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So I was told a long time ago I have a bad allergy to penicillin, I just found out penicillium produces penicillin and was wondering because brie cheese has a rind made of penicillium if it's safe for me to eat this cheese?  I ate a little bit of it and got somewhat sick roughly an hour later all before I found out what its rind is made of.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Hello~I do not think I would eat that particular cheese, if it is anyway related to penicillin, then you very well could have an attack. Actually, I would avoid any product that has mold on it, mold, as you know, it a precursor to penicillin, and to be on the safe side, I would just avoid it. Have you had any food/chemical allergy tests? If not, I would suggest you inquire about them. The doctor writes a script for the lab to do some blood draws, and then they test the blood for certain allergens, I believe it is called the RAST test, I had one, I could not believe all I was allergic too. No wonder I always felt badly.
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Yeah I had one of these done before but after I was told I was allergic to penicillin but I seem to remember someone telling me I was injected with it when I was really young and had a severe reaction to it and they didn't expect it or something, I honestly can't remember for sure.  I do remember clearly though that I was told "it will kill you if they use it on you" when I asked what would happen if I used it.
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