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Is the sound in Ears because of any allergy.

My mother is around 80 years old. She is obess, suffering from severe joints pains. There was a little problem in her hear valve for which she was taking medication like COVANCE D, LOSAR H etc since last ten years. Recently two  month back a stunt was put in her heart as one vain was blocked to the extent of 80 percent another is blocked to the extent of 20 percent. Stunt was inserted by a procedure in her heart to set right the vain which was 80 percent blocked. Occasionally she tooks pain killers whenever the pain is unbearable. Around one year back she took tablets prescribed by my uncle which were without name and were white in color. He suggested these tablets saying that these were very good for reducing pain. Like that once or twice she had take tabs suggested by other known persons for reducing pains. Since lats six months she is complaining loud sounds in her brain. She was shown to Neurologist who suggested that this happens because of ear problem and she should consult ENT surgeon. ENT surgeon suggeste that she should under go some special hearing test and then he will suggest an hearing aid which may solve the problem to some extent. The hearing test is still to be done. My mother's hearing is too low. We have to shout like any thing to make her hear. She says that she listens the sound of any falling item loudly but when somebody is speaking she cannot hear. Now she is taking the following medicines for the last two months prescribed by the cardialogist. 1) Ecosprin 150mg  1d 2) clopitab 75mg 1d 3) Telma-H 80 1d 4) Dilzem SR 90 mg 1d 5) Rizovel 10mg id 6) Pantocid 40 mg.  In addition she is taking Neurobion tabs one daily since last two days. Now all her reports are normal. She do not have high BP. Her BP used to be slight lower. She is not a diabetic. Last month she was given Orofer xt 1d and Amlogard 5mg id in addition to the above medication. She is suffering from great trouble on account of this brain sounds. What problem she might have in her ears. Is she require to stop any medication. What is the precaution to be taken to reduce the sound and what is the  treatment for this sound. She is able to walk in house with the help of walker as such she does very little movements. He weight may be around 100 kg. She takes milk one cup in morning. She is not able to cut salt intake. Takes little rice three times a day. Also suffering from constipation. Gets free motion only when she takes creamafin liquid. Half of the teaths are removed as such difficulty in eating and chewing.
2 Responses
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535822 tn?1443976780
She is taking a lot of meds and I agree its possibly that causing tinnitus , must be distressing for her , I think asking her PCP may be what you can do she shouldnt have to live in discomfort .many meds do have side effects It sounds like you care for her at home , its good she has you, I hope you can get some answers. good luck.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Margypops couldn't have said it any better above ....

Please keep us posted on how things are going ...

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