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365850 tn?1207696606

What is "Alcoholism"?

I don't drink, but alot of my friends drink all the time.  I live in a University town, and EVERYONE drinks, seemingly all the time.  I have a few questions:

1) What exactly is alcoholism; how do you differentiate between an alcoholic and a "normal" person who drinks all the time?  When does one become an "alcoholic" per se?

2) I heard that alcoholism develops more quickly in young people.  I heard that it takes about 10 years for an adult to become alcoholic, while it takes only 3 or 4 years for a young person.  Is this true?
77 Responses
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Can always count on u to deliver a stellar response girl!Heed up New Dude this lady knows what she's talking about and all of it so true in our culture regarding its dubl-standard on drinking and alcoholism.
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318928 tn?1248177416
Excellent question!  Here's the deal: 'Normal' people don't drink all the time.  'Normal" people will have a drink or two but won't finish a drink sometimes.  That's normal.  I know 'normal' people and it amazes me! Normal people do not drink all the time and they really have no desire to.  Alcoholism is a spiritual, mental and physical disease.  However, the symptom of out of control drinking is what most people associate with alcoholism.  There is no specific time someone becomes an alcoholic.  Some argue they are born alcoholics before picking up a drink.  The drink is the last part of an alcoholic's disease which leads to physical addiction.  No one can tell you or anyone else if one is an alcoholic, that is up to that person.  AA.org has 10 questions that can determine is someone is an alcoholic.  But its an individual conclusion.  Most people are not educated enough about the disease yet they run around labeling people alcoholics.
The illusion that alcohlism is prevelant in one group or another is false.  Young, old, black or white alcohlism is a progressive disease.  For some people it happens rapidly, while others it takes a nice slow road either way, the outcomes and consequences are the same.  No specific age group is affected more intensely than another and I have no idea where you obtained those ideas but they are false.  
The people you are choosing to be around make it seem like 'everyone is an alcoholic'.  Which may be in one degree or another.  But if you look around, its likely the same people, doing the same things, going nowhere.  There are 'normal' people where you are but it seems you are linked to a group who abuses alcohol.  While it may be trendy in college to drink, I understand that, there are kids that don't overindulge in alcohol and its associated behaviors.  The group who is drinking does not realize the impact of the alcohol abuse.  Their are long term and short term consequences to the drinking.  Unfortunately, we live in a society that considers this behavior acceptable yet have the most stringent laws in the world to try to control it.  A true contradiction.
I encourage you to educate yourself more about alcoholism.  Its fascinating and sad at the same time.  Perhaps this will lead you on a path to help others with this affliction.  Let me know your thoughts.
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alcoholics are those who xperience a loss of control with their drinking...loss of control over the amount and their behaviors.They may have blackouts.They continue to drink despite legal,family,social,financial personal and health problems.They drink 2 get a buzz,2 get drunk.They seem to lack an OFF switch.Normal social drinkers don't do these things...they seem to have the OFF switch lucky folks!Not sure about this time frame u mention but I am 52 now.B-gan 2 drink at 14,first drunk i blacked out,thought that was normal.Always drank for the buzz.I knew at 19 i had a big problem but didn't seriously address it until 28.Hey Uber ,Billy and Walternowotny jump in here and contribute...u all have some very good input!:))))))
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365714 tn?1292199108
I think many of the writers are nice. I've got quite a few email addresses written down on a sheet of paper or pointers to websites, but I don't know if I can email everyone. It would be nice, but I'd like to make sure I have something well composed to send to them. I think if I just email one or two on a regular basis that is something. It is better than trying to email all at once. So far I've given each writer a sheet of paper with my name, link to my talentdatabase site with my artwork and other contact info.  At least if I'm not able to email them, they can email me.

I also give some of my home-made cards out to students, faculty members, and audience members who seem interested. Who knows, some of them may be able to help me or at least just enjoy it.

The writing process for me either starts on loose-leaf paper or on the computer with a blank word document.  The blank word document seems to throw the most surprises for me. I may set out to write one thing and end up writing something else...  Lately I've been writing up a bunch of random chapters. I have no clue how they will fit in the final product, but I'm trying not to worry about it. When I handwrite I seem to lock myself into writing chronological order. The good thing is I get the entire story and chapters that flow together. The downside is writers block can cripple the progress... It's nice to jump ahead and work around stuck point... I'm not sure how you've seen my illustrations, besides my icon. Sure I'll send the the db link via pm. If I post it here, it's likely to get my post culled.

