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Grown-Up Allergies.....Huh?!

Hi all!!! After 3 years of feeling like crap, i've seen over 20 doctors. I was tested twice for celiac (among other things) and it was negative both times. 6 months ago i was tested for all food allergies and that was negative. Now all of a sudden.............. I go to see a holistic doctor for my uncontrolled hypothyroidism and i show an allergy to wheat and whey!!! What?!?!? Can this just "pop up" like that? Has anyone heard of that before? I'm freaking out.
3 Responses
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681148 tn?1437661591
FYI:  The blood test many doctors rely too heavily on is nowhere near as accurate as they would like it to be.  You could be like me and have the gluten intolerance without ever testing positive for even gluten intolerance.  So, I do have to still eat like a Celiac.  My better doctors know I really do have gluten intolerance, but there are some that refuse to believe unless they're stinking, less-than-accurate blood test tells them so.  I ignore these ones because I know they don't know what they're talking about.  Some people actually do have Celiac but they can't get a doctor to confirm that they do.  Then, still others end up causing themselves a lot more internal damage because they continue to eat like a person without Celiac--all because the test didn't say they have Celiac.

Since the Celiac diet is a perfectly healthy diet, then this is a situation where if you know you react in some way to gluten, then you are better off listening to what your own body is telling you.

There is one way to keep from having to read too many labels:  Shopping the perimeter of the grocery stores and staying out of the aisles as much as possible will definitely reduce the number of labels you have to read.  You still have to read labels, though, when you have allergies.  There are some gluten free products, for example, that use corn.  Well, not only is corn simply not good for people in general, it is also a common allergen.  Corn is horrific for me.  But, I tested negative for "true" allergy.  However, corn causes me horrific symptoms, including migraines.  It causes me horrible GI symptoms, too.  It's another example that one must read the labels.

Basically, if you're sure that the foods you mentioned are causing you problems, even though the tests come back negative, go with what your body is telling you, because you'll definitely feel better.
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363281 tn?1714899967
You bet they can. I have read that our bodies change every five years, sometimes more than that, so, the suddeness of an allergy is very possible.

One of the doctors I see is a Naturopath, and she was the one that finally got to the root of all my problems..............food allergies. I, too, am allergic to wheat, it is very common as bsml said, so is whey. Sometimes, they are not allergies, but "sensitivities" however, both can make you feel crummy.

As I stated earlier, I have allergies, quite a few, but, I am used to them, and I try not to eat those that I know are the most offending very sparingly, usually, that helps to keep things at bay.

Try eliminating the offending foods, and make sure you read the labels, alot of foods have whey and wheat in them, but, are not predominate, it takes some getting use to, but after a while, it is just second nature to read those labels.

God bless and keep us posted.

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Yes, allergies can "pop up" that way.  Actually most do.  Allergies are wierd.  It is kind of like having and exposure limit.  Once you have been exposed to a substance so much, you become allergic to it.

In your case, I think it is more of an intolerance than a true allergy.  I don't trust holistic doctors very much.  If they have a medical degree and have added a holistic approach that is a different story.  

Wheat and whey are common problems for people. I suggest you try the suggested diet and see how things go.  You actually have a short list of "allergies" as diagnosed by a holistic doctor.  Some people I know who have gone to them have been told they are allergic to just about everything.  

Give it a try.  Eliminating those two foods is common, and it certainly won't hurt you.

Take care and God bless.
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