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Is it possible to be allergic to everything?

I'm a 50 yr old female who in the past, was diagnosed as being allergic to beef and chocolate and a number of prescription drugs especially Sulfa.  Recently saw my allergist who ran some test on foods because I felt like I might be gluten intolerant only to find out that he couldn't test for gluten but I showed no reaction to wheat.  Food allergies mainly affect me by having stomach cramps and eventually the big D with a breakout of hives.  My daughter suggested that I might have a gluten intolerance so I started using Uncle Bob's all purpose gluten free flour.  It seems to have helped with some of the issues I stated earlier.  But today, when I woke up, I had this rash on my forearms and legs...exactly where I used some Eucerine lotion the day before.  Upon examining the bottle I noticed some sulfate listed which is not on the regular canned cream that I had been using prior to buying the bottle.  Sulfa and sulfites are not the same right?  And most vegetables contain "natural sulfites" which are not harmful right?  I'm developing anxiety about eating.... afraid of what I can be allergic to next.  It seems that my body cannot tolerate anything.  Am I the only one experiencing this nightmare?
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I am a 50y/o female too. I was diagnosed with dust mites allergy 20 ago, but in the last few years I started to develop food intolerance to apples, strawberries,spinach. green tea, milk, cheese and other foods...I get a red rash on my face if I eat any of these . I ca't drink alcohol at all..So, no, you are not alone! I feel that I cant eat anything I like, and I dont understand WHY, WHY does my body rejects these foods, what.s wrong with me?? My doctor doesnt seem to care of try to help, or tell me what to do, if to investigate this or just accept it as a fact of life???
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I'm really sceptical of doctors at the moment too.  My husband told me last night that my allergist did not do anything but add to my anxiety about eating when he said corn and catfish was added to the LIST of things I'm allergic too.  I wasn't put on a strict diet or anything but corn/corn startch/corn syrup is added to EVERYTHING now days. And I was raised on and absolutely LOVE corn.  I just wanted to cry!

So....we're in the same boat basically.  I tested positive to dust mites also and just by deduction I eliminated cheese from my diet because my allergist said that I was probably intolerate to it by some reactions I had experienced before. The elimination diet is gruesome to say the least.  It does seem like everything we love to eat works against us. My daughter is an RN and is going to talk to one of her doctors today about getting me in to see an Internal Medicine Doctor.  In the meantime I take Benedryl and pray that each time I put something in my mouth that it doesn't hurt me.

A lot of the things that I've been reading here lately suggests that stress plays a major factor in our diets.  I love my job but stress is part of it and add family matters into the equation and I guess you might say I'm just a little stressed.  One doctor told me to eliminate stress from my life...I laughed.  How do you do that?  Seriously?

If I find someone in the medical profession who will actually listen to what I'm saying (and not make me feel like I'm crazy) and will work with me to find the solution (I pray there is one) I will share with you what the plan is.  In the meantime, keep looking for the answer and I will do the same!
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Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that I adore cats and always had cats in my house , however I was told I was allergic to cat hair! And my doctor told me to 'get red of the cat'!  Just like that! So just imagine life without the food that you like and without the pets you love, what is the point of living then?? I cant even drink a glass of wine to find some comfort evry once in a while..
It seems to me that no effort is being made to research and find answers to allergies.Nobody tell you what is causing them.  There is no proper long term medication either. On almost all anti histamins it says on the label that they shouldnt be taken long term. I have been taking ceterizine and nasonex spray for YEARS although it says on the label they should only be used for 2-3 months. I depend on this medication! But sadly this medicatiobn treats the symptoms, doesnt treat the cause!! And nobody tells you how to fix the problem.
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1215994 tn?1322067791
im am also alergic to sulfa drugs.i asked the same question.the pharmecy told me they are differnt.have you ever read the yeast connection.its a good book it talks about all these allergies.how people become alergic to a bunch of things.read it it might help.sue
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I can certainly feel for you. I developed an anal fistula last year, after a few years battling with IBS and living with diverticulosis. I am 49 and have had the latter since I was 40.  I have always eaten the mediterranean diet, moderate drinking and lots of exercise.  That has all changed. I have not healed from the original biopsy I had 10 months ago (on my anus).  I have had brutal constipation and am now two months into the elimination diet. I have found things that I can eat that are even wonderful, but just the inability to go to a restaurant with my friends or boyfriend is frustrating.

I am off dairy, wheat, corn, soy, rye, barley and oats.  No beer or wine (but can have gin and vodka!).  Needless to say, there are FEW foods that I can eat that I don't prepare myself. Now I have oral reactions to pineapple, garlic and pepper...and any bit of wheat, which I did not test intolerant to, makes me constipated.  Am still on Miralax daily and am not sure that my anal problems are improving.   But the mind game is oppressive, so I can feel for you.  I do feel better and have stopped losing weight (25 lbs this year!) but my incision is still sore.  Going to another GI doc and an allergist. Working with my GP and a nutritionist right now.
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