1181835 tn?1269944119

Do you teach people about dangers of transfat, msg, hdl and ldl

Do you teach people about  Transfat its dangers as well as MSG ...do you also teach people about what causes their HDL's to lower and why their LDL's go higher...are people warned at all?
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I usually do get into conversations with friends and family members about foods, additives and how it affects the body,,but with some people it really doesn't matter, they feel "we all are going to die of something" - I've heard that a lot of the years as their excuse, so I'm at the point that I know who not to waste my breathe on.
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168348 tn?1379357075

We have a cholesterol tracker that's at the bottom of this link .. that is very helpful to chart your bloodwork!


also, we have trackers for weight, exercise, water, etc!

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1181835 tn?1269944119
the best thing I think is to continue to inform people no matter what..and what ever knowledge you have to share its good to do so anyway..I mean to say if someone is about to jump off a click .. you can't just say.. oh well you will die one day why not now?   maybe thats not what you meant..but you can't give up so easily.. you won't waste your breathe.  Like a child yu think they are not listening ...but they really are ... we can't judge because they look or sound negative.. tell them, inform them,,, at least then you know you done your job... transfat it blocks your arteries it is dangerous and hdl is very good for you... Ldl's are bad for you.. transfat lowers your hdl's and that is not good.. but eat foods with no transfat..watch out for enhancers 621 you find this also in coke and just about everything, soups, chicken, everything in the supermarket.. just read the labels... there thats my info for now.
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1181835 tn?1269944119
the best thing I think is to continue to inform people no matter what..and what ever knowledge you have to share its good to do so anyway..I mean to say if someone is about to jump off a cliff.. you can't just say.. oh well you will die one day why not now?   maybe thats not what you meant..but you can't give up so easily.. you won't waste your breathe.  Like a child yu think they are not listening ...but they really are ... we can't judge because they look or sound negative.. tell them, inform them,,, at least then you know you done your job... transfat it blocks your arteries it is dangerous and hdl is very good for you... Ldl's are bad for you.. transfat lowers your hdl's and that is not good.. but eat foods with no transfat..watch out for enhancers 621 you find this also in coke and just about everything, soups, chicken, everything in the supermarket.. just read the labels... there thats my info for now.
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