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Ok so i never get allergies, but i woke up this morning with some kind of rash. I didnt notice it at first but i woke up very itchy. If i itched the infected area it iched more. it looks like this: very very red with little bumps all over and unbelievable irritation if aggrivated. Next is what i had: i ate a taco salad from a friend who is black whos mom made it. I am white so maybe she used an ingredients i have never had, just a thought. Next we drank vodka and orange juice something im familiar with. what the hell is it.
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An allergic reaction to something can cause an eczema flare up.
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o yeah i did notice eczema on my arm was more noticeable during this escapade and i read something that described that in its symptoms what is that.  
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Thanks! I washed all my sheets and pillows as to rid of mites and maybe the detergent in them. I woke today and the redness is down along with the itching. I was going to see a doctor today if it persisted but it seems to be healed!!!
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Benadryl will only help the itch, nothing more.

If it is scabies (the rash caused by mites) you more than likely will develop blisters along with the rash. Scabies is VERY contagious.

It is possible for an allergic reaction to last that long if you are not doing away with the culprit. Example: laundry detergent; if you are allergic to it and still using it, the rash will remain until you do away with it.

Your rash sounds like a possible contact dermatitis. Since doctors are out of the question, and you are having to resort to self-care, you might want to try some OTC hydrocortisone creams.

Some rashes can become infected and you will have no choice, but to seek medical help.

Good luck!
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yes it could possibly be mites it definitely falls into that, but what i am wondering is where would i have gotten mites. actually im gonna go research that but its likely to be. if it was an allergy could it last as long as it has its like 3 days now no sign of getting better but benadryl did help tho.
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  Do you think it could be from mites? It sounds like my son's rash, from mites. Intense itching, lots of little bumps, much worse for scratching.
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Benadryl is a good antihistamine.

I hope it gives you some relief.
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Ya i dont know. The odd thing is that its all on my lower back a little on my but and extended to my sides. iTS HUGE and itches from even the slightest brush of clothing. I dont have health care right now or money so doctors are out of the ?. I think ill try benedryl. this is seriously worse than chicken pox.
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I might add that this doesn't necessarily have to be a food allergy.

It could be anything from soaps, cologne, etc.
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It's hard to tell.

Just because you are familiar with something you've ingested previously, doesn't mean you can't be allergic to it.

Very often, a person with a food allergy has already been exposed to it previously. In other words, they have been sensitized to the food. The more the particular food is ingested the worse the allergy can become.

If the rash is bothersome or should worsen you can always go to urgent care or the ER.

Also, there are OTC antihistamines that you can look into for the itch.
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