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Is this an allergy ?

Lately I've been experiencing something that feels/looks like an allergic reaction. Since about last year, after almost everything I eat, I feel nauseated. Then recently i had a drink of alcohol, and immediately my mouth (lips and tongue) were swollen, along with difficulty breathing.  It also happend when I went to the dentist for a filling. Immediately after she injected me, my lips and tongue started swelling up, and I again had trouble breathing. I also couldn't swallow.  And the other day, my friend dropped her glass of alcohol (I think it was a rev) and I accidently put my hand in it (I think I may have put my hand near my mouth afterwards), then about 15 minutes later I started feeling weird (nauseated, dizzy, started having weird rashes all over, my tongue and lips were starting to swell, ...).
The foods that mostly makes me feel nauseated are, shrimps, lobster, some fuits, every kind of juice, bread, and a lot more.
Also, I had severe eczema when I was young, then it dissapeared for awhile, but came back a few months ago when my mother changed the laundry detergent.  I also noticed that shampoos, soaps, etc., gives me rashes all over my body (where it touched).

Could this be an allergy to sulfates/sulfites (not sure which one)?
And should I be carrying an epi-pen?
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Yes, you definietly should be carrying and epi-pen.

You also need to see an allergist and start with some allergy testing ASAP.

Needless to say, stay away from all the things you know will cause a reaction.
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Because you're reacting to so many things it must seem like it can't be an allergy--but it sounds like your body is a highly inflammatory state and reacting to a lot of known triggers. And wannabenan is right, you should be carrying an epi-pen and you should see a doctor immediately. You'll need a doctor to prescribe the epi-pen. Your reactions sound potentially life-threatening, and will only get worse until you figure out what's causing them.
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Thank you both, I will ask my mom to make me an appointment.

I also forgot to mention a few things about my past medical history.
I have been experiencing bouts of shortness of breath, tightning of the chest and dizziness since about grade 7 or 8 (I'm in grade 11 now), I've been tested for asthma which I don't have.  I have been prescribed several different kind of inhaler (including the two I have now : advair and pulmicort) which doesn't help at all.  Also, I have a bad cough since last summer that doesn't go away (keeps coming and going).

And if both my parents have allergies, does it mean I have more chances of having allergies ? (dad : ana. to eggs and diff. kinds of medications, a lot of different kind of food, cats, dogs, outdoors ; asthma ; eczema) (mom : I think only penicillin)
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Oups, I also forgot to mention that my dad is ana. to many kind of seafood (expecially shrimps and lobster) lol
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