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Pain in chest, aches in upper body and sickness when i drink alcohol

it's basically all in the title. I'm 14 yrs old and if i drink a glass of cider, i get a headache, dizzy feeling, pain in my chest, upper body aches and nausea. Stupid thing is though some of these symptoms seem like i'm drunk, but seriously im not a lightweight like that. i've drunk quite heavily before ( a few times ) and i drink probably about 1-2 bottles of cider each weekend just at home. It's kind of worrying me because i've been told these are the symptoms for an allergic reaction and they can get quite serious. I've just had a bottle of cider now and i feel sick, i have a pain in my upper (my left) chest which is more noticable when i breathe in. i also have aches in my shoulders and neck. I really want to know what's up, please help! D:
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Well yes, this can be an allergic reaction to some component or ingredient of the cider. On the other hand it could be that cider is aggravating acidity, and reflux. The third possibility is that it is affecting liver and pancreatic function.
Hence you need to inform your parents, and get tested now while you have symptoms to know the exact cause. It would be wise to refrain from further drinking until this is sorted out. Take care!
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If you have been taking cider prior to this and if you have not developed these symptoms before, then it is unlikely to be an allergic reaction. But if you just started taking it and have developed the symptoms it could be an allergic manifestation.  You can consult an allergy specialist, who will do a skin test to rule out an allergic cause for your symptoms. Warm regards.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Well surely even a 14-year-old can be logical enough to realize that if a particular food makes her sick she should not ingest it.  Why are you becoming an alcoholic at 14?  Only you can use the brain God gave you and not go down that well-worn path my dear.  It's not cool to waste your life like that.  You won't get another.  Alcohol is just empty calories and is toxic to your liver.  It will keep you from maturing so that you can learn from your errors and grow up.  Quit drinking just because you are left alone.  Nobody thinks it's cute.  Talk to a school counselor about your family problems.  You won't find answers in a bottle.  You will never be able to enjoy alcohol socially if you choose to abuse it.  
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