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allergy testing

Can quercetin affect the results of allergy testing?
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1332024 tn?1275361449
I  too love the brilliant effect I get from using quercetin, but was alarmed tolearn today that the brand I bought recently, is actually derived from onion, one of the things I am allergic to??!!
I am scared to use it now in case it makes my symptoms worse, not better...The company assured me it wouldn't, but does anyone else know/have experience of this?
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To Imarea - I love the anti-inflammatory affects of quercetin, and use it often. It really works for me! It may affect any test that measures inflammation, if you have enough of it in your system.

To monimurp - I agree with ChitChat - you should have thyroid testing done for the hair loss. Also, you might want to have your adrenal function examined. Suddenly developing allergies or sensitivity to many things is often the first sign of adrenal fatigue.

Best Wishes,
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Good evening!

Just a couple of questions.

1.  How do you test for a Milk allergy on someone over 40?
2.  How do you test for a smoking allergy?  I don't smoke, but people around me do!
3.  If I wanted to test for hayfever/oven cleaners and other allergies.

I take my dog (Newfoundland lab and blue healer) for a walk every morning - I don't even make it a half a block and my eyes are watering and my nose is stuffy and I start sneezing.  Is this from the snow molds (weather changing) - because it happens even when there is just snow on the ground and/or when there is just grass.

As for the milk - I had a cup of coffee and the girl added french vanilla for flavouring - I didn't even drink a 1/4 of the cup, I started sweating (hot flashes), stomach pains, and my stomach started making weird noised, I started vibrating and swelling.  Is this a reaction?  I do the same thing when I have a glass of milk.

As for the smoke allergy - my husband lite a cigar in the house the other, I was in the bedroom and started coughing and trying to catch my breath - is this a reaction to cigars?  I do the same thing, but not as severe when someone smokes in my house!

I am seriously looking for answers on how to get tested for these.

One more problem, I have been loosing my hair for years, one of my uncles and their children were diagnosed with Hemachromatosis.
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thats a good question. I dont know but to take a guess, I would say there there always could be the possibility because it does have ANTI inflammatory properties.
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