1264429 tn?1301283050

What causes random reaction or swelling?

I was at work, sitting in the break room with some friends. It came on very very suddenly. All of a sudden the skin in my nose and cheeks started to get really hot, almost felt like it was burning. When I "scrunched" my nose it ached, felt numb, and tight like it would if I had a sunburn. It started to feel puffy and the next thing i knew my upper lip was swollen. My whole face, neck, and chest was red. This all happened over the period of 5-10 minutes. Like I said, it was very sudden. I have NO food allergies. I did nothing out of the ordinary. I work in a deli, and we had to do a boil out with our fryer, and that means boiling this harsh chemical, I don't know what it is or what its called but its very harsh, and very strong. I never have been there while that's been done, because they usually do it on the second shift. I wasn't by it much and I wasn't even the one working with it but that's all I can think of. The thing is, it happened 15 minutes after being exposed to it.
I got really scared and still am a little shaken up. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. Like I said I wasn't even working with the chemicals just near it.
2 Responses
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1597912 tn?1303590441
I had that problem when I worked in food service- I was allergic to the sanitizers and degreasers used because they contained Potassium Hydroxide- a chemical that causes a severe allergic reaction in some people when exposed to it again and again.  You should get a list from the OSHA book at your work about the chemicals that you use on the job and have your doctor do an allergy test for them.  At the worst, you won't be able to work at any place where those chemicals are used, but trust me, it's worth not getting that burning sensation.  I had to quit my job when that happened to me because it slowly got worse to the point one day I was working and my throat began to swell shut.  Please be careful around that chemical, because that could happen to you if you are exposed to it too much.  

I hope that this helps you a little and wish you luck.  : )
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168348 tn?1379357075
WOW .. that is awful for both of you!

I would see an allergist and get a prescription for an epi-pen .. esp if you are working in the industry .. even if you avoid this chemical, you may never really be 100% sure it isn't around ... be sure to ask your dr about carrying Benadryl with you, too, in case this should ever happen again.

Luckily both of you are okay .. scary stuff.

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