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sensitive NOW,suddenly to eggs

my adult daughter has suddenly developed stomach issues when she eats eggs...of any style..scrambled,fired,hard boiled...all of them...HELP...eggs are her main source of Protein. She also has Muscular Dystrophy. Can she take some sort of "medication" that would stop the stomach issues? What suddenly caused this? Had allergy test for eggs and it was 'negative' so what is going on here? I tried giving her just ..egg whites scrambled...still had issues...What kind of dr. would investigate and solve this problem?
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I never had a vaccine or an egg allergy until at 21 I got a flu vaccine and quickly developed an egg intolerance. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
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I personally grew up eating eggs most mornings and then following a flu shot a couple decades ago I be and seriously Ill every time I ate egg suddenly.. I eventually linked it back to the flu shot cause I remembered my dr asking me if I had an allergy to egg before he gave me it.. I know without a doubt that it was due to the vaccine.. only one flu shot like 20 or so years ago and have been allergic to eggs ever since.. it’s impossible to find info on this subject cause they don’t want people to know it can cause egg allergy in some people cause they want to profit and also to give people long term diseases as a result of it to bring further profit for big pharma as vaccines were found to cause autoimmune diseases etc in certain individuals and they cover up that fact although the word is starting to get out there and some scientists have managed to successfully run peer reviewed studies to attest to this fact even tho Powerful people have been attempting to shut these down and keep this fact a secret.. no one I’ve told about my egg allergy having been induced by that one flu shot has mentioned they had ever heard of that before except for one nurse I met in my personal life and most recently a scientist who posts to YouTube is the very first professional to address this fact and he cited some recent studies that finally came out linking egg allergy to flu vaccines! I was happy to hear this because I’ve been wondering for so long why I have never been able to find anyone address this fact. I know that it’s because like the autoimmune studies the establishment has been attempting to cover up that fact too and keep it from going public. It’s impossible to find anyone else discussing this with a google search and I’ve never heard anyone bring this fact up except thus scientist quite recently. Could be why you developed an egg allergy as well out of the blue.. I asked him If there was any way to reverse the effects but he did not know of any ways to do so so I guess I’m stuck being allergic to eggs forever now :( I can only imagine what horrific long term new diseases along with cancer this new covid vaccine will end up giving many people.. might be a while but before long you’ll likely hear of new diseases popping up and I have no doubt it will be due to the covid vaccine! :| big pharma and money hungry people like bill gates and fauci have already done so much damage and this will only get worse in the near future! Dr Judy mikovits found a connection to these autoimmune diseases first but they have done everything in their power to smear her name.. she addresses some of this along with the absolute corruption within the vaccine industry along with the questionable practices with vaccines in the Plandemicseries.com and she also came out with a book recently that dives much deeper into her experiences, findings and work as a virologist working under Fauci during the aids epidemic where he was responsible for coverups and pharmaceutical trials which killed many many many patients. It’s incredibly disturbing!  
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The exact same thing happened to me. I am 22 and I never had a vaccine in my life until last year when I got a flu shot. a few months later a became extremely allergic to eggs. There have been studies done in Japan (Japan actually stopped vaccines from containing gelatin because of this) that link gelatin in vaccines to a higher rate of gelatin allergies so it makes sense that the same would happen with eggs.
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Allergies ge worse, no better. There's no treatment for food allergies.

Your daughter is likely allergic to the drugs given to chickens/laying hens. They include cyanide, steroids, antibiotics, pesticides, and more. I won't even mention the "foods" the chickens are being fed -- it's too gross and really isn't edible anyway.   The chicken egg industry does this to increase egg production. There's info all over the place on it and it's no secret.

Any person who eats animal products is at risk. The commercial/corporate farmers are no better than ENRON!  Please don't feed your child eggs or chicken products. Once an allergy happens it becomes more severe not less. Also, get an epipen in the event of serious allergy (Rx from your doctor).

