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Getting very sick after alcohol..

Hi, I'm 18 and i live in australia, so alcohol is legal :)
Anyway, I've started drinking alcohol in recent times and i   always seem to get very sick the next day. I have about 4 standard drinks over 3-4 hour period and am completely fine, basically sober on the night. However, the next day i wake up really early feeling extremely nauseous - my head just spins. I then start vomiting and will do so 3-4 times or until everything in my system has been thrown up (this can be for hours). After i have finished vomiting, i feel fine. I don't have any food allergies (gluten, yeast etc), and it seems to happen no matter what i drink. Has anyone had a similar thing? or any suggestions as to what it might be? Thanks!
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363281 tn?1714899967

It sounds like you have a sensitivity to the ingredients in the alcohol; sometimes they do not present themselves until 12 hours after consuming the suspected allergen. If it were me, I just would stop drinking alcohol.
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