I guess this strayed far from the orginal post. Oops.  Need to type something about alcoholism. :P

Oh did you know honeybees like to drink alcohol?  You can google up "drunk honeybees" and get some interesting results. Click and enjoy (:
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365850 tn?1207696606
Hello, pals.  Glad to see you have been keeping well.

What kind of music is it that you write, ibizan?  I saw on your profile that you like evrything but twangy country (good discrimination, in my opinion), is it folk music or something like that?  It's pretty awesome that you've copyrighted your songs, too, and sent them to a performer.  I makes sense that you'd be good at that kind of thing, too, from your posts.  I like all kinds of music, too (except twangy coutry, of course).  Actually, I take jazz guitar lessons at the moment.  I wish I could put more time into it, but unfortunately my skills have been left out to dry lately in that department.  It's great that you're helping MJIthewriter with her stuff, I agree that she has a talent which must be encouraged.  An animated movie sounds great!

Hey, MJI, if you want to send me your talentbase address via personal-message I'd love to visit it.  I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself at the writers' event.  Don't worry if you don't connect with some of the schmucks, they're probably not the real deal... ;)  Your illustrations ARE nice, trust me, there's no way anybody could say that they're not.

It's bizarre that your characters change your plots... it's like they have a life of their own!  That's pretty darn cool.  What you say about how if the author is left in the dark then the plot is more suprising is an interesting idea.

I can't think right now, because there's alot of noise going on in the background, but stay yourselves, ibizan & MJIthewriter, it's a pleasure & an inspiration to have met you!

We'll keep in touch.
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365714 tn?1292199108
Thank you so much for your kind words of encourament. The writing event seems to be going well. Some writers I connect with and others, probably not. I've given each of them my link to my talentdatabase site and my contact info.  Last night I don't think I connected with the writers, but one of the writers who will be doing today's reading was sitting next to us. She seemed very excited about my stuff and said she knows a friend who's an artist.  I said sure, go ahead and let as many people know as you can. That's what I'm hoping for, and I gave her another slip of paper with my contact info.  (I need to make business cards, but that shall come in due time.)

So far even with the writers that didn't seem to connect, so far they all seem to agree that my illustrations are nice.  This is encouraging. Since this has been quite a stressful week with the SSI hearing, I haven't really sat down and done much writing. I've been making up things in my head though.  Sometimes I have a general plot and sometimes not. Sometimes I have a plot and all of a sudden my characters wich to change it.  I've done a fair number of making up things as I go along and I can get some of the most interesting plot twists. I think it is more convincing if the author doesn't know. That way the surpise is captured pretty well.  It doesn't always work out that way, but it can be fun. i find it amusing many of the things I created in 1995, "just because" later turned out to have more to it.  I think it also takes a degree of time. For me it did not take overnight to come up with my ideas. I've had several ups and downs with the writing process over the years. Sometimes I even tried to throw away my stuff, but something kept me from doing that. There were times like 2006 I suffered depression and honestly thought I lost the ability to imagine things in my head and write.

Dreams would be nice to write from. I've had a number of dreams at one time I hoped to write down. Somtimes I even get dreams of writing the previous dream on paper. How's that for strange?  I've also had bits of my story come from dreams too. I try to weed out the illogical.  So yes, newdude, if you have the time, try to write down your dreams.

I hope there's something encouraging in there. Writer's block can be an ***, but I found one way around it is to write about something else that is on my mind.  It causes some plot gaps, but it keeps me active. If I can't write my story then I write something else. I think posting here counts as writing.
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i like to write....have written two songs i copyrighted..one is in the hands of a well known recording artist but no news yet on the outcome.At least i got it there and it is a strange story indeed but out of it I made a new friend in Holland and if thats all the further it goes so be it!I create funny limericks poems stories based on real life events that people die laughing atI'm sure u noticed i have a dry wit and a cryptic sense of humor.I seem to be driven now to encourage MJLwriter with her stories.I think she has a gift and also a story that children and enlightened adults would enjoy...her illustrations are the bomb and i envision a animated movie as well!
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365850 tn?1207696606
Hello, folks, hope you have been keeping well...

