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zyban side effects

Is zyban known to cause temporary impotence or erectile dysfunction? I've been on zyban for 4 weeks now and in the last 3 or 4 days i've had trouble with my sex life. Can you help?
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The answer is yes to your question.  From a male's standpoint, this alone can be very depressing.  But compared to some other AD's I've been on, Zyban/Wellbutrin has the least side effects for me.  Actually, any drug can effect your libido to some extent.  In my younger days, I thought tequila was a wonderful aphrodesiac!  Today it's a different story.

There's an upside and downside to every mood altering drug.  I would at least talk to my pharmacist before taking anything new.  They will usually provide you with a printout of side effects.  Incidentally, many people complain about sexual problems while taking AD's including me.  It's frustrating!  J.B.
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Hopefully this is temporary? Do things go back to normal when you come off the drug?
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I understand that patients who have sexual trouble with SSRI's are oftten switched to Wellbutrin because it has a low occurrence of those effects. Serzone is also supposed to be pretty free of sexual effects,but it has other problems. Of course, all AD's have different effects for different people, so what I understand is it's best to find one that works for you with minimal side effects and stick with it.
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Again I am sorry to break in on this thread but I wanted to thank you all for helping me once more.  I have just felt like crying all week besides all this horrible devastation that happened so close to my home I am going through some other problems that sort of seem trivial but hurt.  One of them is losing a best friend I have had for 15 years (that sounds like I lost her to death but that is not the case) we have   gone separate ways and I have had nights awake just feeling so bad.  Have any of you ever had to break up with a friend?  Do you have any advice?  This is also a wierd thing I am almost completely away from the pills but when I think of life without them as happy as i am I also feel like I am losing another friend this one doesn't send me b-day cards but has spent more nights with me than my husband LOL.  OK time for bed you are all the best!!!!!!!!!!! I could have never come this far without you all.
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I am sorry about your friend.  But sometimes we need to do things for our sanity.  One of my very best friends for about 25yrs and I had to go our separate ways.  My ex of about 6 months was an addict in the worst way.  He had to leave otherwise it would have destroyed my family.  I had been going through hell these last 6 months.  My girlfriends boyfriend is also an addict, pills, alcohol, soma's, crack, everything.  He begged me to help him, this was 2 months ago.  I busted my rear getting one of my Dr's to admit him to the hospital for detox and rehab.  He came out a week later and quickly relapsed.  I drove around for 5 hours to meetings, friends in NA and AA to get him help and sponsers.  For 2 days I dragged my kids around to help them.  I ask her to do me a favor,  she could not do it because she had to babysit him.  I told her I could not have my boys around him when he was using and that I couldn't watch her enable him any longer.  She was doling out pills, pot and alcohol to him, saying she could control his addiction now.  I blew up, and I told her I could no longer be friends with her, it was not survival for my children and me.  She got mad hung up the phone and thats that.  I don't miss all that insanity.  I felt bad like you for about a week.  Sometimes I miss her.  But I do not miss all that craziness.  Life is now normal.  If breaking the bonds is pro survival for you than you have done the right thing.  I don't know why you two broke up.  But if the relationship was causing more pain than pleasure something was wrong.  Love and friendship should not hurt.  Nothing good should hurt.  Be strong my friend.  Life always has a way of working out.  God Bless and keep you at peace....love  Susan
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sorry I meant my ex of almost 6 years.
