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delayed milk allergy ?!

My 5yr. Old son has had tummy problems since a year old. Periods of stomach bug like symptoms lasting few days then disappear. However this yr. This cycle has became a monthly thing. Begins with vomiting always early am. Usually 3to4am. Continued that day then diarrhea for approx 4 to 5 days. Recently a GI diagnosed possible DELAYED MILK Allergy. He does keep a mild bumpy rash on upper arms. My concern is can this type of allergy really cause this type of cycle? I would think he would have more symptoms closer together. We began NO milk protein diet& scheduled MRI next month. Will MRI only show brain or can they see intestinal problems as well?
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of course you could get a intolerance everytime. There's no fact to say like, oh yes yesterday I had to much milk, probably I'm going to be intolerant soon..
It can happen all the time. But don't worry about it. Nowadays there are so many supplements available. Also there are milk products without lactose, so you should be fine :)
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363281 tn?1714899967
Sometimes allergies can take a few hours to manifest themselves, this certainly seems like a type of allergy or food sensitivity however.  Yes, the MRI is great for diagnosing issues that involve soft tissues and other issues, it is not just for the brain.
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Has he been seen by a pediatric Gastro Dr.?
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