Yes, absolutely right, never feed the trolls, any kind of trolls, ever.  If a troll comes a-knocking at your door, whatever you do, don't offer him any food, because you'll never be able to get rid of him, and chances are he'll eventually eat you alive!

That writer's conference/event sounds like a good opportunity... good times!  Hope you enjoy it; I'm sure you will.  Hopefully you'll be published someday... if you do, you've got to tell me somehow where to get your work.

Yes, I think my main problem with writing is that I never have any plotlines; in fact, I always start from scratch, literally pulling the plot out of my arse as I go.  Last Christmastime I wrote several poems and 2 short stories in that style, making it up as I went along, and it went very well.  It was very coherent for something which was not premeditated.  I haven't written much since then, due to the turmoil in my life.  I recently wrote about 3 pages like that.  I'm quite happy with it, but stopped for lack of plot and direction.  I've thought of basing the plot on dreams (I often have these dreams where I wake up with the strong urge to write what I've just dreamt, but usually forget it a few moments later - or it suddenly seems absurd).  If I base the overall plot on dreams, and just insert more sensible, logical, consciously conceived thoughts in there, it would be almost postmodern from the dream aspect, but still bear meaning.  I just need to work out my plot... anyways, no matter.

Well, I hope you guys keep well & stay yourselves, ibizan & MJIthewriter.  I'll drop you guys a line, or a thread, if we don't happen to cross paths in the near future, just to see that you are still keeping it together.

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365850 tn?1207696606
Hello, all.  My computer messed up on me for a couple days there...
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U both are so right about no more responses to trolls..it does bring out the worst in me...and u newdude as us stated and i b-lieve thats the trolls intent!this forum is meant for help and toxicity will not be heeded from here on out!
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365714 tn?1292199108
Yes I agree. There's the old slogan: "Don't feed the trolls" and I've learned from observation what that means. It's tough to not reply. I don't know how I'd respond to a direct insult, but I think I'd try to ignore it and just let them post whatever to their heat's content. Meanwhile I'd be quietly reporting each offending post and hope that does it. That's what I hope to do anyway. If they started off with a logical dispute, I may engage, but once it crosses that point, it's time to let go and ignore. I've seen enough "anti" trolls that become trolls trying to defend themselves from the original offending troll. That's something I hope not to engage myself with. It isn't worth it.

I'm glad to hear I inspired you in some way. Like I tell my mom, writing doesn't have to be of characters and done in storybook style. That is just one way of writing. There are lots of well written essays in different styles. There's also poetry and songwriting. Even posting on a forum is writing. What you are writing on the forums is pretty good. You can take those posts and develop them further. Even writing about your life and struggles is worth a shot.  

You don't have to create complex characters. One of the cool things being where I am right now at this time, is a wonderful event where there are well known/famous/award winning authors of children's books are reading their works to the public.This is going on every day this week with different authors. I really hope to attend Sunday where Lois Lowry will be reading. I love her book The Giver. I believe it helped inspire me in a way. I hope to attend and meet as many writers as I can. I've seen three so far and they each have their own unique style. That's what makes writing and reading fun.

So like I said, don't worry about developing characters so much if that isn't your skill. I don't consider myself a poetry writer and don't strive to be one either. That isn't my calling.
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365850 tn?1207696606
ibizan, buddy:  Let's just agree to ignore HELPME907's comments, it's just getting ludicrous, and brings out a bad side in me.  There's only so much you can do...

MJIthe writer:  Don't worry, I won't steal your ideas... :)  I meant more that I was inspired by what you were saying about your imagination, and being able to concentrate on your characters.  It inspired me to be the same way... hasn't quite worked out yet, I think I'm hopeless.  What is it that you like about insects?  Most people, particularly girls, tend to dislike them (hopefully not stereotyping); it's interesting that you like them.  I like your insect picture, by the way, very much.

Video games are very much like drugs.  I think it has been proven that they release the same chemical, Dopamine, as Cocaine does.  This is why people can go for hours on end playing video games, without eating like you describe, and they're all hyped up afterwards.  It's possibly one reason why they're so addictive.  Also, the release of Dopamine adds that physical aspect to it, too.  But you're definitely right about the physical effects and withdrawal symptoms being much less with video games.  With video games, you just sleep it off.  It's not the same with hard drugs, especially over long periods of time.