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I know how painful the end of a friendship can be. I have had dear, close friends drop out of my life without a word (not related to drug use in any way, in fact several times before I ever even thought of using drugs). Words cannot explain the pain. Did I do something wrong? What? Was there something going on in that person's life that had nothing to do with me? For God's sake, tell me, don't leave me wondering forever (to this day, 10 years later, I wonder what happened with a friend who was like a sibling to me.) Later I did have several close friends remove themselves from my life and heart because of my drug use (which in reality was mostly depression.) I understand and respect what Lea is saying, but I can't agree with it in all cases. The rejection I felt made me want to use more drugs, not less. I have a best friend who has done some thinngs I don't "approve of" (including drugs, but other stuff also), but I wil stand by this person until the end of our lives. Please, nobody be angry with me -- I'm not speaking of all situations, only mine. The last thing I needed was to be rejected because I "might" be using drugs. I needed to be held close and loved. -- Milo
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Hey there,,,,jules,  I need your email again....lost it   thanks,,,,now,,,about losing friends....friends come and friends go...but true friends I mean true friends are there,,through thick and thin......I have a 2 friends I speak with maybe 1 or 2 times a year,,,,,,but,,,when there is a crisis, they are always there for me or vice versa,,,,,I lost my best frind last christmas,,,,,she was there for me through everything, she never judged me, told me the truth about everything, defended me held me, fought for me...she was my mom,,,since then I will never have a friend such as her.....friends that desert us in our time of need are not really friends.....if they suspect you use drus they should offer their support and leave it at that,,,not leave you.....they should not judge you, or expect anything from you in return....that is what is so nice about this forum....we have no faces here and we expect nothing in return but yet I feel as though you all are my friends.....we stick with each other, support, love, care and show genuine concern....I am not saying this forum should take the place of real live flesh but the form this forum takes is real firendship one that should be like that in the flesh.......love to all   cin
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I can relate to your loss of your best friend. My best friend of 28 years and I parted ways a couple years ago. I was devastated. What had happen is we both lived on the West coast. we were inseparatable all through junior high, high school and after. I moved to the East coast and although we didn't see each other all the time I flew out once a year for a few weeks. the distance didn't hinder our friendship. One year her and her husband flew out to visit and it was the trip from hell. She was way out of line. Obnoxious, fighting for the center of attention etc. anyhow, she ended up leaving two days early to go home. I was so upset and felt I failed as a hostess. Later I found out she was abusing pain pills plus a lot of other issues. It has been a few years and we have just started talking. it is hard to repair a friendship 3,000 miles away via telephone. I also had a very dear friend here where I live whom I have parted ways with.  This has also caused me a lot of grief. But the thing I have learned is...sometimes these friends are gone forever. Sometimes they return. Sometimes we find the relationship might not ever be the same but with new boundaries and guideline there can someday be a relationship. Either way it is very painful. And I guess that is how you weigh their importance while in your life by the void it leaves when the relationship has split. I also found this one more reason to numb myself with pills. I know it is a great loss. My heart goes out to you.

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All I can say is, *AMEN*! One way or another you find out who your true friends are. Thank God I have friends, one in particular, who I know will be there for me forever...no matter how much "fair weather friends" may hurt me along the way. And on a personal note, your sharing your experience with your mother has helped me realize what a precious gift our parents are to us (or at least can be.) My relationship with both parents has improved 100%. Thank you (and the rest of my forum angels) for giving me a place to come without fear of judgment or condemnation. -- Milo
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You are right,,,,,you will find out...Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart....My dear friend Brighty sent that to me today....and it is so true.....My best friends are my mom, my sister and of course my husband,  they will be there forever for me and I for them....Doug is a little different...there are things I can tell him and he just doesn't get it  lOL  he can't relate to PMS, cramps,  bloating  LOL  and i think i have said this before but since my mom died no one will ever love me like she did,,she was the one to tell me if my haircut was ugly,  my jeans were too tight..allthough i have my sister to take care of that for my mom  LOL  I hope you have a great rest of the weekend   and my regards to Mr. Milo.......Love cin
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What an angel you are. Ole Mr. Milo is feeling kind of rough right now, side effects of the treatments and all, but he's in good spirits, hanging in there, and best of all, halfway through his treatment! Little Milo probably feels the worse of the two! You're so, so right about friends. Unfortunately there are all too few of the true friends around...though I read one person quoted as saying that if he died with one true friend in this world, he'd feel lucky. It's ironic -- some people use drugs because all of their friends are using them...I use drugs to dull the ache of loneliness (friendship and especially love) in my life. Wow, I seem to be in a confessional mood this weekend! Oh, well, I'll be at work tomorrow, tapering from Fioricet to Donnatal, no one the wiser, and nothing changed for the better. Just call me the eternal optimist! Thanks for listening -- Little Milo
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well,,,even when you don't have love per se (if you are talking about remantic love) it will happen when you least expect it..that's how it happened for me....but if it is love in general from friends etc....well I have news for little Milo...you are loved....genuinely loved....by me and the rest of us....write to me   and i will send you my number if you need to talk i am here and don't worry about my husband he'll love you too    LOL   (hey I better be careful there  lOL)   love cin
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friends seem to drop out of my life and then vanish inexplicabl
and then i'll be dammed, (some) just resurface!it has a spooky
effect sometimes, like my past (i have way to much oast) starts
breaking in to the present.
