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Suddenly can't digest peppers

I'm 35 and I've been eating peppers all my life. In the past year, every time I eat any kind of pepper, bell pepper, jalepeno, even paprika, I will get diarrhea the next day. Why would I suddenly be unable to tolerate peppers? Are there long term consequences to continuously aggravating the bowels in this way, such as increased risk of cancer? Can anything be down to correct the issue?  
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363281 tn?1643235611
Hello~It has been said that approximately every 5 years or bodies and allergies can change, so, you could very well be having a type of allergic reaction to the peppers. However, from what you have described, I would say it is more like a "sensitivity" both can be bothersome however.

As to any long term effects from having the bowel issues, I doubt if it will cause cancer, but, possibly, you could developed an inflamed intestine or tummy lining. I would stop eating the peppers for awhile and then add them very slowly back into your diet, one by one, see how you body handles them.

Also, add a good, pro-biotic to your diet, this will keep the friendly bacteria in your gut that the prolonged diarrhea is removing. This can also sometimes help with allergies and sensitivities.
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