783663 tn?1236200728

Is this really an allergy??

i was outside of my house on the shade but then the sun hit me and i started feeling an itch all around my body, it was very stressing because i was itching in my face, arms, back and neck. i had to go back in to the house and drink some water and to wash my face to calm myself down this has happened to me more then 3 times and i was wondering if its an allergy or just too much calories in my body, if anybody knows what it can be plz tell me becuase its very stressing.
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783663 tn?1236200728
well thanks for the advice!
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It does sound as if you have a sensitivity/allergy to the sun.

It would benefit you if you post this question in the "Ask a Doctor" Forum in the Dermatology Community.
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