Good luck and good health to you and the little one.
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If you have blood allergy test and it comes back negative you could still be allergic to whatever you got tested for.Blood tests for allergies really arnt accurate. Im highly allergic to peanuts but my blood work kept coming back negative. but when i went to an allergist he said i was highly allergic .
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I suffered ignorantly for the first 16 years of my life. seemingly random, at times I would develop the sulphuric burps, followed by twisting agony as the contents of my stomach moved into my intestines. Then followed diarrhea until it was all purged from my system. I did not get the involuntary vomiting except that at times I seemed more prone to motion sickness. I finally noticed that these symptoms followed consuming eggs. I quit eating eggs and noticed a big improvement. I read lables on everything. I skip most desserts. I really miss a lot of foods, but it really isn't worth the discomfort.  Even the egg white in a snicker bar is enough to give me a little diarrhea  and bad smelling gas. Also since being aware of the problem I have noticed that certain preserved meats give me the same reaction. With the preservatives(for me) Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Erythorbate, It is hard for me to really tell how much is in a product and how much it will take to set me off, so usually I just note what things are bad and avoid those products.  I Have had no luck with charcoal or digestive enzymes. I mostly am just very particular about what I eat. now I am 31 and have had maybe 10 episodes in the last 12 years.
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777726 tn?1314573441
I am allergic to the proteins in egg whites, but can eat the yolk with minimal problems.  If your daughter had a flu shot in the past and had no reaction, she should be fine.  As wannabenana and LordPhantom indicated, she could have a sensitiviety to eggs.  I am 'sensitive' to dairy products, not allergic, but have the same symptoms as my egg allergy.  Good Luck.  
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918441 tn?1243403649
i would try separating the egg whites from the yolks and only eating one of them. one part of the egg could be an issue or it could be the whole egg. Also has she tried eating nuts or protein drink mixes for extra protein. (the mixes can be added to milk or water or even in cooking to add protein)

If she really is allergic to eggs remember that the influenza vaccination could really bother her too so it might be a good idea not to get one.
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779797 tn?1263618235
I used to get the worst stomach aches and didnt know why. Had so many tests done, and not much came out of them. I started paying attention to what I ate, and realized that eggs where the problem. Not just eggs for breakfast, anything and everything that has egg in it. From mayo, to batter, to cookies, ANYTHING with egg in it would wreck my stomach and give me terrible bowel movements.

I was too tested for egg allergy and it was negative. But i know for sure that it IS egg that is behind all of it.

Consider yourself enlightened to the fact you found the problem. It ***** not having egg but you get used to it, and appreciate the fact it makes you feel terrible.

Im sure you can find more sources of protein... Meats, even those liquid breakfasts like Carnation provide a good ammount.

I never had a problem with them as a kid, only in my teen years did it come apparent. Im just happen i found out what it was myself. There was no onset, it just happened. Its really not that big of a deal, you just gotta watch what you eat.
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I have just discovered I am allergic to any of the onion family,such as Garlic, spring onions, Chives, Mixed herbs, onion salt, Chicken salt any tinned and pkt soups and gravies, Eggs, capsicums.
With in an hour of eating any of the above... I am bloated, then off to the toilet with vomiting and diaroehea.
Not a pretty site when at a party or out to dinner. so embarassing when I have to ask the host etc. if there is onion in this or that. And have to ask Chef NOT TO PUT onion or related family into my meal. I eat home made everything now.
Also so much cheaper than buying pkt foods anyway. And homemade is so much tastier! At least I know there are NO preservatives etc..... I am losing a good amount of weight now that this alergy is upon me!! YES!!
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Since the allergy testing showed negative, that's not to say that she isn't sensitive to it.

Eggs are made of up of many proteins with most being in the egg white. You might want to try to just give her the yolk and see what happens.

Egg sensitivities can also be a cross reaction with seasonal sensitivities. In other words, if she has allergies, especially to oak pollen, ragweed, and a few others that I can't recall just now, this can flare-up the egg sensitivity.

Antihistamines should work well, even if it's just GI upset.

I would consult with either an allergist or GI doc.

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