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Possible fungal infection

A couple years ago I had 5 root canals done on perfectly good teeth.  Several months ago, the same thing happened where I had perfectly good teeth start to access and needed root canal led or pulled.  I went to a holistic dentist who said I have a final infection in my jaw bone.  I had a Cone beam scan done and it came back fine with just some minor TMJ.   No dentist, oral surgeon, endontist, has been able to find a cause.  I went to a neurologist and had an MRI done and it showed nothing and my ENT doctor said there is no sinus issues as I had a Cat Scan done.  But the other issues I am having is I am very itchy, feeling of bugs crawling under my skin, I get bloated, very tired throughout the day.  So the holistic dentist had me do a candida diet and I can tell I get sick now whenever I eat anything with sugar.   I am not sure what to do as my doctor did a stool test but said there was nothing wrong with it, it just showed candida but not a lot.  I also have issues swallowing food and have issues with my esophagus.  I did do a barium swallow but it came back fine.  Also, my esoniphil count is 14.  I also get very cold all over and my hands get very cold after I eat anything with yeast, dairy etc. Both my father and uncle had suffered from fungal infections in their lungs so I am not sure if it is some type of fungal infection somewhere in my body.  Any help is appreciated.   Thank you.

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363281 tn?1643235611
I agree with your doctor, you do probably have Candida. It does not take a lot to make a person with it feel lousy. Stick with the diet, take a good, pro-biotic supplement, and supplements that do not have yeast or soy in them. Also, if possible, go to the health food store and buy a good intestional de-tox formula, follow the directions on the box, you should start feeling better as the fungi are killed off, but, a word of warning, while it is getting killed, you will feel worse, it is a rebound action and perfectly normal when doing these types of cleansing.

God bless, hope you feel better soon.
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