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Hi everyone, I've been reading all of your messages and my heart goes out to all of you. I can't seem to get any answers to my questions so maybe I'm in the wrong forum. Is there a forum for people helping people going through detox? I could really use some support myself. It's hard watching someone you love go through all this pain. My boyfriend was addicted to oxycontin. He did a methadone detox to get off the oxy.It has been 2 weeks since he has done any meth but he used some Vistrial and zanax to get through it. He also just had a stent put into one of his heart arteries on top of going through interferon/riboviran treatment for Hep C. It has been a long summer to say the least. My question now is I followed Thomas's vitimin theraphy and bought him all the vitimins . I have made sur he has taken them on top of Zanax which I got for him. He now is still doing approx. 30 mgs of zanax a day which is making him tired. It has also been extreamly hot here and his Dr said he shouldn't be out in this heat but he won't go anywhere or do anything. He is very depressed and just lays in bed all day. I am trying to help but am getting worried about his lack of energy and depression. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. a good day to all.
28 Responses
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You might be able to get some answers from other people here but let me give this a shot   30 mgs of Xanax is alot.are you sure it is 30?..ni wondr he is tired,,secind of all after detox from opiates people do go through alot of depression and third the interferon and riboviron can be a real kick in the ass,,Spook, a guy that used to come to this forum was on that thereapy and sometimes would be down for a good 6 weeks...did the doc put him on that dose of xanax ?  that seems pretty astonomical to me plus the vistaril..that alone causes drowsiness,,,now you say he had a stint in his heart...is he on cardiac meds?  they also have a tendency to make one drowsy....does his doc know about all of these meds?  the detox and all..myabe he can consider an antidepressant and slowly cutting down on all that xanax...nd on that dose I do mean slowly...he needs to be treated by a physician..anyone have anything to add or change?       help me out gys    love to all   cin.
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Cindi, Thanks so much for your reply. Just knowing someone is there is a big help. I thought that the zanax was alot but after I thought the ones I got for him are 0.5 mg. He is taking 5 a day. Is that still too much? Yes he is on heart medication and no his DR. doesn't know about this other stuff. He is a long recovering addict. He has been very active in NA and AA for the past 7 years. He just went back out this March when he started with the Inerferon. It all started with pain meds for a bad tooth. Dental surgery. He made that his excuse. He was then doing oxy just to do it. I found out and tried to get him to get some help. He is finally going to a theraphist who I'm not too sure about. I had an appointment with him this week because he wanted to talk to me about the situation. I am trying my hardest to be loving and understanding but I read about people being active to help themselves and I can't stand to see him lay in bed ALL DAY. He could go from his airconditioned house to his airconditioned car to somewhere. anywhere. He just lays there being depressed. I sometimes feel like I make him worse by doing things for him. Do you think I should hang back and let him go it alone. I worry that he will use again. Should I stop giving him Zanax?? Please help me do the right thing. I don't want to abandon him but I don't want to be an enabler either. Thanks so much for your time and caring. The best and God bless you all.
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i can relate to a lot of your man's problems. i had 18 years of
recovery from iv opiate addiction that spanned some 20 years.
3 years ago an injury from 1970 came back to haunt me. In the past
2 summers i've had 2 cervical surgerys done. I attempted suicide
last january when i was informed that the first surgery failed and
i would have to redo it this summer. i spent 72 hours in the local
spin bin and then was sent to a pain clinic. I have had some trouble with the pain MD. I also see a pain psychologist who has
literally saved my life and my marriage so far...
Perhaps your man could benefit from seeing a psychologist that
specializes in pain control issues.
The majority of this summer i was in a hard neck brace and could not drive. I literally drove my wife crazy. ever time she went to
the grocery store, the bank, the post office, or anywhere i was just like the dog, i had to go along. Perhaps if you try to include your man in some of your day to day running around he may perk up some. the trick will be to get him to just try it.
also: cindi was very wise to suggest you wean him off the xanix
very slowly. she is far more informed than i on this subject i'm
it sounds like your man has been thru a lot so try to be persuavsive in a gentle way

good luck
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You might talk to his doctors about antidepressants. I have been on Zoloft for a few years now. It works wonders for me and it is not addicting and you can't get high from it. My husband who is disabled is also on it. He got really depressed after he became disabled. He sees a pain specialist who prescribed his. Good luck.
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Well, here I am with my two cents worth.