only 1 of the people i started out in heavy drug use is still
alive. when i was living in so. mpls we used to sit in the kit-
chen all night and get loaded on what ever was at hand(usually
black tar H and/or methadrine). grouch, my friend would drink
several pints of cabin still (stab and kill) whiskey. he would
also lick the residue out of the cooker spoon if you let him.
many nights he would put a beter buzz on his head than i could!
i did a midnight move out of mpls. yup just threw a blanket on
the floor, toss anything you wanted to keep, pickup all four
corners and start bookin'. see my house and the one on either
side was under survalance, but thats another story.
the next time i saw grouch was at the Minnesota  regional AA
blow out. I'd been clean about a year and to my amazement he
had a year and a half clean. a new friendship started. after
a little bit of what ever happened to who, i learned that an
old shooting buddy was livining in the house i left so quickly
years before. i also learned this person was really in a struggle
trying to get clean. OF COURSE I HAD TO HELP. when i arrived at
his place he was just in the process of fixxing. it was awful
i sat and watched when i should have just walked out. when
he was done, i set about the task of really jumpping him
emotionally. i said things i will never forgive myself for say-
ing! i went back the next day to make amends for my behaivor.
the door to his house was slightly open, but no responce to a
nock. i went into the front room to find him all blue and quite
dead. his ty still around his arm and his rig still in his arm.
i had never seen an OD when i was clean! words fall short of
saying what i felt to this very day. i dialed 911 on his phone
and split. i know he put the dope in his arm that killed him,
but i wish i had not been so judgemental and program-pushy!!
maybe things would have been different if i'ld practiced a little
more humility and acceptance!
i'm still in touch with Grouch. he stayed sober 13 years, got
devorced from his wife and started using again. i see him several
times a year- he is usually wasted. although this is painful
for me, i believe i can help him more if i first respect our
friendship and never preach or cut off from him!

i've never told anyone about this....i hope i didn't bore anyone
telling it. Life is short, even shorter for a junky. the worst
hunk of drug using sludge, deserves to be treated with kindness
and repect that a "normal" person takes for granted.

Grouch: if you read this call me!

keep an angel on your shoulder
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Wow, what a story.  Not only did you not bore me, but i had to read your story twice!
You certainly have been there and back and then some!!!
I respect your strength, you're an amazing person, and don't you ever let anyone tell you different!!!!
I have my angel sitting there on my shoulder through the good times and the bad!!!  Never hurts to have one closeby! :)
Lv Jenny
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Hi Milo,
I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly these days with your treatment.
I've been way too busy, not getting nearly enough time to spend with all of my 'forum friends'!!  Never forget how truly special you are, and if you do forget for some reason, there will always be someone on this board to remind you!!! :)
Take care, and i hope you feel better soon!!!!
((HUGS)) from a friend!
Lv Jenny
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Hi Jules,
I'm sorry you are feeling so hurt and sad about loosing your friend.
I too went through this a while back.  My best friend, growing up, and I had a falling out.  She had moved down to Florida because she liked it here, with her new boyfriend.  They ended up getting married, but her was a bad alcoholic.  We just didn't have a whole lot in common anymore, and didn't really see eachother too often.  (this has a good ending so hang in there).  Anyway, they had a baby, and then she became pregnant again.  During her second pregnancy, they decided to separate and then divorce.  Well my friend had her husband's parents there to help them with ANYTHING, but she refused there help because she wanted to be controlling, and didn't want them to enjoy her 1st daughter.  So instead, whenever she needed help with anything, it was ME that she called.  She even called me to pick her up a cake while she was pregnant because she didn't want to drive because she was getting very pregnant.  She was taking complete advantage of me, and i drew the line and told her i couldn't do it.  We ended our friendship.  A year or two later, i had a call from a neighbor of my friends whom i used to work with.  My friends husband had hanged himself in their garage.  He had a driving accident while drunk and was due to get sentenced that day, but decided to kill himself instead.  
