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Hair loss

newly diagnosed - allergic to corn, dust mites , dust and dogs. I live in the country, on a dirt road, next to a corn field and I own a Rottweiler( indoor dog, downstairs only but a severe mama's boy) I can live with the exhaustion, the itching etc but my hair is slowly falling out. Recently told by doctor I could have psoriasic(SP?) arthritis. can I stop the hair loss? I tried allergy shots byt they did not really work and recently starting takeing Zyrtec as  needed as well as antinflammatory.
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It all depends on what is causing the hair loss.

Have you had your thyroid checked recently? If not, you may want to start there.

There are several medical conditions that can cause hair loss, with the thyroid being one of the most common.

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yes, it was checked again 2 months ago, normal.I also had some hormone check that my doctor said was normal as I thought it could be a form of early menopause but it also came back negative.
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You might have better luck posting your question in the Hair Loss Community.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Have they considered Alopecia .. my daughter would get bouts of that during peak allergy season (seasonal) and durin peek times of stress but it went away for yrs now that her allergies/asthma are well controlled.  

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