It sounds like your guy is very depressed. As a person who has been clinically depressed, I feel it's a big mistake to try to "jolly" anyone out of a depression. It ain't gonna work, and it will make him want to avoid you in order to avoid being jollied. People who are depressed don't want to be jollied; they want to be left alone. Going on a car ride won't perk him up. He has a chemical imbalance in the brain and car rides, funny movies, being jollied, etc. have no effect on brain chemistry. They will **** him off, but he's probably too depressed to express anger. He will just retreat deeper into his silence.

But, as I'm sure you know, your man is suffering. Every waking moment is an agony of despair. Minutes become hours. There is no joy in anything. And no color. Everything is in shades of black and gray. And anything that he believes will end his suffering is fair game. Relapse is always an option. And relapse is better by far than to continue to experience the suffering I'm describing.

Perhaps you should try Terriffic Thomas' Tyrosine Treatment. You can find the complete recipe in posts below, but essentially, it's four grams of L-Tyrosine and 200 milligrams of B6 on an empty stomach (followed by nothing for an hour) every other day. Add to that a magnesium & zinc supplement. There are people here who swear by this treatment, and they swear it begins to take effect right away. I understand also that this should not be tried if the patient is taking SSI anti-depressants.

I should say that I'm taking a maintenance dose of oxycontin for a broken back and pelvis. I have slept past my dose time by three hours, and the depression with which I was faced upon awakening was the worst experience of my entire life. It takes an hour for oxycontin to reach the bloodstream. That hour was the longest hour of my life. Had I not had my oxy, and knew there was no relief, I would have killed myself on the spot.

I hope your guy can try the TTTT and you'll post back in a week and tell us he's on the mend.

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Hi again,  You would be very wise to take the advice/suggestions or all the people here that have responded to you and run with it....the antidepressants, the psychologist that specializes in pain managements..all of it..but whatever you do  DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NO STOP GIVING YOUR MAN XANAX ABRUPTLY TO DO SO WOULD CAUSE MUCH MORE POSSIBLY SEVERE PROBLEMS.   your name has suggested to me that you are a nurse?  anyway..I have been a nuse for 20 years however that does not make me an expert,,,,people here are not experts with the exception of dr. steve.what these people are though are experienced in various facets of the disease of addiction.....meaning they/we hav been there and done it all....good luck to you and yur friend  keep us [osted   love to all   cindi
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well, my friends cindi and Francoise have pretty much given you the advice I would give. Narcotic use depletes two brain neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine. The L-Tyrosine is especially helpful in restoring dopamine levels. Dopamine is a necessary component to experiencing pleasure. Norepinephrine is crucial to mental alertness, mood and ambition.

If 4000 mg of L-Tyrosine and 200 mg of B6 in the morning has no effect, then his malaise must be from something else. I imagine that having Hep C must be plenty depressing without the rest. If your husband was active in AA and NA for seven years and "went out," he could be depressed at his "fall from grace" and feel like a failure. I know what that feels like in spades. I agree with cindi about the Xanax. Leave him on it but don't let him escalate the dose. 5 of the .5's would be a little high for someone without his drug history, but for him, it doesn't sound unreasonable. Just remember to do a slow taper off that stuff when the time comes. For now, it might be his sole source of comfort.

I agree he should get out of bed as soon as possible. Even a healthy person, after a few days in bed, starts to weaken physically and mentally. Perhaps you could start by encouraging him to walk with you in the cool of the morning or evening.

Perhaps you could ask some of his AA or NA friends to drop by. I know AA has a platoon of people ready to drop by at a moment's notice. You know, you should talk to my friend, JB. He stil drops in the forum from time to time. I know that he has an extensive narcotics history like your husband, but what's more important, I believe he has Hep C himself or at least liver-related problems. He might understand how your husband feels about having a potentially deadly and debilitating disease like Hep C.

I hope I've given you a few ideas. I know it's hard on you, as well. Here your husband seemingly has all this support and attention, while you stand by neglected. I wish you both all the best. You've definately come to the right place regarding this forum. You'll get lots of understanding and compassion from the fine people who frequent this web site. (Francoise, sorry not to reply to your last post. I was so tired the night I read it I couldn't move. To answer your question, I'm fine, although the job is the toughest I've ever had, complete with the longest hours I've ever worked. So, it's still one day at a time. Hope you're well. Great to hear from you. A big hi and a hug to cindi as well.)

