767435 tn?1235759815

Food allergy testing. Is it reliable?

Iv just had a food intolorence test where I had to pull out a few hairs and they where tested. How reliable is this form of testing?.
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check this about food allergy
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I have coeliac disease and I'm allergic to dairy products.  My coeliac disease was diagnosed because I was anaemic and they did a blood test which showed there was a high chance I had it they then performed a gastroscopy and took a biopsy from my intestine which confirmed the diagnosis.  The dairy product allergy was diagnosed by cutting it out of my diet for a few days and then trying again.  

Hope this helps.
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767435 tn?1235759815
I think the elimination diet would be hard for me, as I dont get stomach problems or headaches, i just feel tired after whatever I eat. even a sandwich, cereal, or snack will make me tired
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There are good allergy doctors out there, depending upon where you live that could help you.  But I eventually went on an Elimination Diet where I ate foods that I knew were not causing any problems.  Then I introduced foods over a period of time, one by one, in small amounts to see how I would react.  If something bothered me, I would eliminate it; if it did not, I kept eating it.  Now, for me I have a diet where I rotate grains over a four day period where I will eat rice today, for instance, then tomorrow, wheat, then the next day, corn, then oats, then rye, then back to rice, and so on.  So, for me the "overdosing" of grains caused a migraine headache the next day.  Also, over time I found that other foods cause a severe gut spasmotic pain, for example, soy for me.  But you would have to keep a food diary and make lists of good or bad foods forf you.  
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767435 tn?1235759815
so what is the best way to test whether i have food intolorencese?
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Sounds like another health fraud.  I had the more legitimate patch test where they placed 200+ patches on both arms for a few days.  After checking reactions, they gave me a list of allergens and allowed items.  To get to the bottom line, it did not prove anything to me, since the allowed list caused health problems, and I quit the doctor after this and several other tests did not help.
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Having never experienced it myself, it's not very reliable from what I have read.
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