that pill last night I realized that after only taking them for 6 weeks I believe I have become addicted.  I truly have never abused my RX.  I actually could have taken more daily then I did.  An 8 day supply lasted me eight weeks.  What do you do for the symptoms, I feel terrible.  And Scared.
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Hey everyone. This is my first post, and this is my 3rd time. Ive been thru it before, and I'll get to the point. Hydrocodone 10/500, I've been weening myself down now for about a week and 1/2. I went from about 15 a day, down to now I am at... well I have had one today. What I experience most is chills and fatigue and depression. Last time when I quit, I went from over 20 a day to zero, cold turkey, and that was hell. I remember reading that if you ween down to where you are at like 1-2 a day and stop, the withdrawl period isnt as long nor as severe. I am sure it cannot be  as bad, but what I guess I'm wanting to know is that if anyone else has had the strength to ween down like this and then stop it, and what it did to you. If anyone can help me out with this PLEASE, I'm looking for someone who knows and has done this...
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First thing i would suggest is to see what your doctor thinks, however that being said being addicted is being addicted no matter if you are taking them for legitimate medical reasons and your dope man is the local drug store, or your buying them on the street to get high. If you are using Percocet for pain and NOT taking them to get the buzz you will still go thru withdrawls but probably wont have the other mental aspects and less of a chance of relapse. Percocet is something I know a little about, I was hooked on Hydracodone (lortab/vicoden) for 2 years and Percocet for 6 months, Percocet for some reason was ALOT easier to come off of. This may not be the case with you since withdrawls differ from person to person, but my doctor seemed to aggree with my observations. If your addicted there are several ways to do it.
The main thing you will need to undergo is a supervised detox, this can be done at both an inpatient and outpatient basis. I tend to recomend inpatient in a rehab clinic for ONE reason, at this very moment you and most others still in active addiction are not mentally capable of quitting without assistance (I know, been there done that) however with rehab because your locked down, with 24/7 support you will no choice but to quit. Also they will most probably give you methadone to ween you down so the w/d wont be half as bad (I quit solo once for 4 months and the W/Ds were murder on me, in rehab it was only half as bad), remember quitting and addiction isnt just quitting, its a lifestyle change too, after you detox and get out of therapy you must still be ever vigilant.
If you have any questions or concerns you can either ask them here (the doc here is pretty damn sharp, as well as most of us former pill heads) or feel free to email me.
also try to post your message on a new thread, alot of times the doctor will see your post and respond here tho. Yes it can be done, it wont be easy but what doesnt kill you will make you stronger (been clean almost 10 months now)
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I have major back problems that require sergury. This will happen
within the next few weeks. I have been on Percocet for the pain
for about four months now. Whenever I try to stay off the Percocet, it is to much for me to handle.I am certain I am going
thru withdrawls in addition to the real pain I feel in my lower
back.My concern is after the sergury, I don't know how I am going to handle this when it comes time to get off the pain med.
Whenever I am not taking the Percocet I feel so horrible that I
don't know if I can survive this when the time comes.Does anyone
have some advise for a man that is scared of losing his life over
this problem?
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Well lets just say I was the one a little confused. I bet it was the lack of morphine in my system you think. LOL
Anyway I really understood exactly what you were saying I was just being myself, sorry!
(and not one friggin person say what I know you are thing here, I mean it damn it) You know who you are!
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You and your husband must relize what is happening to his body at this very moment. Basicly there have been two parts of him, the addict and himself, the addict took over his life and controlled most his life. The addict is just like an evil twin, it controls and manipulates, but now that addict is starving, and it is doing everything it can to stay alive (the addicts one weakness is it dependence on drugs). Think of withdrawls and the depression as attempts by the addict to get what it wants. After two weeks physicly he will feel better, but sleeplessness and depression could hang around awhile. Also dont let him take ANY addictive substances while in WDs, you would just be trading one drug for another. IMHO drugs to steer CLEAR of;
ANY and ALL Benzo's (xanax, valium, klotipin)
Phenobarbital and any other barbituaites

