391475 tn?1230298201

Weird Reaction to food

Hi everyone/anyone

Today and saturday I had a very strange and unfamiliar reaction immedatiley after eating food. The foods were different (one was peach greek yogurt the other a homemade pesto made from avacado/basil/parm/almonds/lemon).  The sensation is one of tingling throughout my my entire mouth and head and a sort of lightheadedness/fogginess. The tingling lasts about an hour and the general off feeling for several hours. Today I was so concerned about it that I decided to go to the ER. They did not see anything of concern and told me to go home and take benadryl.  When I was driving home i started feeling like I wanted to reach down my throat and pull out something that was stuck there and having some tingling and/or numbness on the right side of my face.  I did not have difficulty breathing/tightness in my chest or trouble swallowing (just was very aware of swallow).  As a result I went directly to my PCP who also checked me out and didn't see anything.  Both of these events have occured the day following a vitamin infusion that my Dr.s claim there are not side effects for.  I guess I am just wondering if anyone has had this kind of reaction before and what they do.  I, in general have food and gastro/histamine issues that have not been dealt with correctly for 10 years.  I am hoping I am finally getting close to a solution with a new set of doctors but am getting concerned.  Thank you
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I would stop using that vitamin infusion, and if you still have the same feeling it could be allergy. Allergy symptoms are different from person to person, as the intensity. If you are able, try to do the allergy test on certain foods.
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391475 tn?1230298201
thank you for your help.  I have stopped the infusions and the reaction has decreased somewhat... i actually think there is something off with my swallowing. I have food reactions but they are mostly histamine and GI I have never had a throat reaction.  
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could be an allergic reaction, more so if the symptoms have occurred with the consumption of the same food. Maintain a food dairy and note down and monitor your symptoms. This may help to narrow down the search. If you haven't undergone formal allergy testing, that might be beneficial.  Under a doctor's supervision, foods that have caused allergies in the past can sometimes be added slowly back into the diet.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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594842 tn?1338142488
Look up mastocytosis.  Keep a food/reaction/mood diary.  Write down what you can even if brain foggy.  It could just be a severe food allergy too.
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