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Jenny called and left me a message today around 3:00pm.  Her computer crashed and she's not able to get on.  SHE IS NOT doing well.  Her husband stumbled upon an 80mg of Oxy.  I am going to call her at 10:30. If anyone would like to send her anything e-mail me at ***@****. and I will forward it to her.  Also if you would like her to call you, please e-mail me the number...it will remain confidential only to her.  Thanks she needs all our support right now..Susan
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I don't think I can add much to the above except to say that I would also consider therapy and an anti depressant. I respect but am not a fan of the AA folks, although Tom is absolutely right they stand ready to assist. Your husband's depression sounds profound and with good reason. Therapy and an antidepressant may get him out of bed. If your insurance does not cover it check with your local mental health branch.

Don't stop the Xanax and don't stop your daily care - you are all he has now. There is light at the end of the tunnel, hope you both make it through. Come back here often for support.

Keeping you and your husband in my thoughts,


(BTW everyone, my detox is stalled out, will see the Doc next week. Am reading a book entitled I'll Quit tommorrow and hate half of it, and reluctantly accept the other half. Take care all.)
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hi   I think yo may be  a little confused  Night nurse is the one whose boyfriend is depressed.....minr just sleeps alot  LOL    love to all  cin
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Thanks for remembering me, Tom.  Yes I have Hep C and went through nine months of Interferon A shots and Rebetrol capsules.  If you read the warnings included with each box(kit) of these drugs, it says that this combo may  cause "depression of the suicidal type".  Your blood has to be monitored constantly for things like anemia(bone marrow suppression),etc.
I suffered from anemia and low platelet count...fatigue, nausea and muscle spasms.
I'd get so tired somedays that it would take over an hour just to get dressed and then have to take a nap before work.  I was in constant fear of losing my job due to fatigue and anxiety period.  Xanax was out of the question for me to say the least.  Interfron causes a low grade fever and joint pain resembling the flu which over a period of time increases the depression.  All I was given were antidepressants and NSAIDS for pain.  Certainly my doctor wasn't going to give me something that I could commit suicide with med-wise!
If your friend is taking as much Xanax as you say, don't abruptly stop it!  Taper down slowly.  I hope I helped you in some way!  J.B.
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Hello, and welcome to the forum. You've gotten lots of excellent advice already from some very knowledgeable folks. The advice about slowly tapering/weaning from Xanax is vital, because abruptly stopping it could cause life-threatening seizures. At some point it might be helpful if a doctor could switch him from Xanax to a longer-acting benzodiazepine like Valium, Librium, Klonopin, etc., which would be easier to gradually reduce and might not make him so tired. (Benzos all do essentially the same thing, but they vary in some respects, such as degree of drowsiness produced.) I have struggled with anxiety & depression for a long time, and it definitely sounds like he is experiencing major depression, which as mentioned above is not uncommon after detox. Antidepressants are certainly worth a try, in his case perhaps  one of the "energizing" meds like Prozac or Wellbutrin instead of a "calming" med like Paxil. Celexa is also good as it seems to have very few side effects compared to others. I can understand all too well the desire to stay in bed & not leave the house. It's hell to feel that way, but the thought of doing anything else can be completely overwhelming. I agree with Francoise (?) that coaxing him to get up & out probably won't help. Is there *anything* he still reacts to with any interest or slight enthusiasm? At my worst, there was always something, even if it was as simple as a TV show I enjoyed. Make the most of anything he still enjoys even a little bit. Try not to worry too much about the sleeping: as an effect of benzo use, it will wear off before the anti-anxiety effects wear off. Also, many depressed people have great trouble getting enough sleep, and that truly is hell. What has helped me is having people who I know love & care for me despite whatever state of depression, anxiety, etc. I'm in. Continue to show him love and support, even if it's difficult for him to rspond right now, & you both will get through this. Please return here any time. I wish you both well -- Milo
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Hey    I have been thinking of you,,,how is your dad, please, please tell me everything went good...you both have been in my prayers.....love to all    cin
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I would like to start a chat room on Mirc for opiate addicts like myself so we can actually talk to each other instead of waiting for messages to be posted. Anyone interested please e-mail me at ***@****
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Please forgive the small thread intrusion, but I wanted to let you know my dad is doing fine! He will have to undergo chemo & radiation, but the prognosis is excellent. Thank you all so much for your prayers and kind words.
PS to Night Nurse: Vistaril is an antihistamine, so that's probably a very safe drug for him to take to help w/sleep.
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Hi. I can imagine the pain your in watching someone you love go through this. It's hard not knowing exactly what the cause of his depression is. But from what you say, I can see why he is depressed. Being it from having the disease or the cure for the disease. When my husband injured his back and was unable to return to work, he had a nervous breakdown. The suicidal attempt and all. Thank God I got to him in time. He overdosed on valium. When he came home from the hospital ,he slept all the time. I nearly went out of my mind. This was not the strong man I knew. But time was the only thing that helped. But be sure you tell the doctor about his meds he is on. There are few things that can be taken with certain anti depressants and if he needs something for this the doctor will have to know everything. Be strong and know that you can come here for strength when you think nothing will help. I know. The friends here have been a constant strength to me for several months. You will be in my prayers.
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Oh girl, can i ever relate!!!!
My husband just got out of a 28-day program, hooked on oxys and methadone, and he's already relasped.  He looked like his soul had died with nothing left to live for...
I don't know what the answer is, only try to encourage him to find things that he enjoys even if he has to force himself to do things.
I'm also going through a hard time.  Trying to beat my own opiate addiction and alcohol addiction (hub alcohol too) -- aren't we quite the pair -- pray for our three children's little genes!)  I know that lost, dead feeling, only to a minor degree compared to what he must be feeling.
Your man needs to get himself back into meetings, A MUST!!!!!!
Good luck and prayers be with you!
Lv Jenny
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..Hey guys!  Whats up?  I just got back from the East Coast.... Guess I got a lotta catch'in up ta do.  Cin, Wiz says he's on his way out.....LOL you'll have to fill me in. LOL  Man, I'm lost!!!  Anything knew, here lately.  Tom!!!! I miss ya.  How are you???  Talk to me Yalllll!!!!! LOL  How are you cin, Witchy woman, Jennyfla(how are you?), JB, Francoise, Milo????......  Is Brighty back yet? I really miss you guys!

