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Tremors when touching certain foods

I am a female (31) and was diagnosed with severe adrenal exhaustion and hypothyroidism about 1 1/2 yrs. ago. I was on oxygen for 4 mos. just prior to being diagnosed. I was also on physiological doses of hydrocortisone and florinef for about 9mo. I have been slowly improving but for almost 1 yr. now, if I touch certain foods, supplements, drinks or medications, my body starts to tremor. This will go away by removing my hands from that product. However, I have had some severe reactions (neck jerks, rash, lightheadedness, difficulty breathing, etc.) by ingesting food or a supplement that my body did not initially react to. If touching after a reaction, I will get severe tremors. The list of items is ever increasing making it hard to find food to eat. One certain manufacturer of precription drugs works all the time, but others of the exact same prescription create tremors and severe reactions.

I have researched the internet countless hours and have not found any doctor, medical professional or nutrionist who have ever heard of this. I believe solving this problem is key to restoring my health.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
12 Responses
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1701263 tn?1307138448

From your long history it seems that due to long suffering of the disease you have got Anxiety neurosis causing all problems.
In hypothyroid this type of symptoms is common so see that your thyroid is under control.
Go for routine check up for thyroid and adjust the dose of medicine accordingly.
Once thyroid is all right your most of the symptoms will go.
If you have still problem you consult psychiatrist for anxiety neurosis.

Wish you speedy recovery.
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Thanks so much for your comments. My daughter has already seen a prominent neuropsychologist who did very extensive testing and ruled out psychological reasons. She has not been able to handle thyroid as the adrenals are too still too weak. If she takes thyroid meds., then she has heart palpitations. Just touching it brings on hand and arm tremors.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Understand your predicament. However, the diagnosis of allergy is difficult to prove or refute. Clinical suspicion and trial of elimination diets are used. An allergy specialist might be able to help you. You can start by maintaining a food dairy and record those specific items that are inducing your symptoms. This will help to narrow down the search. He may identify the allergen by skin testing and help to desensitize you.

Hope This Helped and Do Keep Us Posted!!
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Thank you for your advice and I appreciate your interest in helping to identify this mystery. About 1 year ago, my daughter's NMD administered a blood test for food allergy (FoodStats Antibody Assessment) by US BioTek using "Standard Food Panel IgG". The test results indicated a number of sensitivities and those foods have been avoided since then. There are a few that are rotational and those are closely monitored using a calendar. She has a growing number of sensitivities since this test and her doctor asked her to do an experiment at our local health food store where we purchase many of our produce. As an example, there is one type of apple that was grown by the same company but in a different location. She could touch one and not have any tremors but when touching the other, she experienced tremors. This remained consistent even 1 week later. This also happens on other produce.

Lastly, she was in the hospital for pneumonia in April 2011. The doctor ordered IV antibiotics to be administered. There were two different antibiotic IV bags to be given, but when she touched one bag, she had violent muscle spasms over the whole body which tripped the heart monitor and read greater than 140 bpm. The nurses had never seen this and didn't know what to do until we instructed them to take the bag away quickly. The tremors or muscle spasms subsided, heart rate went back to normal, and muscle spasms stopped. The other antibiotic bag did not produce any tremors and was administered without any problems.

Rick & Jenny
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I wanted to check in on this to see if there was any updates on your daughter?  Hope everything is ok.
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As of August 23, there has been little change. The tremors still exist when certain foods, drinks or supplements  that her body does not agree with. If we could only get some clue as to what the cause may be. Last week, she did the top of the line parasite test and sent it off to the lab (Genova Diagnostics). Dr. thinks maybe parasites are robbing her of nutrients. We should have results back in a couple of weeks. Cold laser by her chiropractor has been the most effective help. I'll keep updating as we learn more.

Thanks for your interest.
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168348 tn?1379357075
My daughter has to be very careful with fruits, too.  One brand of a fruit is ok but another one will cause severe allergic reactions.  Organic apples usually are okay, and all others are not which makes us really wonder about pesticides in her case.

When you mention the bag of antibiotics, this is a long shot -- but, can you find the manufacturer of the two bags and see if one contained latex and the other did not?  If she happens to be severely latex allergic, that type of allergy can cross-react into dozens of foods and be hidden in products.  Latex continues to get worse and not better with repeated exposure.  Just a thought if they didn't do a RAST test for Latex.

My daughter, when she was 8, did a total food elimination diet as Dr. Paderla Anitha, DNB  has suggested .. we found out her culprit was the tyramine in chocolate causing migraine headaches and severe joint pain and inflammation along with cognitive issues.  She, also was severe intolerant to almost 20 foods.  Today she has issues with the chocolate still, but has outgrown most her food issues only to be replaced with serious bee sting allergy.

Keep us posted .... we are here for you.

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1666434 tn?1325262350
Argh, yes definitely let us know the parasite results.  It's very frustrating when it is trial and error like this I am sure.  Keep us posted.
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Thanks for all the responses from everyone. Jenny recently had a very complex and expensive parasite test from a specialty lab and they found not one single trace of parasite or parasite eggs. They did note she has a "malabsorption" problem as she can't seem to absorb nutrients. She also has NO probiotics in her system and a plant derived probiotic that her doctor gave her yesterday was OK for about 1 hr. Then, her body temperature dropped about 1 degree and she now has severe tremors just touching the bottle. We remove the contents from the capsule and she was able to touch the capsule with no problem. However, when she touched the probiotics, she had tremors and they would not go away until she washed her hands.

We'll keep doing a nightly research and hope to find an answer. We certainly appreciate your comments and suggestions.

Rick & Jenny

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1666434 tn?1325262350
Thanks so much for keeping us posted on this.  I am certainly at a loss for a solution so I do hope you find out something more soon.
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Can Latex cause tremors??  I recently was seen in the ER for a unrelated issue and after an IV was flushed with normal saline I began to have a severe tremor.  A rash formed on my chest and my heart rate shot up over 200.  It was the worst thing ever.  They kept telling me I couldn't be allergic to the saline, but every time they gave me meds threw the IV with in minutes it would all come back!  It took two weeks of a round the clock benadryl when I got home before the tremor went away.  Could this be the cause?  Maybe latex in the iv tubing???  How can I find out what brand tubing was used to even look it up?
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168348 tn?1379357075
So sorry to hear this happened... I'm not sure, but I would definitely begin with asking your doctor if the tubing is latex or latex free .. so much more is now routinely latex-free so it's hard to say for sure.  

Another area to look into is that some meds in vials have latex in the stopper.

Please keep us posted .....

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