It's odd that MedHelp would delete your posts about your characters.  Too bad.  I'm very interested, and it's cool that you and ibizan are exchanging ideas about your stories; she's a cool gal.  I'd love to hear anything about anything you're writing. :)

Thank you for sharing all of this with me; I find it very interesting, and inspiring.  I mainly find it inspiring because, well, I've always been a pretty talented person (not bragging, I hope, but it's true, and talent has its downsides, too), and have always been interested in these strange abilities which humans have, the things which make us humans, things to do with the mind.  This fascination used to really drive me, and make me think about great things, but I lost it lately, tragically, and have been pretty down on life, and concerned with trivialities.  But hearing what you have to say kinda reminded me of what my life used to be about; I can tell that you have this strange, remarkable thing about you, and it inspires me.  Thank you!
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ur probably being apologetic because u got reported to Medhelp for abuse on this forum.....the some **** anyways was pretty lame.u  have two reports for the abuse..one more and they'll oust u..but u can always come on under another name.Had this happen with another troll.Apologies are nice but talk is cheap...actions speak louder than words!
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Believe it or not I have more to say :). I actually respect you (Ibizan) more then I may be showing, You genuinely want to help people and I'm more then positive you've changed lives for the better. I just disagree with you about the genetics of alcoholism. Yes it may give you a predisposition to vulnerability to diseases related to alcoholism but it doesn't give you a predisposition to the so called "disease" of alcoholism. Much like racist, homosexuality, and political affiliation they are all learned behavior.

I am truely sorry if "drunk matt" has offended you. I am very passionate in my scientific beliefs.  
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365714 tn?1292199108
Yes be inspired to write, as long as it is nothing like my stuff. *is very possessive of her ideas and characters*, lol.  My work is a form of realism with a bit of fantasy thrown in. I don't like writing about humans as my characters, so I take to what I like, insects.  As a result I created human-like creatures with insectlike features.  (My avatar is one of my characters, the one who's the sober alcoholic.)

I think I can write so well, because I do understand addiction. Yes I do. Maybe not to substances, but there was a time in my life I suffered depression and I still battle with it time to time. I wasn't performing to the same level as the other art students in my college. No matter what idea Ic ame up with, someone topped me... I found comfort going into online game communities.  In process of trying to get high scores, trophies, I lost focus on real life...  It was really sad, I stayed up until closing time trying to win a trophy, which I got after 8 hours of playing...and not eating...  I ended up having to drop out.  Eventually I got sick and tired of being sick and tired so to speak. Sometimes I think back to the fun I had playing the games, sometimes log in or wish to log in. I guess it's more of a longing than anything else.  I can distract myself and forget about it. I know if I log in and start to play, I get obsessed again.

I wonder if it is like that with alcoholism and other addictions? Though in this case it would have more physical problems associated with addiction. Being addicted to games would be more psychological than anything else. I'm not sure how withdrawls would compare, but I'm sure it would be nothing as severe as withdrawls associated with phyisical addiction.  I wonder if my thinking is too far off base?  

I've been sending messages and emailing back and forth with ibizan and she seems to identify with my character (Who is interestingly in her age group being in his 50's in the story and sober almost long as her depending on what age I decide to use to compare with. This wasn't intentional considering I had the character developed before I came here.)  I must be doing something pretty well there. Originally I posted about my character and wanting feedback, but I think the medhelp staff nixed it because it was blatently a post about a fictional character, not a real person...and the fact he is not human and some kind of bug creature probably made them mistake me for being a troll or spammer...  I'm thankful I checked the thread just before it got deleted and remembered the two people who replied, so I could connect with them.

I must try to get to bed now even though I don't feel tired... Hopefully I didn't make too many typos without word-checking...
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To be honest newdude and ibiz....somecunt ANYWAYS. You guys are hilarious get over it you really don't know what you're talking about. People like you refuse to admit fault, divorce logic, demerit truth all in all you just have no idea what you're blabbering about. This site was made for people with knowledge (me) to help people that are clueless (you) to better understand their medical problems. You guys/galls, really have no business posting here. This, for you, has become any regular forum you pathetically troll. Seriously, it's almost pathetic whenever I log on you have something inane to bring up. Ibizan I feel bad for your clients, i say clients because none of them are really patients they are people that employ you, moronically. to "help" them with the problems you have no business curing.