Ps..You too, KERRI..... I hope your doing ok these days, I don't have time to read the posts.....  I'm swamped.
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Hi Everyone,

First let me thank each and everyone of you for your kind words and suggestions. Joe has been on the vitamin theraphy that you all suggested and he seems to be sweating a lot. I guess that's a good thing to get all that bad stuff out. His DR put hi, on Wellbutrin . I suggested that since I have been on it for 2 years with great success.

He is still so very tired and I'm not sure if it's the detox, heart stent, or Hep C that is making him sleep so much. I am hanging in there but I think he should start coming out of it now don't you?  How long does it normally take to feel better and like doing things again. He says it's the detox. He is down to 3 .5 mg of xanax now so things are looking up. The weather finally cooled off here so he can't say it's too hot. I just can't wait for him to get out of bed and smile again.
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Sorry but I didn't get to finish my post. I just wanted to wish you all a good week, one day at a time. My prayers are with you all.
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Doing ok girl, but still fighting this addiction... stopped drinking, but still have a low dose opiate habit.
My husband returned from his 28-day program last week only to relaspe.  When he's not using he is beyond miserable (lower than a worm's you know what!)
Things are rough, but i'm surviving and doing what i need to for myself and my kiddies.  Hub starts a new job monday, i just hope it gives him the boost that he needs, but unfortuately, a boost isn't exactly what i think he needs, he needs a swift kick in the ass!!!
Hope you are doing ok girlfriend!
Thinking of you!
Lv Jenny
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A few years back, I went through hospital detox and a 28 day rehab.  I graduated with flying colors and was feeling so marvelous that I stopped at my phamacy and got a refill for a months' supply of Lortab.  I also got a six pack of Heinekin to help.  Man, I was on top of things now as that old feeling crept over me on the way home!

The trouble was, I had to report back to work on the following Monday.  Reality set in pretty quickly that Monday and I actually started to get serious about my sobriety again. I had to be able to preform and earn a living again.  To cut a long story short, I stayed away from drugs up until I became disabled and had to go on total disability dues to some rather severe health problems.  My self esteem went right down the tubes and the relapses started.  Maybe your husband is like me in that we need to be creative, involved, challenged and using our brains for something other than the next Big Buzz. He needs a purpose and a way of getting self esteem and recognition to feel good enough to stay sober.  He needs to figure out on his own that staying sober is his biggest project in life!  When we are good, we are really good.  When we are bad, it only gets worse.  J.B.
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I think you could be right JB, and thank you for sharing your own personal experience.
He says he needs a lot of love and affection, and actually, we've been getting along much better since the weekend, and i'm been giving him just that...
Maybe with the combo of staying busy, and my love to him, he can find the strength to stay clean!!!
Lv Jenny
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I can't believe this happend.  But, ya know it does!  Don't give up.  Just rem.  that aggrevating cliche': "if at first you don't succeed...try and try again.  It's crazy, but aint it the truth???  Hang in there.
I'm still here?? LOL
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