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Has anyone experienced extreme fatigue from foods that they are not necessarily allergic to? I am starting to think that histamine intolerance is playing a role in fatigue. I generally have tons of energy from a constant paleo, low histamine diet.  I find that aged meats and avocado however make me tired.
2 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello~Usually the fatigue comes from a type of allergy or sensitivity to the offending food. Most red meats have chemicals in them, you could be having a reaction to them. Try to avoid foods that make you tired, then when you start feeling better add them back one by one, see which ones cause the most fatigue.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Yes, you can certainly feel that way from a sensitivity.  Aged foods remind me of sulfate and avocado can cross react with latex .. just some thoughts to ask your doctor about maybe.
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