Most addicts are prescribed anti depressants and most take them for a few years after coming off opiates (I use Remeron, it helps me sleep too). Like the doc said deversion will be the key, you need to take his mind OFF drugs.
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The Chris Farley thing. I was withdrawing and I had a case of brain fog! I said I didn't understand it. But of course after a few days it lost it's humor, sorry nevermind. I WAS JOKING! LOL
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Hey, is that the kinda stuff they teach guyz guyz up there? Down here we are southern gentlemen! We don't call our women Dogs! Gottcha! Bye ey'
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bmac, you didn't understand my post?  Which one were you referring to?  I haven't even posted in this thread (??)

I remember writing to you a week or so ago about how I felt you were an asset to the board before when I was reading (this was last year I believe), but I don't think I posted to you other than that.  Just curious as to what you're referring to...

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You really weren't right bill; that was actually me cross-dressed as the mangy dog....Lisabet.  doh doh
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OK now I see. The thread where I posted that reply was closed so I posted it up here so you would see it! Damn that was confusing! LOL
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Im glad that someone else in the world is going through the same thing im going through.Ok well im 25 and ive had chrohns disease since i was 16. Ive had 2 operations so far.Anyway tha point that im trying to make is that i suffer from chronic abdominal pain and diarrhea because of my condition.I started taking darvocet 3 yrs ago then it went to vicodin 5mg then it went to lortab 7.5 then it went to percocet 7.5 and so on.Now im so dependant on the pain killers if i dont have one in the am i literally cant get out of the bed. I have constant diarrhea body aches neck stiffness. I find myself taking more and more just to stop the pain and when i run out im either buying them from people i know or ill go to the er and get another prescription.I don6t want to keep going on this way.I dont want to suffer from pain but on the other hand the pain never use to be this bad. Its like i feel every ache 10 times worse than i would have if i never took a pain pill in my life. Im so confused  does anyone know how to get off pills how long do the withdrawl symtoms last right now i havent had one in 3 days and the first day was ok second alright but today is real bad  i cant eat sleep  anyone that can help please email me at ***@****
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Billy---just DROP IT WILL YOU????   LOL  My head is spinning.........HAHHAH
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Thank you darlin!   You are always so kind and too kind to me...  I have so far to go...i am takin it one day at a time and so far its workin wonders for my life.  I am learnign how to cope with life on life's terms for the first time in my life.  I am having spiritual growth i never imagined possible and discovering miracles at most turns.  It is not one bit easy though!  I am finally able to take baby steps to walk the walk not just talk the talk!  If wut in front of me (or wut my mind would love to be fearful of and use to get me down over and fricken worry about til i use) in my future seems horrid and unsolvable.. i find that all i need to do is just keep on walkin and then suddenly it is behind me!  Faith and letting go seem  to be the magic elements along with willingness and open mindedness.  For me...i must get outa my mind.. for that is where my addiction lies and where i get into trouble..instead i just act and do wut addicts who have many years tell me to and trust that i will gain the peace, hope , faith and tools they have not only to stay clean one day at a time but to live my life as my God will's me to...It works for me and i pray that each one of you finds your answers...If i spend my time in judgement and worry about myself and others then i certainly wont get it and would be a relapse in progress.  Did you know that relapse happens long before we pick up?  Pickin up is the last element of relapse!
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Hey Suzie - so glad to see you posting again.  You have come such a long way, and the fact that you've almost lost everything (ai: your job, apartment, family, etc) and have came back still fighting and determined to take control of your life inspires me more than you'll ever know.  I don't know if I could ever persevere like you. You are SUCH a strong woman, and I'm so-so proud of you. I always admired you, even when you were using, and I admire you even more now.  You give me strength, Suz, and I really mean that.  Thanks and love, Lisabet
(Keep posting about your rehab experiences; I think we all can learn from them)...God bless your sweet heart.
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I see -- sorry for that confusion!  Closed threads can do that I think (and that post I wrote awhile ago was kind of scattered). :)

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