Please educated yourself before you destroy lives....
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365850 tn?1207696606
Will do; I would love to join you on the autism forum... if only to listen and learn, as I don't have anything to contribute.  Thanks for the invite. :)

What you say is very interesting.  As for the social clues, I think many people have that problem... I know I do! ;) ... (just kidding; it's probably much different)

That's so cool (and I mean VERY COOL) how you can get completely enveloped in your characters' worlds.  I find that amazing!  I wish I could do that.  Actually, you know, you've inspired me with that one!  I really wish I could do that.  When I was a little kid, I can say that I was like that, but no longer.  I'm too easily distracted, my id is too developed; after years of drug abuse, part of me is still looking for the next high, even though my pleasures be the simple ones.  I really wish I could sink back into my imagination like that and be content.

Actually, if you want any info on what it's like to be an addict, you can ask me if you want.  I used to be a huge speed addict, for about three years heavily (I'm 22), and before that I smoked lots of pot since I was about sixteen, every single day.  I've recently quit, for many reasons.

I also enjoy typing over speaking, I was always very shy, and stutter in social situations.  I'm not autistic, though, just weird.

I can understand liking writing over reading; I too have a problem with reading, but used to write when I was a little kid (I started about 10 different "novels" when I was just in preschool and elementary school, all of course highly derivative).  I was a brainy kid.  But writing is creative and free, and you're the boss, whereas to read is to adhere to someone else's world, one which they've created, and it's a completely different kind of thing.  I'm not a very good reader, and even though I've read plenty of great "classic" literature, like James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, I still have to concentrate really hard to take in what I'm reading.

It's really interesting to hear what you have to say... I'll probably see you in the autism forum.  Take care!
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365714 tn?1292199108
Another con about being "High functioning" on the autism spectrum is misunderstanding from "nero-typicals" (perceived normal non-autistic people).

From first glance everything about me seems normal. People don't understand why I can't make this, can't do that...why I act rude, and the list goes on... They think I'm lazy, unmotivated, making excuses and so on.  One of our things coming up this week is trying to get SSI, our final hearing in court. The government does not realize I have a disability.  I fall between the cracks in society; not disabled enough to get all the help I need, but not "normal" enough to hold a long-term job and function fully in society.

I'm really hoping in time (read "right now!") more light can be shed on autistic adults and more breakthroughs in our favor. There are lots of breakthroughs going on with diagnosing children early and getting more support.  For the older autistics, though, I'd like to see more change.
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365714 tn?1292199108
Come with me to the autism forum. It's on the medhelp site. ;) I got my parents involved which makes it even more a delight. I have my journals too with the intention to help people understand autism from my perspective. (Hopefully a slight stray of topic won't cause my post to go *poof* like my topic did some weeks ago...)

I consider autism to be a mixed blessing and curse. You've got to take the good with the bad.  The bad, mucho anxiety. It's not always panic attack anxiety, but more of a clueless feeling. To go out on my own, think about independent living, and various unfamiliar things like visiting places. (In my case searching for art shows and ways to get my art shown would be one example) feels to me like being thrown in an airport and be expected to direct air traffic... It just won't happen... Being unable to recognize faces immediately and out of context only adds to the stress. Also taking social cues is an ongoing challenge. How do I know when to stop monologuing about my stuff, insects, plants, cats, whatever? How do I join in a conversation without interrupting?

One of the positive things is a very well developed thought process. Without a doubt I believe my autism has greatly helped my creativity, at least with the things I enjoy. I can get very detailed. I'd like to see from my character's perspectives and try to live in their situation.

I've been trying to figure out whether or not someone being sober for over 20 years would get occasional cravings or not. That is one example how detailed I can get with my characters.

I've also learned to use language to express myself. It's an ongoing process trying to find the right way to express my thoughts.  I've heard many aspergers people are gifted with good language speaking abilities.
In general I prefer typing over speaking.

When I speak, I tend to stumble on my words and stutter a little. It's frustrating.

