709686 tn?1277432159

Dizzy, Lightheaded, anxious

I've been fighting some kind of fool allergy for the past 4 years.  Symptoms are severe abdominal pain, dizzy, lightheaded, brain fog, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, weakness in legs and knees.  At first I eliminated dairy and that seemed to help.  Next came gluten, sugar and nightshades.

Today for lunch I had grilled chicken, gluten free pasta with tomato sauce and spinich salad.  About an hour later I was dizzy, confused, lightheaded, mouth sores and my legs really hurt.  Around 5pm the brain fog began to lift along with the dizzyness but now I have developed a few of those pesky mouth sores that literally came up within the past 2 hours.

So now I;m thinking that gluten is not my problem and I have some kind of tomato allergy.  Can someone relate?
2 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Could be the tomato or it could be Chicken, a lot of folks are allergic to chicken. Are you allergic to eggs? If this keeps up, I would see a doc and ask for food allergy tests, this is the one sure way to possibly pin point the problem.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Maybe there was a cross-contamination in the food preparation?  It's hard to retrain people not to do things that might seem normal to them.  Without thinking, somebody puts bread on the grill.  Or somebody moves a dangerous food from one spot in the freezer to on the ice in the ice compartment.  It could just be crumbs from a bread wrapper getting into the ice.  Or somebody double-dipped a knife in the mayo jar you use.  These things can happen.  

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