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Almond Allergy????


Over the last week or so, it seems every time I eat...I get a sour stomach, cramps, bloating, gas, and sometimes nausea.  I started observing what I have been eating (I am currently gluten and dairy free).  I am wondering if it is almonds.  I have been eating them for some time as I enjoy a handful for a snack, etc. and have ever had an issue.  I find when I eat them, about an hour later the above symptoms appear, and worse then when I just eat anything.  I am going to try not eating them for a few days and see what happens.  I just think I might suddenly have a sensitivity to them.  Does this sound like it's possible?  Thanks!

6 Responses
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sounds possible allergen.  i had similar symptom but with gmo suspects. soy, hfcs, msg, hybrid mango.  are you gmo free?
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Pretty much. I eat organic meats 85% of the time, eat fruits and vegetables, eggs, and nuts/seeds. I drink water. That's about it.
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well allergens can be hard to isolate. even if almond stated organic, study the ingredients . i mean you never know these days...
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

If your symptoms have occurred repeatedly with the consumption of the same food, it could be an allergic reaction. It is possible to develop allergic reaction to substances, to which we did not exhibit a reaction before. We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus.  If you haven't undergone formal allergy testing, that might be beneficial.  Under a doctor's supervision, foods that have caused allergies in the past can sometimes be added slowly back into the diet.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thank you for responding.  I have been tested for the 8 main food allergens for which I tested negative.  Since posting this, I have realized it is not almonds.  I was dealing with some added stress, and that seems to have caused the stomach problems.  I am much better now!  
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168348 tn?1379357075
Great News .. so glad things are better for you!

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