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Allergic Reactions

What type of allergic reactions have you or someone you know, experienced from food allergies?
9 Responses
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594189 tn?1386916607
I have had Hives, i got that from red dye. My son gets a rash from red dye. I also get itching in my ears from bananas.
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15480 tn?1302529802
My brother experiences all of the above if he eats nuts. It is really scary, he has to carry an Epi-pen with him at all times because sometimes nuts are in foods unexpectedly. He is also allergic to Eggs and experiences hives and shortness of breath if he eats them. I am personally allergic to apples and I experience hives and a itchy mouth and tongue if I eat them.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Actually a myriad of many above .. hives, rash, SOB (stridor), and Anaphylaxis.  Each occurence has actually been different for my daughter so one never knows what to expect and must treat it with the utmost of respect.
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for about a year a half by body was so wired for a attack the second I ate somthing I was allergic to(no matter how small of a dose) or excerise after eating( even if it was commpletly allergy free) I would go into anaphylaxis, then a couple of times into shock. it was a real rough time.
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646410 tn?1247251853
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I experience intense itching of my tongue and the inside of my cheeks, followed by headache, stomach cramps, and other intestinal discomforts.  I've only occasionally had hives.
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479581 tn?1317757488
I get hives from eating soy.  I also get mouth sores, intestinal problems and a few times anaphylaxis.  I'm allergic to soy topically also and get rashes from it.
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173939 tn?1333217850
My son got erosive oral eczema twice after we used Xylitol as a sugar substitute. It is 100% natural sugar derived from birch trees and/ or corn and helps in the prevention of cavities and ear infections they say - but despite small amounts, his whole oral and intestinal tract went beserk for 3 or 4 weeks. I still use it without problems but will never expose him again.

As for myself, I was covered in hives all over my torso for weeks, it looked like a sunburn. And that was after drinking NeoCitran when I had a cold. That is off my list for sure.
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746399 tn?1233070072
Strawberries, anaphylactic if I eat them, if i touch them, like to clean them, my hands swell and get a rased, red, icthy rash.
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