140029 tn?1393298142

Food intolerance *sigh* I need help...

Well I've been sick since October of 2005, now approaching the 4 year mark.  For years I thought something was really wrong with me with severe nausea/sweaty hands/severe anxiety/insomnia/constipation-loose stools/ so I did everything the doctors wanted to do for years (colonsocopy/endoscope/ct scans/mri's...) you name I did it.  All without insurance and I'm not flat broke and unemployed.  Just sold my car to pay bills.

I paid the fee online on this site and told the 4th GI specialist I've talked to in the gastro section that the only positive test I had was white blood cells in the stool and low potassium blood levels that showed up multiple times.  He responded back that I could have celiac (which I tested negative blood test wise multiple times for) or some **malabsorption issue**.

So a light bulb went off..and I went on a food elimination diet, amazing none of my doctors even mentioned it before.... basically i've been eating spinach/rice/chicken/eggs..low sugar (practically zero) and zero fruits/fructose... a gluten free multivitamin (no sugar/corn/soy/dairy).. that's been my diet for weeks...   A few weeks into the diet my parents got me some gluten free waffles...about an hour after eating them I almost had to go the ER room with SEVERE nausea...looking at the ingredients was soy and some juice concentrate and buckwheat.  I bought some soy milk, and sure enough I got almost ER room sick again (lasted days! UGH).

I went to an allergist and we did a skin ***** test..nothing showed up but oats.  He said the only way to get through this is a food elimination diet like I've been doing.  He did mention soy sometimes can take weeks to recovery but it all depends on each person.

Anyway so it's been weeks I've been avoiding soy..dairy although i'm drinking lactaid milk which doesn't seem to bother me thank goodness..I have cloudy urine but i've researched that's probably from malabsorbtion as well... now i'm thinking of avoiding nuts/corn/eggs..has anyone had constipation with severe anxiety/nausea?  Like this is very difficult to pinpoint and i'm getting really frustrated..I need to get feeling better for my sanity and financially..and i'm doing i'd say 75% better than I was but I can't tell if I'm still recovering from soy (it's been 3 weeks) and it's a slow recovery or..something hidden is holding me up.  Anyone have any other food allergy/intolerances that bring on constipation/nausea?  I can't afford a RAST test...the allergist said they're not accurate and suggested going the cheap route first.

Is there anything else i'm missing?  I know it can be anything..that's the hard part..trying to figure a diet that would totally rule out everything..even tempted to eat pears and turkey for 3 weeks straight if I have to :(

Thanks! :(
7 Responses
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low stomach acid causes food sensitivity

this could help:


to health!

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777726 tn?1314573441
I had the same symptoms - skin test was positive for egg allergy.
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140029 tn?1393298142
thanks you 2 - yeah I've slowly realized that I am for sure gluten intolerant, but the real hold up was corn...corn syup..corn...ugh..that's why my gluten free diet was failing so badly.  Also of course soy...

but i'll go off egg and try that, it's hard when one thing masks another like you go off one thing and you think "ok that's not it" but then you realize it was something else causing you to be sick and that one thing was a problem...

anyway annoying but thanks you 2 for the suggestions i'll try egg free for a bit.  I tested negative on everything but oats on my allergy test *shrugs*
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digestive bitters to stimulate stomach acid and digestive enzyme secretion to better digest food, stimulate the tongue with bitter herbs just before meals...undigested food and leaky gut cause food intolerances....aloe vera juice, l-glutamine and other remedies to heal openings in intestines (leaky gut)

check out ********  ...com    at the truth in medicine forum, search for food intolerance, leaky gut, and bitters

you will get better!
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140029 tn?1393298142
Thanks ruffmagruff!

I bought some L-glutamine, been taking that since it's corn/soy/gluten free...

I'm not sure what other items I'm possibly intolerant to.  I tested myself after going 2 weeks gluten free and went back on wheat..and wow..holy smokes it's..yeah...totally gluten intolerant so i'm just starting it up again.  But corn is a sneaky devil...just learned that a few weeks ago as well..hopefully that's it I hope it's nothing more because that's a really restrictive diet.  How i'm supposed to be  an airline pilot who can only eat veggies/fruits/rice/meats I don't know lol..

Anyway thanks for the website i'll check it out.
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learn to love the legumes!

canned beans, dried beans, rice, turkey

any kind of vegetable you want!

you name it there still is an abundance you can eat.

only thing you cant eat is processed food! what a gift. i know it ***** now, but ive come to love it. that food is bad for everyone and we all know it. but now we have the most concrete reason to never eat that motor oil again.

and soon you will be able to eat dairy again once your intestines recover

i was dairy free for 6 months...lactose intolerant at the beginning but once my ivlli recovered they started producing lactase again! this morning i had yogurt and ice cream for breakfast.

this is going to have to be a lifestyle change if you want to make it out healthy...
your going to have to prepare meals ahead of time, carry them with you...

wherever i go i carry in my backpack::liter of water in a glass bottle that i refill, granny smith apple, tin of sardines, can of garbanzo beans! and im all set....it i need to pack for more than one meal, ill bring a can of wild alaskan salmon...and i dont regret a thing...i eat like a king...everyone else eats out of snack machines...

so...i would look into some aloe juice to sooth your tomach...the brand i use is "aloe force" raw juice 2 times a day by "herbal answers" its raw and doesnt contain citric acid which is in many products and very well may cause an unpleasant reaction. or "aloe life" is supposedly a good brand, justmake sure there is no CITRIC ACID in the ingredients. as this can cause a food allergy (mold intolerance) very much the same as to vinegar..which if you havent already discovered, probably makes you bloat..

alright...good lukc to you,
i hope you have all the support you need throughout your healing

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