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Alcohol Intolerance/Allergy (unusual symptoms??)

Hi, I'm a 17 year old female. My mother has mentioned to me from a young age that she is alcohol intolerant. All I know is that she gets very sick when she drinks. Being underage I have not experimented with alcohol much, however when I have I became very very ill. I would have a few sips of a wine cooler and become unbelievably nauseous. One time I had a very small amount of vodka (a few sips) and became sick. I seemed to be able to tolerate beer, and tried drinking one night but the next day was incredibly sick and hungover, more so than my other similarly built friends who consumed muchhh more than me. I had a few sips of a bud light lime-a-Rita and broke out in a red splotches all over my face, neck, and chest. My face felt very hot which is what prompted me to examine it while sipping the drink. I thought that I could tolerate bailey's Irish cream, which is whiskey, but after safely drinking it one night I tried it again and found that is gave me no buzz at all, but did make me very nauseous. The only thing that has not yet affected me very much was a margarita that my sister made for me. I believe tequila is not made from the grains like vodka and beer are? Perhaps this explains why it doesn't affect me. Regardless, I'm confused because most people seem to experience one symptom or the other (nausea or skin irritation) but not both, and rarely which such a small amount of alcohol. Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas as to why this is happening to me, "safe" drinks, or what I'm actually allergic to? I've only ever drank maybe 5 times and I'm fine with never drinking alcohol again. Just very curious and looking for answers!!!
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Hello Moonchilddd,

You said in the beginning of your post that your mom is alcohol intolerant.
My guess is that you have inherited your mom's alcohol intolerance.
Things can be inherited from your parents. I suspect this is why you get
very ill when you consume any kind of alcohol. My advice is just don't
drink any kind of alcohol especially as it makes you very ill. Allergies
can get worse. There are some people who can not tolerate alcohol in
their system. You're one of them. I would just accept this fact and avoid
all kinds of alcohol.  I actually am not allowed to drink any kind of alcohol
as it would interfere with my medication. There are so many other delicious
things to drink like lovely fruit and vegetable juices. Hope this has helped. Eve
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Regardless of why you are having an adverse effect from drinking alcohol, just accept the fact that drinking any type of alcohol makes you very ill and don't drink it.

It could be that your liver or your kidneys can't cope with alcohol.

You do not need to drink alcohol to have a good time.

Best wishes.
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