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I am wondering if anyone knows if an allergy or sensitivity to red dye 40 could cause acid reflux. I have year round pollen allergies as well as dog allergy and moderate to severe asthma.  The reflux triggers my asthma and I end up in a bad flare.

Thank you.
Best Answer
363281 tn?1714899967
Well, I do know that allergies can cause almost anything to flare up, so, it would not surprise me a bit if the red dye 40 was indeed causing the reflux. Since you are prone to allergies anyway, this is probably the case.

I am sorry the reflux is causing your asthma to flare up; have you ever been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia? This can cause bad acid reflux, I know, I have one. I would try taking some digestive enzymes, these can help with allergies as well as the reflux, you can obtain them at any health food store. Also, try bromelain, this is great for the type of allergy you have.
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