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Fodd allergy or overexcited doctor??

I have been sick with chronic nausea and other symptoms for almost 3 years. I have been tested for food allergies by a reputable Allergist and everything was negative. Out of desperation, I went to see a holistic MD and she tested me again; this time I showed allergic to wheat and whey. There was only a 6 month lapse of time between the 2 appointments. Can anyone tell me if they understand these lab numbers?? Am I really "allergic" or just a little "intolorent"??

Whey                       5.8                                 Range is <2 mcg/mL
Gluten IGG              3.3                                 Range is <2 mcg/mL
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Up to 20% of the population perceive themselves as suffering from food allergy but only 1-2% of adults have genuine food allergies. Allergic reactions are mediated by IgE antibodies, which are released on exposure to a particular allergen. These in turn activate mast cells and lead to a local response or systemic anaphylaxis.

The diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. Since your tests are conflicting, you will have maintain a food dairy and observe which are likely to cause symptoms and eliminate the same.

Take Care and Hope this helps!  
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363281 tn?1643235611
Anxiety and stress can also cause a big flucuation in food allergy panel outcomes. I was tested many years back and was going through a lot of personal problems, well, every time they tested me, it was different, it turned out it was my adrenal glands being weak that was causing a lot of the allergies and the more they were over taxed, the more allergies I showed, to this day, I do that.

My doctor is holistic, and they do have a deeper understanding of things like this, it takes longer than drugs, but as far as I am concerned, it is very worth it.
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168348 tn?1379357075

The reactions can vary based on your body and EACH exposure so it's important to keep in mind to treat it with that in thougth .. that's what I've been told by our allergist.  You can have high blood #'s and no reaction but one day that can change and one would be unexpectedly caught offguard perhaps.

I am not sure what Class these #'s put you in .. on the lab slip it may show it .. like Class I, II, III or IV ??
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