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Huge welts.

I have been getting huge welts on my back that are large and raised and red. And now I have been getting them on my neck as well. I also experience swollen fingers that I can barely move and joint pain. I went to the dermatologist who said I should get blood work. I did and it came back negative for everything! I don't understand why I get these all the time randomly no matter what I eat. Someone please help me
With any ideas.
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Hello there,

I just finished reading your comments. You say you get these huge welts
on your back and neck all the time no matter what you eat.  How long
has this been going on ?  Personally, I would make an appointment with
your family doctor and have your family doctor look at those welts.
Do you take any prescription medications ?  If you are, could these welts
be side effects from a particular medication. This doesn't sound like a
food allergy to me. You also say you get swollen fingers so sore that
you can barely move and joint pain. I would discuss all these issues with
your family doctor. You've been to see your dermatologist and gotten
blood work and the blood work came back negative for everything.
Anyway, I would definitely make an appointment with family doctor, let
your doctor see those huge welts on your back and neck which must
be very painful and see what your doctor recommends. Good luck to you. Eve
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Thank you. Yes I made An appt with an allergist but it's not until end of January. Every time I went to the doctor I didn't have them on me of course. But I showed them pictures. It has to be an allergy. It's just out of the blue. It has been happening for almost 3 months now. I took a medication bactrim and had the same allergic symptoms. I only
Took it 3 days. Ever since I took that I have these symptoms. I am allergic to sulfa. But all good
Shouldn't give me this reaction.
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