I sent my friend a card and told her if she needed me to call.... what a stupid ass i was, i should have gone running as fast as i could and made sure i was there for her, i'll never forgive myself for that.  She called me a few years later, i was 8-months pregnant with my (now almost 9-year old daughter), she brought her two girls over, and we never talked about our falling out, and we've been friends ever since.
She now lives in Jacksonville,FL and i live 250 miles south.  I just saw her and her, now three girls, for the first time in almost 6-years during 4th of July.  She was the one who urged me to get my husband into treatment.  She told me no one should suffer like he was suffering.  She's known both of us for a long long time.  We talk all the time now, so you never know what will happened in the future.  She is now going through a second divorce from a man (who is her 3rd child's father).  He's a mess, a recovered alcoholic, drug user, but has a lot of mental problems.  We went to high school with him back in NJ.
Anyway, maybe things will work out between you and your friend, maybe not right way, but in the near future!
Good luck Jules!
Lv Jenny
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Kip -- What a story...I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you. But I wholeheartedly believe you are right -- compassion & respect are the best response no matter how bad off someone may be. Please keep telling us those stories -- we need to hear them!
Jenny -- Bless your heart, it's my dad who's undergoing radiation & chemo right now. Fortunately he's halfway through, and they expect a complete recovery. Hope you're doing well! -- Little Milo
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Yes, I recently had to "break up" with a best friend.  I am 31 years old and we had been friends since we were 10 years old!  It hurt and I had sleepless nights over it.  She and I just started to grow apart and I just could not identify with her anymore.  She wanted so much attention and sympathy from me that I just couldn't keep up with her demands anymore and we finally just got into a really nasty verbal argument (via email!) and that was the end of our friendship.  I was supposed to be her matron of honor Saturday at her wedding and I ended up not even attending!!  Then she went and told her parents all this nasty stuff about me (I have known them for like 20 years and they are like my parents) and it got to be a really bad situation.  She was trying so hard to make me look bad because I have always been close to her family and we have all had mutual respect for each other.  Luckily, her Mother and I have been talking about her behavior for the last 8 - 9 months over the phone and her Mom knew I was really fed up with her so it wasn't so bad.  Her family is not taking sides but they agree with me and understand how I feel so that has made it a little easier.  Funny thing, now that it's over, I actually feel relieved that I don't have to put up with her Bulls%@T anymore!  I hope this has helped you.  I have been reading this forum for over a year and post very unfrequently but felt the need to respond to you!  Don't let it get you down sweetie!  God Bless to all.  Maryanne
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Thank you so much for your reply I do have to say that one of the reasons I have been afraid to break this off is that fact that I know she will make me look bad to mutual friends.  That really bothered me more than I have wanted to admit.  But guess what I have a clear conscience about what kind of a friend I have been and I doubt she can say the same and if she wants to try to make herself look good there isin't much I can do.  I have been going through a lot of **** with her for quite a few years.  She lives in Atlanta I am in NJ she has lived there for about 9 years and has come to visit 3 times where as I can't even count the amount of times I have been to see her.  She missed my wedding because she was 6 months pregnant and tried to tell me it was because she was having braxton hicks contractions well guess what they are normal at 6 months I knew from the start she wouldn't be coming.  It took her 3 years and a little tiff on the phone for her to finally visit.  There is so much more to this I am sorry to bore you but it feels good to write about it.  I truly think this breakup has been harder on me than my divorce I went through in my twenties!! UUGGHH Thanks for the ear love to all Jules
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I think our society tends to downplay or overlook the imporance of friendship as opposed to "official" relationships like family or marriage -- and so the end of a long/valued friendship isn't often recognized for how difficult and painful it really is. I can see how the end of a friendship can be as bad or worse than divorce. I've been through that pain myself, esp. when I didn't understand why it was happening -- no closure. Just last night, in fact, I had a sad dream about that very thing. I'm glad we can talk about it here. -- Little Milo
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Katie r and kip are right on the money!!!!
You are completely and totally out of line.
Get a life!!!!
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The world's troubles are often caused by one track minds hitting head on.                                                           Daniel I find it hard to believe you sought out this forum for the intent of counseling people. Everyone has indictated the door is open...Just walk thru it.  Sincerely, Shotsy
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