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protein allergy in 13 month old, meat??

((My 13 month old son has an array of symptoms that may or may not be linked to the fact that he has a large portion of his 5th and a smaller portion of his 16th chromosome missing. Right now, our geneticist just doesn't know what to expect as these exact deletions have never been reported.))
My son was breastfed for the frist 5 months of life, though on about 5 or 6 occasions he recieved formula with no adverse reactions. At 5 months I started weaning him onto formula, and it was within the 3rd or 4th bottle that he started reacting (hives, congestion, vomitting, and then a scalded looking rash everywhere the formula or vomit came in contact with his skin), and those reactions were within 30 seconds to 1 minute of starting the bottle. Through trial, we were quickly able to trace it to cow's milk (not lactose). Then at around 11 months of age, he began having very similar reactions to eggs, which he had previously been able to eat with no problem, and once again, the reaction would happen immediately upon consumption. My son has been eating baby food that contains meat for quite some time with no adverse response. But today about 15-20 minutes following eating a jar of turkey rice and vegetables, he had a huge bowel movement that was very loose in consistancy with a terrible smell (it smelled simlar to old cheese...I can't describe it any other way.) He had no skin reactions or vomiting, just this awful bowel movement.
Is it possible that he is developing an allergy to meat as well?
(His pediatrician is reluctant to do a blood food allergy test because he says the test is "compliated", however, my son is only in the first percentile for weight and cannot afford to cut items out of his diet unless it is necessary, but everytime he has a reaction I am instructed to take him back down to soy formula only and then slowly add one food at a time. And we have Tricare so I can't go to a new doctor.)
1 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello, you son could be allergic to the additives in the food, not the turkey rice or veggies them self. He also could have a form of irritable bowel syndrome and trouble digesting certain foods, meat is very hard to digest. I say the doc should do the allergy test, it is not that complicated. The lab draws a couple of vials of blood,, then they put certain food proteins in it to test for reactions, I have had many done, it is called the "RAST" test. That is the best way to go when different symptoms keep arising and you are not sure which food could be causing it.
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