1435970 tn?1283653193

Am I really as bad as they said?

I've recently seen an Allergy Specialist and found out I'm allergic to:
Corn, Wheat, Maple Syrup, Beef, Tree Nuts and a few others.
My question is this.. how in the world could I become allergic to so many things? I have eaten most of those foods for the past 22 years without problems.. but now I get heart burn all the time and it won't seem to go away even after I cut out all of those foods. Just to test things.. I ate a few pieces of a wheat cookie.. and I felt fine afterward. So I'm lost...
2 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
I remember many years ago when I was under massive stress, my doctor did some food allergy tests on me, he was shocked at the results, most were all 5's!! This is very high, he said he had never seen anyone with so many allergies. I avoided the foods that were the highest number, and ate in small amounts the foods that were 3's. Now, I am happy to say, I am almost food allergy free.

Oh, food allergies can definitely cause heartburn, and about a 100 other symptoms a person would never think of. It takes about a week or so to get the allergen out of your system.
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168348 tn?1379357075

I'm not an expert, but do you react to these foods or did they show + . .. . you can be + w/o a reaction but even cutting out foods can take a long time (up to weeks) to baseline to normal bcz ofthe inflammation on the linings of the GI as I understand.

Maybe you were always allergic but w/o symptoms and now they are showing up ?

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