568812 tn?1379165794

Fruit allergies

Has anyone had fruit allergie?

And if so what did you use for treatment?...i think i have a slight allergy to raw fruit and veg and i love fruit but dont eat enough cause my lips sting something fierce and inside my mouth and throat gets very itchy whenever i eat it.

Anyone know if antihistamines (spelling?) work? i have hayfever and had them for that but didnt notice if it helped with fruit.
7 Responses
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I wouldn't call that a "slight" allergy.

Allergies usually get worse, not better. I would personally stay away from the fruits/veggies that cause these symptoms.

Benadryl is a good antihistamine, but I wouldn't take it if you are taking something else for your hayfever.

You need to see an allergist and have some testing done.
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I agree with the above.  Get tested by an allergist.  And don't worry if you can't eat fruit.  Vegetables have all the nutrients that fruit does and more.  So, if you can't eat fruit, make sure you eat lots of vegetables.  Especially the green ones.
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171768 tn?1324230099
i worked with someone who had reactions to fruit. She kept eating it. (NOT that i'm advising that).  One thing she noticed was that fruits with skin that peeled (oranges, bananas) didn't affect her. Neither did canned food. And other fruits didn't affect her if she peeled them. Maybe it was something in the skin or some of the residual chemicals?
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568812 tn?1379165794
Hey thanks for your replies.

Im ok with cooked fruit and veg but if i have it raw like celery, tomato, lettice, cucumber, carrots etc i get the reaction.

I dont think its gotten worse cause ive had it for as long as i can remember and never questioned it for years cause i assumed it just happened lol.

It doesnt seem to matter what fruit it is unfortunately (bananas even cause a reaction) *sigh* unless its cooked, but i remember reading somewhere that cooking kills off the something in fruits and veg which cause the reaction.

Ive got some other problems to sort out which im getting seen to so once ive done that ill go to a doctor and get that problem sorted lmao..thanks for the advice and hopefully i can get to see an allergist!

Jeez, what next ey?
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168348 tn?1379357075
It's called an OAS or Oral Allergy Syndrome and with my daughters it is worse during hayfever season ... the protein in the raw frut/ veggie is there and when cooked it's cooked out and it usually cross-reacts with whatever else you are allergic to in the pollen season.

i.e., raw carrots = mugwort allergy

There is a small % that can lead to anaphylaxis from OAS so it must always be treated with respect and avoided.

In the health pages there's an article about cross reactions and the fruit and the cross reaction is listed.

Let us know how you do ... yes, Benadryl can help but best is to avoid it.

That's our experience.

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168348 tn?1379357075
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568812 tn?1379165794
Thank you for the advice!

Im trying to avoid any raw fruit and veggies until i can see a doctor about it, but since i can avoid any reaction by not eating the stuff, it can wait til ive sorted my other problems (im sick to death with having to visit the doctors lol)

Again thank you...its still weird cause for a long time i never thought it was an allergy cause i thought 'surely you cant get an allergy to fruit and veg, they're good for you!'

Oh wells..
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