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Food allergies

Hi folks. Just fyi, I am in Canada where healthcare and a lot of doctors are extremely retarded - I can say that because one of my parents is a neonatologist who left canada for that very reason. I am hoping someone can help me out

I am extremely frustrated, I seem to be developing allergies to just about everything.

Started with eggs, then chicken, cocoa, now I suspect nuts, fish... well I get allergies to stuff I don't even know. I think maybe I ate an avocado, but I ate one yesterday and was fine. IDK. This is extremely frustrating.

The reaction is quite bad - I feel extremely lethargic, and weak. I also get a rash, but I couldnt care less. I once also had pretty bad swelling of my whole body and joints - I had trouble even bending my knees.

I've been eating rice/beef/oatmeal and veggies for the past... forever.. and I am quickly going insane.
I went to see an allergist who did a ***** test for the stuff I KNEW I was allergic to which didn't tell anything. Then he pretty much sent me home. I asked for a blood test, but he wouldn't prescribe it too me. He didn't give me meds or anything. He suggested I don;t eat whey protein (which I dont have a reaction to anyway) and try organic chicken. Personally I do not feel like conducting these crazy experiments on myself. I don;t need to waste my time going to a doctor to then try to eat stuff I know I am allergic to.

Any ideas what to do?

14 Responses
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Do you ever have respiratory symptoms with your reactions?  If so, you definitely need an Epi-pen.  It would probably be a good idea even if you don't because allergies can suddenly escalate to that point.  

Unfortunately with food allergies, the only way to truly identify them is to experiment.  In the US that is the standard with food allergies.  One thing to look for is sulfites (preservatives).  Doctors here recommend that you keep a food diary of what you eat and when, then record any reactions with the time they ocur.  

There are some alternative medicine treatments that you may want to look into.  I am sure that someone will post them for you.  

I hope you get some answers.  I have another friend that goes through the same thing, only she has severe respiratory issues with foods.  It is miserable.
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You should have an Epipen with you if you have an allergic reaction, and it could save your life, I live in Canada too, and they did some allergy test and Im allergic to so many things but the weirdest thing Im allergic too and very hard to live with his WATER, Im deadly allergic to water :S
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757137 tn?1347196453
Kinesiology got rid of all my food allergies. Regular allergists are way behind the times.
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I don't have respirator issues, thank GOD, unfortunately my reactions still make me suffer quite badly. What are some alt. med. treatments?
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allmymarbles would be able to answer that better than I.  

Hopefully she will give more details about her options.
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Maybe Prednisone would help???? It help for me quite a bit...
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757137 tn?1347196453
Predisnone can cause a lot of problems. It gave me adrenal fatigue, which was worse than the condition being treated. You have to get rid of your allergies. I presume you are taking anti-histamines. Benadryl is good but might make you drowsy. Or you can take Zyrtec, which is good for 24 hours. Both are over-the-counter. You could also ask your doctor to prescribe a rescue inhaler. These are usually albuterol. I always keep liquid Benadryl in the house because, although very rarely now, I eat something that causes an allergic reaction. I take a sip of it to keep my throat from swelling up, and then take a full dose.  
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Pred is a horrible drug.  It is necessary sometimes, but avoid it if at all possible.  It should only be used in life saving measures.  When used frequently or long term it causes diabetes, liver damage, heart damage, adrenal fatigue, thin skin (more a nausance that a real problem).  The short term side efffects are emotional issues (depression, anger to rage), constipation, ravenous hunger, insomnia and a few others.  

Don't use pred for your symptoms.  They are not severe enough.

It is far better to identify what you are "allergic" to by keeping a food diary and learning to avoid those foods.  I put allergic in quotes because a lot of what used to be called food allergies are now being called intolerences.  You are having a systemic reaction, but whether it is a true allergy is hard to say.  Either way though th food needs to be avoided.  That is always the best option for allergies.  

Unforunately you do have a lot of trial and error and some sleuthing to do before you have answers.  Keep at it.  You will get there.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Here are some natural anti-inflammatories for you to try: mullein (you can get it in liquid form), vitamin C (500 mg. daily), and, best of all, vitamin B5. You will have to take 500 mg daily of this. None of these will have side effects.
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Yeah I know Predsisone his a horrible drug but only use short time like me 7 days and it help for me, I have a really severe allergy, and I use Reactine and Benadryl, I have no choice because Im allergic to water, how can you avoid water :S  I have to use the Epipen too, I have no choice, and Im a nurse and I know the side effects of the Prednisone I gave it to so many patients....
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thanks all

i dont take anything that can mask symptoms. I take in vit c about 3g per day and a vit b complex + whatever is in my energy drink

any opinion on formulas like allermax by countrylife?

sounds like they are made for seasonal allergies though
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Yeah vitamins are good for you for many things I take B12 and take same energy drink to have some more energy to work because Im so very tired, I have blood product transfusion too, I dont like to take the Prednisone or Solumedrol but I dont have no choice if I had to I would say no, and once they gave me Kenalog Inj for allergies and now its a NO for me if she wants me to get another shoot :S
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757137 tn?1347196453
I don't understand why people tolerate food allergies when they can be gotten rid of with kinesiology. It's fast and permanent. When I had the allergies I would swell up like a balloon, sometimes retaining as much as 8 lbs. and sleeping on three pillows. It's 15 years since I got rid of them. I don't understand why everyone doesn't go that route. The doctor who treated me was an MD out of Yale with a speciality in alternative medicine.
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719662 tn?1456422797
I live in Canada too. I suddenly developed a tree nut allergy a few years ago. I just don't understand the allergist's way of thinking. I was eating mixed nuts when I had a bad reaction, so the allergist only tested for those four particular nut types and found that I was allergic to one of them. What I don't get is why I wasn't tested for ALL nut types since it is a life threatening allergy. I was told that the only way to determine which nuts I was allergic to would be to eat them and see if I have a reaction (anaphylaxis). IMO that is an irresponsible thing for a doctor to suggest.
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