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No one replied so re-posting. help me out guys.

- Can i have apoplectic shock from foods/medication i had no reaction to previously (or a life threatening allergy, etc).
for example, Eating fish weekly, then one day eat it and have a really bad reaction?

- I'm 21, is it possible for me to get any new allergies, even though i have no history of having any? if so can they be dangerous?

- when trying new foods, are my chances very low of having a severe reaction if i have no allergies to start off with? or should everyone be cautious when trying new and different things?

Thanks for reading guys. also any links are appreciated.
3 Responses
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3236391 tn?1389400323
From what I've been told-your body is constantly changing & therefore changing its allergen tolerances. It is possible to go into defense mode from something that you've been eating your whole life--I, personally, have had a severe reaction to peanuts, even though I ate peanut butter & jelly sandwiches & reece's candy. So, just use caution when eating. Look for the usual signs of an allergic reaction but, IF You notice your air being "restricted" or feeling as if you'll die--do NOT hesitate of going to the e.r.!!! It could be a matter of life & death.
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Was your severe reaction to peanuts life threatening? was it like eating peanuts one day, then the next, it just changed?
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168348 tn?1379357075

As I understand your body builds antibodies against something you are allergic to, so every time you are exposed to the allergen it builds up and up and up .. that could be why one day it's fine and the next time it's not.  Ea exposure increases your risk of reaction.

Oftentimes the "first bee sting" isn't an issue, but subsequent ones can be life threatening, etc. . . you may have heard that before .. same premise .. first introduction to the allergen sets the stage for possible allergic reactions in the future.

Anybody, anytime is at risk to developing/having a food allergy.  Unfortunately as the poster above mentioned, our bodies are changing all the time.  

The new Epi Pen stock law in many states let schools keep Epi Pens on premise .. just the other week there was a news report about a boy who got stung by a bee on the bus and wasn't allergic prior .. they ran inside the school and grabbed a stock Epi Pen that saved his life.


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