In writing I make frequent typos, but usually (sans the forums on this site) I can edit and mask that.  I believe I have a bit of dyslexia. Oddly I've not been fond of reading. I've never taken to reading like I do with writing. It's a paradox. I'd read books and enjoy many of the things I read, but it takes so darn long for me to read and finish a book. If I don't catch myself I skip lines or read the same line over.  With the net, I find reading through long paragraphs I will move the curser along at my pace to keep my eye lined up on the sentence. (Since this turned out to be such a long post, I went into MS word to fix the misspellings and typos this time)
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365850 tn?1207696606
Hello, senorita ibizan! :)  Hope all is going splendidly. ;)  Yes, Nietzsche has to be one of the most quotable writers out there... after Oscar Wilde, perhaps.  I used to go to Prince Edward Island every summer with my parents.  I loved it when I was a child, because of all the amusement parks.  Then when I became a teenager I started finding it boring, too much Anne of Green Gables. ;)  I used to call it "Anne of Green Gables Land."  But now I think I'd enjoy it again.  We go to Nova Scotia now, which is a great place.  P.E.I. and Nova Scotia are the best places in the maritimes, no question.  P.E.I. is known for its red sand, very peculiar, and the strait between P.E.I. and New Brunswick is very warm for swimming.  I don't know if I'd heard that about K.D. Lang or not... somewhere in my distant past... but it makes sense somehow.  Rings a vague bell.  K.D. Lang is very good.  My Parents used to listen to her alot.  Thanks for the heads up on that thread, I will check it out after this.

MJI:  Sounds like a good method you've got for writing.  Sounds like a kind of realism.  I really want to put more time into that myself.  Does being autistic help you with that?  It's good that you have no need of TV as a result.  Autism has always fascinated me, it seems like such a strange condition, because of the abilities which autistic people often have.  I've read about it here and there, but don't know much about it.  I saw a show on Discovery a while back, "The Real Superhumans."  I wish I could track it down, or that I they would play the thing again so that I could record it.  Where can one learn more about autism, by the way?

Adios, all!  Stay yourselves! :)
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365714 tn?1292199108
Looks like I type in ms word and still get typos, tis life.  I can't research *all* the stuff on alcoholism and addiction there is out there, but I sure do try.

I get asked a lot if I am Irish, especially on St. Patrick's Day... I guess people think red hair has to do with being Irish? I guess I'm exempt from wearing green, or so I've been told.
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365714 tn?1292199108
Thanks. I find mental illnesses fascinating. I too have become interested in learning about alcoholism. It started when I had a character that did something in his past that he regretted.

I got to high school psychology and when we studied alcoholism a light went of in my head. That's exactly what I was looking for. Fit the character perfectly.  Ever since then I've been trying to research and Google... I've been reading all the resources. (I bet if the government was tracking me down, they'd think by my search patterns, I must be an alcoholic or some addict). Just recently I joined the forum to try to learn more as well as help people learn about autism. I wanted to cut past stereotypes and dogma to see what it is really like without having to experience it myself. ;)  That way I can make my characters more realistic. Plus it is a great way of entertainment. I see my stuff like a movie in my head. It’s sort of like a virtual reality sim. I set up the character’s strengths, weaknesses, abilities, disabilities, beliefs, value systems, backgrounds, etc… Then I put them in situations and see how they react.  I almost have no need for T.V, lol. Except for Lost. That’s like the only show I watch.

PS, I have some Irish, Scandinavian, northern European in my linage.  If I remember, I think I have a great grandpa on my mom’s side that came from Sweden. He came with his father. I got to see a copy of what looked like either a passport or other certificate stating his new citizenship in the USA. (I can’t remember off-hand what it was)
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Check out the new thread A Professional to Speak with Derek Johnson.Experienced impressive bio has this man!If u really want some help post to him but i doubt he would put up with ur moronic verbose malarkey!Check him out!
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ah yes Nietzsche....what does not kill me strengthens me!My mom had that saying on her wall for years....as i have travelled thru this life for a few years i now know what she means!I googled Prince Edward Island...Canada!I read a few years back that KD Lang lived up there and had several retired greyhounds.Thank You 4 the clarification on tweeny...twit and weeny fits it as well!:))))Some as we well know have a numerical age...but do not act it!:))))
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Julia Aharonov, DO, reveals the quickest way to beat drug withdrawal.
Tricks to help you quit for good.
A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.