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Food Allergy?

I've thought for the last year that I've had an onion allergy. The thing is, from the posts I've been reading about this allergy, I don't have any of the same symptoms. If I eat them early in the day nothing happens. It's when I eat them at dinner time I have an odd reaction.
These are the symptoms I get after I eat onions :
That night
~ I have very weird dreams and/or nightmares
The next day
~The feeling of being hung over without drinking ( not really a headache though, the rest of the hang over sick feeling)
~ Bad taste in the mouth
~Bad smell
Is this an onion allergy ?
2 Responses
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168348 tn?1379357075

Could be a delayed reaction or a sensitivity ... I'd have to do some research on the food family of onions. Some chemicals can cause as you describe.  


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168348 tn?1379357075
I just found this:

"Some people show some severe symptoms such as fatigue, mental confusion,

migraine headache and anaphylaxis due to onion allergy. "

from: http://www.medinik.com/allergy/onion-allergy

You can get skin tested by an allergist pricing you with an actual piece of the onion.  Also, I read that oftentimes cooked onion is ok but not raw.

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