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Tell me how im supposed to breathe with no Air?

I HAVE NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAD ALLERGY UNTILL NOW I AM 20 YRS OLD. I have had allergies for about 6 months now. I went to the doctor and she told me i had rhinitis. My symptoms include my nose always being clogged up which causes me to breath through my mouth and it also leaks fluid out of my nose sometimes. I also have gotten some scaly rashes around my eyes.
Ive been given some allergy medicine to take but it hasnt really worked. Im thinking the symptoms point to hay fever but i REALLY WANT TO KNOW QUESTION1: Will i be able to breath out of both nostrils again? QUESTION2: Is their any medication i can take to cure it? Thanks
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Have you done any allergy testing? If not, you may want to start there.

Once you know what you are allergic to, you can go in for weekly shots. Sometimes this can "cure" the allergy. The shots help fight the allergen, which in turn makes antibodies. After awhile you should start getting relief and hopefully be able to discontinue the shots eventually.

Meanwhile, let your doctor know that the allergy med you are presently taking is not working for you. There are several meds to help allergic rhinitis.

Yes, once the allergies are under control, you will be able to breathe again!

Good luck!
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168348 tn?1379357075
Have they suggested Flonase?

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I have had allergies for over 40 years.  Believe me the treatments available today are so much better than what we had in the past.  I, too, could not breathe for many years, but with the right meds I now feel completely normal.   What works for one person may not work for another but there are so many options that I'm sure your doctor can find what works for you.  Hang in there.
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