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Unknown Allergy - HELP!!!!!

I am 26 years old, approximately 3 years ago I began to have random outbreaks of hives. Over the last 3 years these outbreaks have become more frequent and severe.  These outbreaks ALWAYS occur between 11 -1 at night. I have not been able to find a pattern with these reactions. I usually have upper stomach pain and heartburn leading up to full body hives and extreme itching. I also have a extreme heat sensation on my head and face and a tingling sensation in my mouth and nose. I have been to the ER, Primary Doctor, and Allergy Clinic with no answers. The Allergy specialist performed a skin test and sent me on my way with no answers. The last time I had a reaction, I went to the ER where I was told that I need to go to the ER every time I have a reaction, this is opposite what the Allergy Specialist told me. I am not sure where to turn right now. My quality of life ***** because Iam always worried that Iam going to have another reaction that might kill me. I cannot link my reactions to any food but I know it has to be something Iam ingesting. There is no family history of any allergy and I have never before been allergic to anything. Please let me know if you can help me figure out where to turn.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Have you by any chance seen a Naturopath. They will not take this lightly and should have more answers than a regular doctor. I can't imagine what could be happening to you. Maybe you have some allergies to your bed linen or soaps, or even clothing. It sounds like it is environmental or chemical what ever the cause.
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168348 tn?1379357075

Sassy has some good advice above.

I am wondering if it takes a certain am't of time from when you ingest something for it to trigger at that hour?  And something only eaten at night or late night?

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might explain also the timing of your reactions
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Hives develop in response to an allergic reaction, by the release of histamine. The allergen can be medications, food, extremes of temperature, exercise and viral infections to name a few. So, therapy lies in identifying the causative factor and anti-histamines during the attack. If the allergen is from food, you will have to maintain a food dairy and observe which food, on consumption is causing this problem.

Hope This Helped and Do Keep Us Posted.
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