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is it food poison ?

i went to a friend's house and we had dinner . maybe one hours after dinner i had a very bad headache. 2 hours later my headache become worst and i had numbness arm and chronic vomiting, but no fever . i think my friend tried to play around with me, maybe she put something in food .

  should it be a food poison ?
3 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
Don't wait too long to go to the ER, you could be having an allergic reaction, or, it could be food poisoning, however, it usually shows up later than an hour or so. If you "friend" put something in the food, that is very hateful, I would surely not be a friend of his/hers anymore.

Hope you start to feel better.
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  thank for your answer . i would like to know, does food poison cause stomach problem like ulcer or gastritis ?
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363281 tn?1714899967
Yes, it can, it can cause all kinds of pain, sometimes it gets better, sometimes, you need to see a doctor. How are you feeling today?
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