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is this an allergy

my boyfriend has been an alcoholic for more than half his life. my question is could he get an allergy now? his symptoms are as follows...as soon as he gets a taste of beer he is instantly drunk. he staggers and slurs his words. also his eyes open all the way, as wide as they can. he starts to grind his teeth like hes on a drug too. he doesn't believe this happens to him but i am very worried he may be causing some major damage. i realize being an alcoholic this long has done damage but this is scary. i have never seen anyone like this before.
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An allergic reaction may not manifest this way. It is more likely to cause itchiness or rash and sometimes breathlessness. It’s also unlikely that he will develop an allergy after prolonged drinking of the same substance. The symptoms could be due to vitamin deficiencies or metabolic disorders. You can consult an allergy specialist, who will do a skin test to rule out an allergic cause for his symptoms. Hope this helped and do keep us posted. Warm regards.
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Hello , he could have a bad case of alcohol posioning so you chould take him to a docter.
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