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Allergy symptoms from peanuts on plane?

My daughter is 15 and has a peanut allergy.  We flew a popular airline and despite asking they served peanuts.  My daughter was sleeping and I did not wake her so till now she does not know peanuts were served.  The flight was one hour and the peanuts were served early on.  Before landing she started with significant nasal congestion and rubbing her eyes.  The eye discomfort continued for some time after exiting the plane.  I had her wash her hands and face and slowly she recovered – she stopped complaining and showing symptoms after a half hour or so.  
1) Can this be attributed to the peanuts being served in the plane?  
2) If yes, was she in any significant risk of progression if the flight had been longer?
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363281 tn?1714899967

Her reaction could have been due to the peanuts, but it could also been caused by the extremely dry air in the cabin, lots of folks get dry eyes when flying due to lack of moisture in the air; it is really hard to say to be honest.

If it had been due to the peanuts, I doubt if the conditions would have gotten worse, usually they present themselves about as heavy as they are going to get, but then again, with peanuts, it is difficult to ascertain.

Does she have an epi-pen? If so, make sure it is carried if you fly again, better to be safe than sorry.
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