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Peanut Blood Test

My son took a blood test in August and the test read that he had a 2.1 reaction to peanuts, and a 0.6 reaction to dogs and cats.  I was not able to get an appointment with a specialist until OCTOBER 13th.  However my son does attend day care, and I am very worried.  I was told just to rush him to the ER if he had a reaction, and to avoid ALL peanut products .  Does anyone know what a 2.1 reaction means?
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i was told that i am allergic to peanuts too, but i don't even eat it. Only ate it while i was on medication for the fat content i needed it, yet i didn't know i was allergic at the time and i didn't feel sick from it or anything, so i am sort of surprised.
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1067323 tn?1255032662
my daughter is very allergic to peanuts and her number was 11. I have heard though that the numbers dont really matter,they can have a problem with low numbers too.My daughter jst got back low numbers on wheat and soy and eggs and I am wondering if they are part of her trouble but she dosnt have a dangerous reaction. I would be careful until your appointment.Goodluck.
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